Han Shimou

Chapter 813 Cao Cao's Injury

Seeing that Zhang Liao was so rampant in his own army, Cao Cao was not angry but happy, and quickly ordered many generals around him to capture Zhang Liao.Five generals of Cao Jun came out in response, and each took his way to capture Zhang Liao.The two generals rushed to the first, and came to kill from left and right. Zhang Liao had just broken through a group of troops and was facing the two of them.General Cao Jun on the left was furious when he saw this, and slashed Zhang Liao's right arm with a knife.Zhang Liao quickly drew back Fang Tian's painting halberd, blocked and stabbed again, and knocked off a general of Cao's army from his horse.Zhang Liao killed two generals, but before he recovered his senses, another three generals came from three directions, and most of Cao's troops rushed up behind him.Zhang Liao shouted loudly, turned around and killed the soldiers first, as if breaking through a bloody road, waiting for the next three generals to kill.Zhang Liao suddenly slashed back with his halberd, one general was hit, and the other two generals lost their colors in shock. Zhang Liao kept drawing his halberd, stabbing left and right, and knocked off two Cao Jun generals from their horses.

Seeing Zhang Liao's supernatural power and invincible bravery, Cao Cao became more possessive in his heart, so he galloped forward and shouted at Zhang Liao.

"Zhang Wenyuan, you are a hero in the world. With your martial arts skills, if you are willing to surrender, I will give you the title of king in the past! Wen Bufan is dying. Hanoi, Bingzhou, and Dongchuan are all invaded by powerful enemies. Sooner or later, it will be overthrown. Why do you follow him wholeheartedly!!!”

As soon as Cao Cao's words fell, Zhang Liao suddenly rode his horse and flew towards Cao Cao.The soldiers didn't know what Zhang Liao's intentions were, and they didn't know how to stop him for a while.When Cao Cao was on his side, seeing Zhang Liao's sword eyes full of murderous intent, he exclaimed in surprise.

"Hurry up and protect the prime minister!!!!"

At the end of the ban, regardless of Cao Cao's order, he immediately drew his bow and fired arrows to shoot.At the same time, Cao Cao saw Zhang Liao rushing towards him with a murderous aura, so he fled back to the rear in embarrassment.Zhang Liao rushed to block with his halberd, but all the arrows he shot were blocked.

Yu Jin hurriedly drew his bow and Zhang Liao saw that Cao Cao had already escaped, so he did not dare to act rashly, so he pulled out his horse and charged back.Cao Cao's kind intentions, but Zhang Liao's killing intent instead.But Cao Cao is worthy of being a hero in the world, not only was he not angry, but ordered Yu Jin not to shoot arrows, and shouted after him.

"Zhang Wenyuan!!! This prime minister is powerful in the world, and sooner or later he will win the government like the first emperor and unify the world!!! If you lose your way and find your way back, you are willing to come and vote. The door of this prime minister will always be open for you!!!"

Cao Cao shouted, his voice shook the world.But Zhang Liao didn't pay any attention to it, and killed all the way with a painting halberd, as if he had opened a bloody road.Generals Xu Chu, Gao Lan, and Li Dian were chasing after him, but they received orders from Cao Cao asking him to let Zhang Liao go.The generals had no choice but to let him escape.

On the other side, it is said that Cao Cao led most of his troops to Songshan for rescue, and Zhang Jai strictly ordered the soldiers to guard Dazhai to prevent the Northwest Army from attacking at night.

Zhang Jai knew that Xu Chu had been defeated for a while before, and now that Gao Lan and Li Dian were besieged and killed again, the army's morale was unstable at this time, and they were most vulnerable to surprise attacks tonight. (.) Zhang Jaw dared not rest, and ordered the soldiers not to remove their armor, keep their swords and guns on their bodies, and be ready for battle at any time.

Two hours later, as expected by Zhang Jaw, there really was a Kuaiqi riding towards the camp to kill.Cao Jun's scouts rushed forward to investigate, and saw the leading general, with a red face and a green robe, holding a Qinglong Yanyue knife in his hand.The scout soon recognized that the general was the number one warrior in the world, Guan Yunchang, and was so frightened that he rushed back to the camp to report to Zhang Jaw.

Guan Yu rode a red rabbit horse and galloped, pulled out the antlers, shouted, and rushed into the village. The Cao army in front of the gate couldn't stop him, and they scattered as soon as they charged. All the soldiers fled, so Guan Yu led the cavalry to the Chinese army to kill Cao Cao.Cao's soldiers were in a sudden chaos. It turned out that Cao Cao had come in a hurry earlier.Guan Yu led the cavalry to charge left and right.Cao Bing panicked. He didn't know how many enemy soldiers were there, and they disturbed each other. The chaos was as if a pot had exploded.Guan Yu galloped across the camp, killing whenever he came across.The battalions clamored and raised fire like stars, and the shouts were loud.Guan Yu fought all the way, and no one dared to take him. He rushed to the camp of the Chinese army and wanted to take Cao Cao's head.

Zhang Jai had already set up an ambush with an army. Seeing Guan Yu attacking the village, he immediately gave an order and fired ten thousand arrows.All of a sudden, arrows shot from all over the sky. Guan Yu was taken aback, and he swung his knife and slashed wildly to block the arrows. Many cavalry in the army were shot and fell off their horses.While defending against the arrows, Guan Yu was anxiously looking for Cao Cao's figure. He looked around, but he still couldn't see him.Guan Yu knew that most of Cao Cao was not in the stronghold, so he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​capturing and killing Cao Cao, so he led his troops to run towards the south gate.

Cao Jun's generals and school all around quickly led their troops to chase, but Zhang Jai hurriedly galloped his horse to stop him, shouting sharply.

"Xi Zhicai is resourceful, the other army is attacking tonight, I'm afraid it will be more than that. If you chase rashly, I'm afraid you will fall into Xi Zhicai's trap. You can only guard the stronghold closely, and don't pursue it!!!"

As soon as the jaw-opening order fell, many Cao Jun generals were outraged.Seeing the faces of the people, Zhang Jai knew what they were thinking, and shouted angrily.

"The prime minister has an order. At this time, I am the commander of the army. Anyone who does not obey the order will be executed!!!"

The military order was like a mountain, and the order fell with Zhang Jaw. Although the generals had complaints, they did not dare to issue them, and they all took orders and left.Zhang Ja then sent several scouts to scout around.

But he said that Guan Yu killed Cao Jun's stronghold and saw that there were no pursuers behind him. Lying silkworm frowned slightly, so he took in an army. After waiting for a while, Cao Bing still did not come to pursue him.Guan Yu Danfeng squinted his eyes, looked at Cao Jun's camp, and said secretly.

"Could it be that someone in Cao Jun has seen the strategist's plan?"

Guan Yu then remembered the scene when he rushed into the Chinese army camp and was ambushed just now, and he had noticed the figure of Zhang Jaw in a hurry.Guan Yu had also heard about Zhang Jaw's name, so he withdrew his army and retreated to look for Xi Zhicai who was lying in ambush not far away.

Xi Zhicai learned about the past from Guan Yu when he was young, and he couldn't help sighing with a solemn expression.

"Zhang Junyi is careful, yet he is able to adapt to changing situations, commanding troops well. He really is a handsome man! With this man guarding Caozhai, I am afraid it will be difficult to conquer for a while. According to the public, Cao Cao is very powerful right now. Maybe he is personally leading the army to Songshan for rescue. Cao Cao's strategy is profound and unfathomable, just in case, we should quickly withdraw to Hulao Pass."

Xi Zhicai had a plan. He expected Cao Cao to divide his troops to rescue Songshan, and the army's morale was in chaos, so he ordered Guan Yu to lead a group of elite soldiers to attack Cao's camp first, and take advantage of the chaos to kill Cao Cao.If it could be killed, Cao Jun would be in chaos, and he would lead the ambush troops into Cao Jun's camp and break them with one blow.If Cao Cao could not be killed, Guan Yu led Cao Jun to the place where he set an ambush. Cao Jun's pursuers were ambushed and panicked.

Although Xi Zhicai's strategy is ingenious, under Zhang Jai's series of ingenious arrangements, he was stillborn.Xi Zhicai negotiated with Guan Yu, and hurriedly withdrew his troops and hurried back to Hulao Pass.Cao Jun's scouts discovered that most of the troops had evacuated, so they quickly reported back to Zhang Jaw.When Cao Jun's generals learned about it, they all lamented that they opened their jaws like a god, and their resentment was gone, and they admired them endlessly.

In other words, although Xu Huang and Zhang Liao escaped, Cao Cao successfully captured the Songshan stronghold.Cao Cao was overjoyed, and rewarded the soldiers under his command with a lot of supplies in the village.Cao Jun's officers and men were all happy, and their morale was high.Cao Cao has always been extremely cautious, lest his own army's Dazhai be ambushed, he rested for a day, and left [-] soldiers and horses to order Gao Lan and Li Dian to guard the Songshan stronghold, while Cao Cao led most of the remaining troops back to his army's camp .

After Cao Cao returned to the stronghold, Zhang Jai led the generals to meet him, knelt down on one knee, and told the past.When Cao Cao heard that there was an attack from the Northwest Army a few days ago, he was shocked at first, and then he heard that Zhang Jai had retreated from the other army, he immediately smiled with joy, raised Zhang Jaw, and held Zhang Jaw's hand.

"Haha, fortunately Junyi is guarding Dazhai, otherwise our army will be in danger!"

After Cao Cao laughed, he gave a thousand taels of gold and silk and a thousand pieces of brocade silk.He opened his jaws to worship and accept, and then distributed more rewards to those who have made great achievements in the past.Cao Cao laughed and said to the generals.

"Wen Bufan is related to Yun Chang, and my prime minister also has Zhang Junyi, who is enough to be an enemy!!"

Although Cao Cao lost a lot of soldiers and horses in the past, but now he captured the stronghold of Songshan Mountain, opened his jaw and retreated the Northwest Army.At the same time, Gao Lan and Li Dian were ordered to pull out their troops to attack Hulao Pass three days later.

A few days later, Cao Cao mobilized [-] troops to kill Hulao Pass with great momentum, and Gao Lan ordered [-] troops from Songshan to kill Hulao Pass.Cao Jun of the two groups was murderous and rushed to Hulao Pass.Seeing that Cao's army was powerful, Xi Long advised Guan Yu not to go into battle rashly, but to take advantage of the danger in Guanzhong to defend.Two groups of Cao troops attacked day and night, and for several days in a row, the Hulao Pass was shaken and shaken, and all the soldiers in the northwest were panicked.

The better the battle situation, the more successful Cao Cao is, and he wants to step up his offensive, conquer Hulao Pass as soon as possible, sweep Hanoi, and conquer the Northwest Army's Hedong base camp.

Three days later at night, Hulao was closed inside the tower.Guan Yu was discussing with Xi Long, Xu Huang, Zhang Liao and other generals.

"Now that the stronghold of Songshan is lost, the power of the horns has been broken. The two armies of Cao's army are attacking together, and our army is in critical condition. Do you have a plan to deal with it!?"

Both Xu Huang and Zhang Liao were cautious generals, they would groan when they heard the words, bow their heads and think hard.The drama is on the side, but it is flat and there is no tension.Guan Yu noticed it, so he cast an urgent look at Xi Long.Xilong understood it, stood up and bowed, and said with a smile.

"At the moment when our side loses, Cao Cao will become more ambitious and proud. I have a plan to teach Cao Mengde to die without a place to die!!!"

"The military adviser has a plan!? Tell me quickly!"

Guan Yu was overjoyed and asked Xi Long anxiously.Xi Longsui delivered it in a concentrated voice, Guan Yu, Xu Huang, and Zhang Liao were all surprised when they heard it, and Guan Yu clapped his hands and laughed.

"The strategist's plan is brilliant, this time I'll see how Cao Mengde escaped!?"

Guan Yu finished laughing, and according to Xilong's plan, each made a transfer order, and all the generals led the order and left.At the time of the fifth watch, Guan Yu sent orders to all the troops to cook meals to replenish their strength.In Pingming, Guan Yu issued another order, ordering all the armies, large and small, to abandon the city.Then close the flags again and again, bluffing.The armies were dispatched cautiously.

But it is said that Cao Cao is planning to conquer Hulao pass as soon as possible, and he is stationed outside the pass.When we arrived in Pingming, we urgently ordered all the troops to reorganize and prepare to march towards Hulaoguan.Suddenly a scout came to report, and heard that there were many chaotic noises in the pass, and it was suspected that something had changed.When Cao Cao heard this, he frowned and looked a little suspicious, so he hurried to the general's platform and looked at it from a high place.

I saw false flags at the edge of Hulao Pass, but no one was guarding them. I also saw the soldiers of the Northwest soldiers bound and bundled around their waists.Cao Cao looked at it for a while, and suddenly laughed. All Cao generals were puzzled and came to ask.Cao Cao said that he will speak with the generals.

"This Guan Yunchang was seized by our army to seize the stronghold of Songshan Mountain and broke his corner. Recently, he was intimidated by our tiger and wolf division army. He has nothing to do. He must prepare to evacuate now."

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