Han Shimou

Chapter 815 Cao Cao's Injury

"Jia is in the position of a military adviser, but he forgot to remind the lord not to underestimate the enemy's carelessness, so this defeat is really Jia's fault!"

When he was young, General Dian and Xu rescued Cao Cao and took him to the tent. Cao Cao was shot by an arrow by Xu Huang, and was later killed by Zhang Liao, cutting off his beard and abandoning his armor. ( ) just returned to the tent, shouted angrily, and immediately fainted to the ground.The generals were terrified, and hurriedly called the military doctor to pull out the arrowhead with iron pliers, and applied the golden sore medicine to cover the sore.Cao Cao was in unbearable pain. After waking up, he passed out from the pain. In addition, he had a headache and couldn't eat or drink. It was difficult to swallow.

Guo Jia and the generals of the Cao army were very anxious and asked about their injuries.The doctor's expression was extremely heavy, and he talked to everyone.

"The general who shot the arrow was powerful. The prime minister's arrow pierced three points into the bone, and he was seriously injured. In addition, the prime minister was shocked, his mind was traumatized, and he also had a headache. Both diseases were combined, and he was urgently unable to recover. If you get angry, the sores will recur, which is not in danger. In my opinion, let’s wait and see for a few days. If the Prime Minister’s respect is too strong to bear, you need to go back to Luoyang to recuperate!"

The generals were all resentful when they heard the words, and at the same time Cao Cao was defeated in this battle, only [-] of the original [-] strong army remained, and nearly half of them were killed or injured.At present, the people in Cao's army are panicked, their morale is plummeting, and Cao Cao is seriously injured, most of the soldiers have the intention of withdrawing their troops.

Cao Cao was in a coma, and Guo Jia took up the post temporarily, that is, to clean up the defeated army, stick to the gates, deep ditches and high fortifications, and take precautions.Guo Jia was not panicked by the loss of power in front of him, he first ordered the three armies to guard each village tightly and not allow them to leave lightly.Three days later, Xu Huang led the army to fight in front of the stronghold, but Guo Jia did not move.Xu Huang insulted Zhan in front of the stronghold, because of Cao Cao's injury, Cao Jun's soldiers all had the heart of revenge, and many troops were eager to move.Seeing the situation, Guo Jia sent an order not to act hastily, and beheaded if he moves indiscriminately.

All the generals rushed to Guo Jia's line, and they all talked.

"Soldiers in the northwest, use your long spears as much as possible, and choose bows and crossbows to meet them. They can be broken!"

Guo Jiahao spoke with a bit of coldness in his eyes.

"The Prime Minister has not woken up yet. Jia was ordered in danger. Whether to fight or not to fight is all up to me, not the thief. Although the thief has a long spear, he can stab it if he can? You should watch it firmly. The thief dare not attack by force. Our army will not Come out and retreat by yourself."

After Guo Jia finished speaking, he drank and retreated all the generals.All the generals discussed in private.

"Marquis Zhen has always been full of tricks and plots. Today, the prime minister was defeated in the northwest, and the prime minister was seriously injured. Marquis Zhen was worried, so it is understandable that he is so weak."

Regarding Guo Jia's showing of weakness, Cao Jun's generals all had different ideas.Xu Huang scolded until dusk before returning, and the next day came to scold Zhan again.The generals came to look for Guo Jia again, and Guo Jia also ordered the troops to stay still.On the third day, Xu Huang yelled and cursed outside the gate of the stronghold, only saying that he wanted to capture Cao Cao.The generals were furious, and the gathered anger broke out suddenly. Guo Jia blocked it firmly, holding the sword seal in his hand to suppress it.

"Haha! I have raised my own affairs, fought countless battles, and thought I understand the art of war very well. The previous one was defeated because of underestimating the enemy. It really shouldn't be!"

As soon as Cao Cao said this, all the generals knelt down and confessed their crimes.Cao Cao smiled again and ordered the generals to stand up, and then saw Guo Jia coming from behind the tent.

At this time, Xu Huang outside the village gathered soldiers, beat drums and cursed again.Cao Cao raised his eyebrows when he heard this, he had his own opinion in his heart, but he asked on purpose.

"Why are you shouting outside the village?"

The generals were afraid that Cao Cao's anger would affect his injuries, so they looked at each other, and after exchanging glances for a while, they all replied in unison.

"Prime Minister, don't worry too much. This is the teaching and acting of soldiers in the army."

Cao Cao's face suddenly changed, and he shouted sharply.

"Why did you bully me! I was seriously injured, and the morale of the army was in turmoil. Xi Zhicai is a person who knows the art of war, so he didn't know how to take advantage of the situation to attack. I know that this is insulting before the Northwest Army came to the stronghold!!!"

Cao Cao predicted things like a god, and all the generals saw that they couldn't hide it, and they all pleaded guilty.Cao Cao turned his eyes, then looked at Guo Jia, and said angrily in detail.

"Guo Fengxiao, you are the military commander in the army. When I am unconscious, you will be in charge of the military. Why do you sit idly by when the other army is plundering the battle!!?"

Guo Jia knew what Cao Cao was thinking, but he didn't expose it, only keeping his word.

"Prime Minister calm down. How dare Jia make a mistake, there is a real reason!"


Suddenly, Cao Cao's momentum burst out, his eyes full of menace, and the generals of the Cao family in front of the bed were suddenly startled.Guo Jia pretended to be terrified, bowed and said again.

"The prime minister's injuries are still unhealed and he is unconscious. The soldiers in the army are half full of hatred and dementia, and half fearful. They want to withdraw the army. Compared with the prime minister's majesty, it is difficult for Jia Yan to stabilize the morale of the army. If he goes out to fight, he will undoubtedly lose! !!"

"Nonsense!!! The Northwest War is the key to the unification of the world. Who dares to disturb the morale of our army!!!"

After Cao Cao heard this, he shouted angrily, and a general of the Cao family quickly knelt down and said.

"Prime Minister, calm down. I will see that the prime minister's body is damaged. The doctor has something to say. The prime minister must not be angry again. Otherwise, the sores will recur and the consequences will be disastrous. The prime minister is the foundation of a country and the pillar of the court. Lost. Therefore, I thought to myself, it is not too late to withdraw the army and return to Luoyang, and wait for the prime minister's arrow sore to heal, and then discuss it!"

The voice of Cao's general school was only one person, and several Cao's generals immediately echoed.Cao Cao's narrow eyes, which seemed to have the power to swallow the sky, narrowed into a thin line, and all the generals of the Cao family who looked at him were terrified.

Suddenly, Cao Cao jumped up on the bed, thundered and shouted loudly.

"You wait for this group of ignorant rats, you really don't know the rule of the country!! The big man eats the king's salary, and he wants to share the king's worries. I am the prime minister of the country, and I am ordered to live in troubled times. The country is currently collapsing, and the princes seize the land to grow strong , Divide the imperial land. I should be on the front line. If I die on the battlefield, I will be shrouded in horse leather to return, fortunately! How can you abolish national affairs for me alone?!!"

Cao Cao's righteous words immediately scolded those Cao generals who wanted to withdraw their troops, they were all ashamed and unstoppable, and they did not dare to look at Cao Cao's suave majesty.After Cao Cao finished speaking, Guo Jia immediately knelt down on the ground and shouted loudly.

"The prime minister is one person under ten thousand people, respecting the world, and not hesitating his life, why should we hesitate!!! The righteousness of the prime minister is enough to overthrow the world and nine states! I, Guo Fengxiao, would like to follow the prime minister, wrap the corpse in horse leather, and rule the world for the country. Eradicate the rebellious thieves in the world!!"

"I am willing to follow the prime minister to wrap the corpse in horse leather, to rule the world for the country, and to eradicate the rebellious thieves in the world!!!"

As soon as Guo Jia's words fell, all the generals of the Cao family in the tent also shouted in unison.At this point, those generals and schools who originally wanted to withdraw their troops did their best to fight to the end.Cao Cao secretly laughed in his heart, his eyes met with Guo Jia's secretly, the two had a tacit understanding, this play immediately stabilized the turbulent morale of the army.

When they were young, all the generals went out of the tent one after another, their faces full of determination, and they went to their subordinates to deploy, and each conveyed Cao Cao's order.When Cao's army heard Cao Cao's words, their hearts were full of excitement and their fighting spirit was high.There were still many scolding outside the village, but it could no longer affect Cao Jun's morale.

At night, Xu Huang saw that Cao Village was still as quiet as before, Xu Huang sneered in his heart, and secretly asked how long the Cao family could endure, so he led his troops back slowly.

At the same time, in Cao Cao's account.Cao Cao drank the decoction, and after several days of treatment, the arrow sores on Cao Cao's body gradually healed, and his pale face became a little more rosy.

Cao Cao sat cross-legged on the bed, with a playful smile on his face, and laughed with Guo Jia.

"Haha! Fengxiao, your senior brother is worthy of being praised as possessing the wisdom of a god and a man. This prime minister was careless for a while, and he fell into this man's trick. Thinking back to this man's clever strategy, this prime minister was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat. If Xu Gongming's arrows were not more tricky at that time, or Dian and Xu Erjiang were a little slower in saving the rescue, I am afraid that the prime minister would have died at this time. After thinking about it, the disease was not cured. heal."

"Prime Minister Hong Fu is a man of destiny, how can ordinary people harm him? This time the prime minister survives a catastrophe, and there will be future blessings!"

Guo Jia cupped his hands in salute, Cao Cao frowned upon hearing this, and looked towards Guo Jia with a look of anticipation.

"Oh? What blessings do you have? Could it be that Fengxiao already has a strategy to defeat the enemy?"

Guo Jia's expression froze, but he actually had a plan in mind.Xi Zhicai is called "Shenzhi" by the world, and Guo Jia is also known as "Ghost Talent". The two have their own strengths in strategy and strategy, and they are almost equal.Now that Xilong wins first, how could Guo Jia just be helpless and be overwhelmed by Xilong?

Guo Jia smiled brightly, then whispered so and so in Cao Cao's ear.Cao Cao listened carefully, and the joy on his face became more and more intense.After listening, Cao Cao clapped his palms and laughed loudly.

"Hahaha!! Feng Xiao's plan is a great one. If it succeeds, he will be able to turn the tide and win the Hulao Pass!!!"

The next day, Guan Yu led his own army, together with Xu Huang, Zhang Liao and other generals, and set up a formation in front of Cao Jun's stronghold, shouting and cursing, as if he would pour out his troops and attack wildly at any time.

Cao Cao, who had not yet recovered from his injuries, rushed out of the tent in armor, mounted his horse, and personally ordered all the generals to prepare for the battle. Cao Cao sternly shouted back.Regardless of persuasion, Cao Cao led hundreds of horsemen out of the camp.

As soon as Cao Cao came out of the gate, he saw that the Northwest Army had formed a formation. Guan Yu immediately stood under the banner of the gate. Seeing that Cao Cao hadn't shown up for a long time, he shouted loudly.

"Cao Mengde, the thief, has done many evils. He has not dared to show up for many days. He is expected to die!! Once Cao thief dies, even if there are tens of millions of minions, he is also a mob. He will not dare to look at our soldiers!"

Guan Yu continued to scold him, Cao Cao suddenly flew out from the group of horsemen, pointed at Guan Yu and cursed.

"Mountain man! Do you know the face of a big man!?"

As soon as Guan Yu saw Cao Cao, joy burst into his red face, thinking that his injuries must have not healed and he stepped out of the battle forcefully, so he looked back at the generals and said anxiously.

"You can scold him!"

When all the generals heard the words, they cursed all three generations of the Cao family.Cao Cao was so suppressed that his face was flushed, and suddenly he let out a scream, spurting blood from his mouth, and fell off the horse. The generals around Cao Cao were so frightened that they were at a loss for what to do, and rushed to rescue him.

Guan Yu saw Cao Cao squirting blood and fell off the horse, and Dan Feng's eyes burst into two brilliant lights. He abandoned Dian Wei and rushed straight into Cao's formation. Xu Huang and Zhang Liao rushed to command the army to attack.Dian Wei glared wickedly, and rushed desperately, swiping his two halberds vigorously, resisting Guan Yu with all his might.Xu Chu, Zhang Jai and other generals also came out to kill Xu Huang and Zhang Liao.Guo Jia was in the stronghold, desperately ordering all the troops to come out and resist.

The two armies fought against each other, soldiers against soldiers, and there was a scuffle. Several generals of the Cao army rescued Cao Cao and returned to the stronghold.

Dian Wei swept his halberd violently, and the evil wind surged violently, killing Guan Yu back.The corners of Dian Wei's eyes cracked, and he shouted loudly.

"The prime minister's life is at stake, and all the troops are greatly favored by the prime minister, why not fight to the end!!!?"

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