Han Shimou

Chapter 896 The Last Domineering

Therefore, Ling Tong and Ding Feng escaped through Surabaya. ** On the other side, Chen Deng led an army to intercept and kill Lu Xun's soldiers and horses. Chen Deng looked at the banner in the army and read the five characters of "Wu Jun Lu Boyan".Chen Deng's complexion suddenly turned cold. After many days of inquiring, he has learned that it was Lu Boyan who offered advice to Sun Ce that the men in white crossed the Yangtze River at night, and the whole of Xuzhou almost fell under the butcher knife of the Jiangdong army. matter.

"Left and right!! Take my bow and arrow!!!"

Chen Deng shouted loudly, and the soldiers on the left and right quickly handed over the bows.Chen Deng held a treasured bow in his hand, picked up the bow and set an arrow, looking at the Jiangdong general who was fighting with his sword in the chaotic army, and the armored general Jiang Dong shot his arrow.The bowstring twitched violently, and the arrow flew out, looking straight at the Jiangdong general and shooting at the door.Fortunately, the surrounding Jiangdong soldiers reminded him in time, and the Jiangdong general just avoided it in time.Afterwards, seeing Chen Deng aiming his bow at him again with murderous intent, the general quickly pulled out his horse and ran away.A group of soldiers and horses followed, and the rest of the Jiangdong soldiers and horses were still fighting with Chen Deng's army.Chen Deng wanted to kill Lu Xun to relieve his hatred, so he immediately chased after him and led his army into the chaos.

At this moment, suddenly.A cavalryman dressed as a soldier rushed towards Chen Deng from the slanting stab on the right to attack Chen Deng.Chen Deng thought they were just ordinary soldiers with no intentions, so he raised his bow with all his might.The cavalry was extremely powerful, as powerful as a first-rate general, and swept Chen Deng's bow with one shot. Chen Deng's face changed drastically, before he recovered, the cavalry rushed forward, holding Chen Deng with one hand and flying over.Chen Deng struggled desperately, but the cavalryman looked thin and weak, but his arm strength was astonishing, and he captured Chen Deng through the formation.When Chen Deng deployed, seeing that the general had been captured, he was so frightened that he quickly stopped the attack and threw a mouse attack.

"Chen Yuanlong!! If you want to survive, let your minions retreat three miles away, otherwise I will screw your head off first!!!!"

Just listen to the Jiangdong cavalry who captured Chen Deng shout violently, the sound is like thunder.Although Chen Deng couldn't recognize the face of this person, he already guessed in his heart that most of them must be Lu Xun.

Chen Deng's guess was correct. It turned out that before Lu Xun retreated, he secretly ordered a general to change his service with him, and then he changed his armor with a cavalry.Chen Deng didn't recognize Lu Xun, but Lu Xun did recognize Chen Deng. As early as when the two armies were at war, Lu Xun had seen the faces of all the important officials of the Cao family in Xuzhou one by one.Chen Deng is the lord of Xuzhou, how could Lu Xun miss it.

However, Chen Deng thought that the chances of winning were certain, so he relaxed a bit. He didn't expect Lu Xun to be so cunning, so he became a prisoner of others.

Lu Xun fell to the ground, and several Jiangdong soldiers quickly tied up Chen Deng.Chen Deng stared at Lu Xun, but suddenly grinned.

"Hahahaha!! I didn't expect that I, Chen Yuanlong, was the smartest, but I was confused for a while. Today, I capsized in the ditch. I was captured by you, a junior from Jiangdong, as a prisoner!! Lu Boyan, you want to kill or cut, even if Come!! However, as long as Chen dies, all of your troops will be unable to escape!!!!"

Chen Deng became someone else's fish on the chopping board, but turned his back on the customer, and was even more arrogant than Lu Xun.Hearing this, Lu Xun narrowed his eyes and looked at Chen Deng coldly.Chen Deng had no fear, and faced Lu Xun generously, as if he was determined that Lu Xun would not dare to fight him desperately.

At this time, Chen Deng's deployment had already surrounded the surrounding areas tightly, and the more than a thousand troops led by Lu Xun were tightly surrounded.The crossbowmen on the left and right had already set up their bows and aimed at Lu Xun. If something happened to Chen Deng, Lu Xun would be shot into a honeycomb.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!!"

Suddenly, Lu Xun also laughed loudly, and suddenly fired his gun, looking at Chen Deng's face, he stabbed.Chen Deng must have not expected it, and fell to the ground in fright.Just when the tip of the gun was about to reach Chen Deng's eyes, it stopped suddenly.Lu Xun looked at Chen Deng coldly, and said coldly.

"If I, Lu Boyan, die here today, it is destiny! But even so, I want you, Chen Yuanlong, to go to hell with me! Make your soldiers retreat for me!!!"

Lu Xun's eyes were majestic, without any fear, as if he had put life and death aside.Chen Deng's complexion suddenly darkened, but he was also stiff, and said in a cold voice.

"Impossible! Once I deploy and retreat, my life is in your hands, and I will definitely die!"

"Then what do you want!?"

Chen Deng is so intelligent, how can he not know Lu Xun's evil intentions.At that moment, Chen Deng asked Lu Xun to let him deploy a team to guard his surroundings, and only then did most of his deployment retreat.

"This old fox is very cautious!!!"

Lu Xun paid in his heart, and after thinking about it, he agreed to Chen Deng's request.After a while, a team of five or sixty people from Xuzhou entered the Jiangdong formation and stood beside Chen Deng.Lu Xun ordered a team of gunmen to stand guard on the left side, and ordered a team of crossbowmen to take aim behind them.Chen Deng also ordered most of his deployment to retreat slowly.

While the two armies were moving, Lu Xun secretly cast a look at several generals who were good at unpopular hidden weapons.And Chen Deng also cast secret glances with several generals around him, indicating that they are ready to break through and fight out.

In the blink of an eye, a sudden change occurred.Lu Xun reined in his horse suddenly and fled. Several Jiangdong generals all watched Chen Deng throw five or six darts.At the same time, Chen Deng escaped on horseback under the protection of several generals.The sergeants on both sides moved almost simultaneously.

Most of Xuzhou's soldiers and horses who were retreating rushed forward, as for the Jiangdong spearmen beside Chen Deng's troops, they immediately raised their guns and killed them.Afterwards, Jiangdong crossbowmen also fired arrows frantically.

All of a sudden, accidents broke out.Of the five or six darts that were shot, four or five were blocked by the generals guarding Chen Deng's left and right, and one shot hit Chen Deng's right shoulder.Chen Deng yelled bitterly, and flew with the whip.At the same time, there was a team of spearmen rushing towards him, rushing wildly, killing most of the soldiers and horses guarding Chen Deng.Arrows rained down from behind, almost killing the remaining troops.In the blink of an eye, Chen Deng was in danger and fled back to the army.The severe pain in his right shoulder made Chen Deng grin his teeth.

"Kill!!!! Wipe out all these Jiangdong rats, leave no one behind~!!!!!!"

Chen Deng struggled under Lu Xun's hands for a while, and he was so angry that he was insane, roaring desperately.At that time Xuzhou soldiers and horses rushed up, but at this time Lu Xun had already fled far away, only hundreds of soldiers and horses from Jiangdong were surrounded.These hundreds of Jiangdong troops suffered from the fury of Xuzhou soldiers and horses, and they were all chopped into meat in a short time.

Chen Deng was furious and angry, looking at Lu Xun who was gradually escaping from his eyes, he kept yelling.

At the same time, Lu Meng was leading his troops to retreat.Xia Houyuan followed closely with his army.Xia Houyuan was the first to bear the brunt of the attack, cursing and swearing endlessly, trying to use aggressive tactics to earn Lu Meng to kill him.But Lu Meng didn't fall for the trick, and urged the army to flee all the way. Seeing that Lu Meng ignored him, Xia Houyuan hurriedly pressed down on the spear, watching him eagerly, and shot an arrow at Lu Meng's vest.The arrow shot like thunder, and seeing the arrow approaching Lu Meng's back, suddenly shot an arrow at the back of a horse archer beside Lu Meng, and the arrow flew violently, smashing Xiahou Yuan's arrow in an instant.

Xia Houyuan's expression froze, he secretly thought that he was good at archery, and couldn't help but look curiously, but saw that the man was just a servant in horse archers, and his brows frowned immediately.

"The Jiangdong Army actually has hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Such a powerful figure is just a horse archer. If he can be called to surrender, he will become a great help to the king in the future!"

Xia Houyuan's mind was spinning, and his thoughts were overwhelming for a while.But at this time, Gan Ning was throwing a fiery look at Lu Meng, the fighting intent that was about to explode, causing Lu Meng's face to change in shock.Gan Ning's martial arts are superb, even more powerful than Zhou Youping, the number one general in Eastern Wu. Lu Meng knows Gan Ning's ability very well, and has always been friends with Gan Ning as his peers.Gan Ning is a person who cares about face, as long as others think highly of him, he will treat each other sincerely, so the two have a very good friendship in private.

Lu Meng knew that Gan Ning had long held back a dark fire, and now that Sun Ce was dead, Sun Quan would take over the Jiangdong Foundation in the future, and there was no other deployment here at this time, so it was imperative for Gan Ning to give full play to his abilities.After thinking about it, Lu Meng nodded heavily to Gan Ning, and Gan Ning showed a very bright smile.

"Hahahaha!!! Little ones, kill~!!!"

Gan Ning laughed loudly, reined in his horse abruptly, and led a group of soldiers and horses with only a hundred men, looking at Xia Houyuan's army rushing forward.These hundred people were all deployed by Gan Ning's confidantes, and together with Gan Ning, they joined Sun Quan's command. A long time ago, in Jiangxia's army, there was a name that made Jiangxia's surrounding Jiangxia terrified, "Jinfan Bandit"!

Gan Ning only led a hundred cavalry, rushed around the road, and intercepted them into the formation of Xia Houyuan's army.Gan Ning led the troops to rush from left to right, bearing the brunt, chopping wildly with a 68-jin tiger-toothed sword.Cao Bing was killed by Gan Ning for a while, and they were in a panic and disturbed each other.Gan Ning laughed wildly, his arrogance was extremely arrogant, but no one felt his power.

I saw Gan Ning's hundred cavalry galloping across the Cao army's formation, stabbing and slashing wildly, killing them whenever they encountered, the power of only a hundred men, but it was like thousands of troops galloping and charging.Gan Ning rushed all the way, killing five or six Cao Jun generals in a row by himself.Ghosts and gods wailed and screamed everywhere.Xia Houyuan originally intended to persuade Gan Ning to surrender, so he secretly ordered the soldiers not to shoot in the dark. Seeing Gan Ning's bravery, he is indeed a tiger general in the world.Shocked and delighted, Xia Houyuan patted his horse and charged forward, stopped Gan Ning, and stabbed him out with a single shot.When Gan Ning saw Xia Houyuan approaching, the smile on his mouth suddenly became brighter. The gun was approaching, but Gan Ning was extremely sensitive, and with a swipe, he avoided it.Xia Houyuan failed to succeed with one shot, his face changed immediately, seeing Gan Ning slashing wildly with his sword, the sword was fast and fierce, Xia Houyuan was secretly crying out for killing.

At this time, five or six Cao Jun soldiers rushed from all directions, and together with Xia Houyuan surrounded Gan Ning and fought.Xia Houyuan took the opportunity to back away and shouted in a concentrated voice.

"The hero has excellent martial arts skills! That Sun Bofu has eyes but no eyes, and he doesn't know how to use his talents. Why don't the heroes join the King of Wei, and I will definitely recommend it to the King of Wei. In the future, you will be rich and prosperous, and you will be a lot!!!!"

Xia Houyuan shouted together, Gan Ning, who was fighting, swung his tiger-toothed saber violently, and knocked back five or six generals of the Cao army.Gan Ning smiled brightly, looked at Xia Houyuan, and laughed.

"Hahaha!!! It is absolutely necessary for me to vote for that old thief, unless the old thief is willing to give me the position of a general and let me command the three armies. Then I am willing to fight for him wholeheartedly!!!"

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