Han Shimou

Chapter 810 The Battle of Hulao Pass

Hearing the sound, Deng Yi turned around and looked around. He saw the mountains, seas and forests in the distance, and the flames spread across the sky, turning the night into a bright day. () Deng Yi immediately guessed that most of Sun Ce's troops must have been attacked by fire, and now another enemy army has entered the city.Deng Yi felt cold all over, remembering what Zhou Yu said before he left, telling him to keep Jiangling safe, otherwise his head would be necessary.

Thinking of Zhou Yu's icy cold eyes at that time, Deng Yi shivered suddenly, then he gritted his teeth, his eyes were dark, and he gathered a group of confidant soldiers, and they fled outside the city instead of going inside the city to rescue them.

Deng Yi fled out of the city with thousands of soldiers. When the soldiers and horses in the city learned that Deng Yi had absconded in fear of crime, they were in chaos and fled out of the city one after another.There are still many members of the Cai family in the city, who are still desperately resisting. These people are almost all Cai Mao's confidantes and generals. They hate Liu Bei to the bone, and it is absolutely impossible to surrender to Liu Bei.But now that the general situation is over, these soldiers of the Cai family can't turn the tide at all. Under Pan Fengbiao's bravery and bravery, they were all wiped out one after another.

Therefore, Pan Feng quickly seized the four gates in the city and ordered soldiers from all ministries to guard them closely.

On the other side, after Deng Yi escaped for five or six miles from Jiangling City, he had just arrived at a link, when suddenly a group of men rushed out.Before Deng Yi could react, he saw Liu Bei and Liu Feng stabbing obliquely in front of him.Liu Feng stabbed with his spear, Deng Yi hurriedly blocked it with his knife.At this time, Liu Bei swung his double-pronged swords, one sword struck Deng Yi's helmet, and the other struck Deng Yi's chest.Deng Yi screamed and fell off his horse.Liu Feng hurriedly got off his horse and caught him.

"Don't kill me!!! I am willing to surrender!!!"

Deng Yi shouted in a miserable voice, Liu Feng cast a cold look at Liu Bei, Liu Bei nodded slightly, and ordered Deng Yi to order his troops to put down their weapons.Deng Yi quickly obeyed Liu Bei's order and ordered his men to put down their weapons.These soldiers were all Deng Yi's confidantes, seeing that Deng Yi had surrendered, they gave up struggling and put down their weapons one after another.Liu Bei and Liu Fengsui commanded troops and horses, and captured Deng Yi and his deployment as many as possible.

It is said that Zhou Yu did not stop, looking at the mountains, seas and forests all the way to rush.On the way, I saw a flame bursting in the distance, and then the fire became more and more intense.Zhou Yu suddenly turned pale in shock, knowing that the troops who had rushed to report earlier must have encountered an ambush, and he did not notify Sun Ce.At this time, most of Sun Ce's troops were hit hard.

After Zhou Yu thought about it, he didn't care about pondering any more, and immediately led the army to rush to rescue.When Zhou Yu was about to rush to the sea of ​​flames, he suddenly heard the sound of fighting not far away, thinking that most of them were Sun Ce's soldiers and horses, he hurriedly led the army away.

But Sun Ce, Lu Meng, and Ling Tong gathered the remnants of the army and were about to return to the city, when suddenly dust rose up in front of them, and all the soldiers were ambushed one after another, and they all panicked.

At this moment, a scream sounded.

"The one in front is the lord!!!?"

When Sun Ce heard it, he immediately recognized Zhou Yu's voice and shouted anxiously.

"Gongjin!! I'm here!!!"

When Zhou Yu heard it, the heart that was hanging high in his throat immediately let go.As long as Sun Ce has no losses, everything can come back.Zhou Yu hurriedly rode his horse and ran to Sun Ce. Seeing that Sun Ce's face was covered with ashes and his armor was not in order, he knew that he must be in danger again and again.Sun Ce was about to tell Zhou Yu about the past one by one. Zhou Yu was furious when he heard it, but in the end he suppressed it tightly. After pondering for a while, he showed a faint smile. (.)

"This mountain villager is indeed extraordinary. He was defeated by him in the past because he underestimated this man. Now, it seems that this Zhuge Kongming is just like what his brother Zhuge Ziyu said, he is a world-class genius!"

Sun Ce let out a long breath, and Zhou Yu's smile suddenly made him feel broad-minded.Sun Ce also showed a smile and said.

"Winning or losing is a common matter for military strategists. We already know that Zhuge Kongming is powerful, so we only need to be cautious in the future, and we will not make the big mistake of today! Gongjin and I will retreat into the city, and after we have assembled our troops, we will fight to the death with him! "

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu are the pillars of Jiangdong. As long as they are not discouraged, Jiangdong's generals and soldiers will still have the fighting spirit to fight.Now that Sun Ce had finished reorganizing his troops, he hurried to Jiangling City. All the troops took precautions along the way until they reached Jiangling City.

As soon as Sun Ce arrived at the city gate, he shouted to the soldiers in the city to open the gate, but in response, there were arrows all over the sky.Sun Ce was taken aback, and hurriedly shifted his gun to gear.

After the arrows shot down, one general led a group of troops and rushed out. All the soldiers in Jiangdong stared at him in astonishment. It was Pan Wushuang.At this time, two people came out of the city together. One of them had a face like a crown jade, a lun scarf on his head, a white crane cloak on his body, and a goose feather fan in his hand, like a fairy in the sky.One person has his hands above his knees, his big ears hang down his shoulders, and his eyes seem to have the majesty of swallowing the world.It is Zhuge Kongming and his master Liu Xuande.

Liu Bei was condescending, looking down at the Jiangdong soldiers and horses below the city, and smiled brightly.

"Hahaha!!! Sun Bofu, I have been taking Jiangling for a long time, and now Deng Yi has been captured by me. You should return to Jiangdong quickly, and don't want to invade my land in Jingzhou again! Otherwise, I will teach you to die There is no place to die!!!”

"Wow wow wow!!! Big ear thief, you bullied me too much!!! I will never die with you!!!!"

When Sun Ce heard that Jiangling had been captured, he was so angry that his whole body was filled with anger, and his whole body seemed to be on fire.At this time, Zhuge Liang, who was beside Liu Bei, waved his fan and smiled.

"Don't be impatient, Marquis Wu. My lord is just taking back his brother Liu Jingsheng's territory. Marquis Wu didn't lose an inch of land, why should he be so aggressive."


Sun Ce heard Zhuge Liang's sarcasm, and his eyes widened with anger.At this time, Zhou Yu noticed that Pan Feng was ready to fight and would come to fight at any time, and the crossbowmen in the city were also ready to respond at any time.Zhou Yu feared that Sun Ce would be fooled by Zhuge Liang's provocative tactics and make a hasty mistake, so he rushed forward on his horse, looking at Zhuge Liang with cold eyes, and said in a loud voice.

"Zhuge Kongming really deserves the name of Crouching Dragon. Zhou has learned a lot in recent days. I will punish him ten times in the future!"

"Haha. Zhou Lang is the most wise man in the world. In front of you, Liang would dare to use his axe. If he still has a chance in the future, Liang will bow his knees and wait in fear!"

After Zhou Yu heard this, a surge of incomparable desire flowed straight into his heart.Zhou Yu suffered setbacks in Zhuge Liang's hands one after another, for someone as proud as him, it was like stabbing him several times.But Zhou Yu knew in his heart that he must not be arrogant, so he kept suppressing him firmly.At this time, Zhuge Liang's sarcasm suddenly made his anger that had been accumulating all the time burst out.

Zhou Yu's eyes were red, and he glared at Zhuge Liang in the city angrily, gnashing his teeth and shouting word by word.

"From now on, in the world, there will be light but no light, and there will be light but no light!!! Sooner or later, I will definitely take your head!!!!"

It was as if Zhou Yu had cast a poisonous curse. As soon as his voice fell, the sky changed drastically. A thunderbolt suddenly fell, and the torrential rain poured down!

Zhuge Liang stared at Zhou Yu silently, the faces of the two of them were particularly clear under the light of the thunder.It seems that from this moment on, Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang will become lifelong enemies.

After a while, Zhuge Liang sighed slightly.

"It's a pity that Zhou Lang is so narrow-minded."

Zhuge Liang said with a bit of regret, he turned around and left after he finished speaking, Liu Bei immediately ordered the archers in the city to shoot their arrows together, Sun Ce was shocked, and hurriedly protected Zhou Yu and fled back to the formation.After the arrow shot down, Pan Feng immediately led his troops to chase and kill him.Jiangdong's soldiers and horses retreated and fought. Under Pan Feng's rush, they broke off a lot of soldiers and horses.Sun Ce and Zhou Yu led the army to look at Jiangling and Yiyang, a county near the county, at night.

Yiyang County is close to Jiangdong, and the county magistrate of Yiyang County is Cai's confidant, named Wang Han.Earlier, Zhou Yu ordered Deng Yi to order Wang Han to gather food, grass and supplies in Yiyang to meet Cheng Pu's troops who came to help after the capture of Changsha in the future.At this time, the Jiangdong army lost all food and grass, and Jiangling City was captured by Liu Bei. Yiyang City happened to be used as a place of refuge.

A few days later, Wang Han learned that Jiangdong's army was coming to Yiyang, so he quickly led civil and military personnel from the county to greet him at the city gate.After Sun Ce and Wang Han finished their rites, they led the army into the city to rest and recuperate.

At this time, there were only [-] to [-] soldiers and horses left in Jiangdong, and nearly [-] soldiers and horses were lost in the big defeat a few days ago.Sun Ce's loss of Jiangling and the loss of so many troops made it difficult to dissipate his anger, so he gathered together the tents, the military and the military to discuss, and was about to make a comeback.

But he said that under Zhuge Liang's ingenious plan, Liu Bei seized Jiangling, a county in Nanjun County, and it was decided to appease the people.In the hall of the county government office, Deng Yi knelt down and wept, pleading guilty.After listening to Liu Bei, he hesitated whether to accept Deng Yi.At this moment, Zhuge Liang sternly ordered the sword and ax to push down and cut him.Liu Bei hurriedly stopped and asked Zhuge Liang.

"Although Deng Yi is guilty, he has already been surrendered to me. Why did the military commander kill him?"

Zhuge Liang narrowed his eyes, with hatred in his eyes, and said in a concentrated voice.

"This person was deeply favored by the Cai family, but he turned his back on him and threw himself into Jiangdong secretly. This is unfaithful. In the past, he fled in fear of crime and turned against Jiangdong. This is unrighteous. This person is unfaithful and unrighteous. He will turn against him after a long time, so Cut it first, so as to eliminate the root of the disaster!"

When Liu Bei heard the words, he hissed and said.

"If this person is beheaded, I'm afraid that his subordinates will be in danger, and everyone will be in danger. I hope the military commander will forgive him."

Zhuge Liang pondered for a while, then pointed to Deng Yi and shouted.

"I spare your life today because of my lord's benevolence. You can repay the lord loyally, and don't have any disagreements. If you have any disagreements, I will take your head anyway!!" Deng Yi was terrified, and retreated repeatedly.Liu Bei appeased the surrendered troops and rectified the troops to prevent Jiangdong from making a comeback and committing crimes in Jiangling again.

That's all for the time being about the war in Jingzhou.Looking at the battle that attracts the attention of the world, it is said that Cao Cao gathered hundreds of thousands of troops at the junction of Hanoi and Henan counties, and fierce generals and warriors gathered like stars, and Guo Jia, a famous "ghost" in the world, was the military adviser in the army.Cao Cao personally led the army and pressed it to the border of Hanoi.

Cao Cao has always marched very fast, and the soldiers rushed to the distance all day long. Many generals and schoolmen in the army were worried and advised Cao Cao.

"The prime minister's rapid advance can prevent the other army from ambush."

Cao Cao smiled when he heard the words, the sky-swallowing details burst out with brilliance, and said with a smile.

"I can get Hanoi at the flick of my fingers. At this moment, the people of the Northwest are panicking. If we don't advance quickly, we will miss the opportunity. What's more, although our army is marching fast, there are many guides accompanying us on the way. Scouts, we have detected the enemy's situation. Don't worry about it, the Prime Minister has his own conclusions."

Cao Cao is the hero of the world, the most powerful prince in the world, he uses soldiers like a god, how could he make low-level mistakes.After Cao Cao laughed, he saw that he was about to reach Hulao pass, so he ordered the army to go down to the stronghold.When the camp was settled, Cao Cao asked the soldiers under the tent how to do it.

"Hulao Pass is connected to Songyue Mountain in the south and the Yellow River in the north. There are criss-crossed mountains and mountains. It is a natural danger. It has the tendency of 'one man guards the pass, and ten thousand men cannot open it'. It is the most dangerous pass in the world. Who dares to take Hulao Pass first!? "

All the generals under Cao Cao's command, when they heard that Hulao Pass was like a tiger's face, at this moment, one of them came out and shouted sharply.

"The last general is willing to be the vanguard, take the Hulao Pass first!!"

It was Xu Chu, the 'tiger idiot', the general under Cao Cao's command, who everyone was eager to see.When Cao Cao saw that it was Xu Chu, he was overjoyed immediately, he smiled openly, clapped his hands and said with a smile.

"Haha! With Zhongkang here, I can rest easy."

As soon as Cao Cao laughed, Liu Ye hurriedly got up to attend, and bowed in obeisance.

"Prime Minister wait a moment. Hulaoguan and the name of Huhou are taboo. It is unlucky to pretend to be taboo. The prime minister will send others. According to what Ye sees, General Dian is an ancient evil. He is invincible in the world. He is a pioneer. job!"

Dian Wei, who was next to Cao Cao, grinned when he heard the words. He wanted to take the order, but Xu Chu took the lead.Now Liu Ye's words can be said to have reached Dian Wei's heart.Dian Wei was about to step out to speak, when Xu Chu suddenly stared strangely and shouted sharply.

"Liu Sima's words are really ridiculous!!! I waited for the soldiers to attack the city with courage and bravery. How can I lose my courage because of the taboo of this name. If people find out, they will laugh at my useless soldiers and horses in the Central Plains!! Also please prime minister Don't care about these unreasonable words, Chu will break through the tiger's prison and dedicate it to the prime minister!!"

"Haha! Zhongkang's spirit is so invincible!! I will make you the vanguard, Zhang Jai, and Yu Jin as the lieutenant generals. I will send [-] elite troops to plunder the battle first, and then I will lead the troops to respond."

Let's say that Guan Yu and Xilong gathered [-] elite soldiers in Hanoi County, and they took back Zhang Liao and Xu Huang earlier to resist Cao Cao's [-] powerful army.Xi Long and Guan Yu guarded Hulao Pass, and Xu Huang was ordered to go down to the south of Songshan Mountain, thinking that they were going to fight the horns.

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