Han Shimou

Chapter 900 The Death of Sun Ce

The situation is extremely unfavorable for Cao Cao.But it is said that the Jiangdong Army set up camp that night, and the soldiers of all armies heard the bad news of Sun Ce's death in battle, and they cried all night.

Endless sadness filled the entire Jiangdong camp, a heavy rain suddenly fell without warning, the sound of ticking rain still couldn't cover the crying in the village, and time added a bit of sadness.

Zhou Yu, who was on the bed in the tent, was still crying even though he was unconscious.In the nightmare, Zhou Yu went back to a few days ago, and suddenly felt that his whole body was shaking, and he couldn't move or sit restlessly.At night, I can't sleep peacefully, sit up in the tent, hold a candle to watch, thinking about the plan to break Cao.Suddenly feel mentally in a coma, and lie down on the bed.Just inside the tent, there was a sudden gust of cold wind, the lamp went out and came back on, and when I looked up, I saw a person standing under the lamp.Zhou Yu stood up abruptly and asked sharply.

"Who are you!!? Why did you break into my tent at night!!?"

The man didn't answer, Zhou Yu was suspicious, and fixed his eyes on it, it was actually his master Sun Ce, who was running back and forth under the shadow of the lamp to avoid it.Zhou Yu's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly chased after him, shouting after him.

"Why is Bo Fu here!? Could it be that the old thief Cao has retreated?"

Zhou Yu shouted, but Sun Ce walked further and further away.Zhou Yu felt anxious, as if he felt that Sun Ce would never see him again in this lifetime.Sadness came to his head suddenly, his heart was pierced like a knife, Zhou Yu hissed and shouted.

"Bofu!!! I have the same flesh and blood with you, why do you avoid it?"

Zhou Yu yelled again and again, Sun Ce stopped suddenly, turned around, and was covered in cuts and bruises, with dozens of bloody mouths, big and small, bleeding continuously, his face was pale, and his whole body was radiating an icy chill.

Sun Ce was bleeding from seven holes, and shouted hissingly.

"I have died under the arrow of old thief Cao, Gongjin, you are my younger brother, how can you not take revenge!?"

After saying that, a cold wind suddenly picked up, and Sun Ce disappeared strangely in place.

"Bo Fu, Bo Fu!!!!!!"

Zhou Yu woke up abruptly, and yelled out loudly, screaming endlessly.Lu Su and Lu Xun, who were guarding Zhou Yu's side, saw Zhou Yu wake up and hurried to visit him.Zhou Yu stopped suddenly, sluggishly, his eyes were wide open, empty and lifeless, as if he had lost his soul.

Mei Zhoulang, who was famous all over the world in the past and has a personable demeanor, is now like a mad fool.All the viewers were moved. Lu Su was in grief, but he still suppressed his grief and said to Zhou Yu.

"My condolences to the governor. Since ancient times, death and life have their own destiny. The hero of the lord, the first battle in Xiapi, killed all the thieves in fear. Even though he died, he was honored! Now the body of the lord is still in the hands of the old thief, so I am afraid that the old thief will die Heavenly conscience, humiliate the corpse to vent your hatred! The most urgent thing right now is to take care of the body, Xu Tu to take revenge, take back the corpse of the lord, and let his heroic spirit and soul return to Jiangdong!"

Zhou Yu stood up angrily, and drank in a miserable voice. (.)

"When I swore to Bofu, I swore to live and die together. Now that Bofu is dead, how can I allow his corpse to be humiliated by the old thief again!! Such bloody hatred, I will definitely avenge it!!!"

But Cao Cao gathered troops to go to Xiapi and defend the city. He thought that Zhou Yu would lead an army of [-] troops outside Xiapi city.Zhou Yu and Sun Ce were not only monarchs and ministers, but also sworn brothers. If Zhou Yu learned that Sun Ce was shot by him, he would definitely send troops to kill him, and wanted to fight him to the death, and he would never die.

Zhou Yu is different from Sun Ce. This man has the wisdom of the world, and he uses soldiers like a god. In the past, he was even honored as the most wise man in the world.At this time, Zhou Yu's commanding generals were like a cloud, and Jiangdong's soldiers were full of hatred, so they must be braver than before.Even Cao Cao didn't feel a little worried at the moment.

Jia Xu saw that Cao Cao's brows were deeply furrowed, and he was not depressed. After thinking about it carefully, he knew what Cao Cao was worried about.Jia Xu cupped his hands intently, bowed and saluted, and said in a concentrated voice.

"Your Majesty, you don't need to worry too much. You have a plan, but without bloodshed, you can make that Zhou Gongjin die of pain, and your mind and soul will be wounded!!"

When Cao Cao heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly asked Jia Xu.

"Ji Cong'an comes out, Wen He comes quickly!!!"

Jia Xu smiled coldly, her eyes glowed softly and poisonously, and said immediately.

"Jiangdong Army is eager to avenge its great revenge at this time. The soldiers are all brave and there are so many fierce generals. It is the worst policy to fight head-on. But if you want to defend the city, it is the best policy to just sit and wait for death. At this time, It is the best policy to attack the heart. Zhou Gongjin and Sun Bofu are sworn brothers, and the two are like flesh and blood. Now that Zhou Gongjin learns that Sun Bofu is dead, he must be deeply saddened. My lord can use this to do this, It will surely make him vomit blood and die!!!”

Jia Xu, the 'poison man', did another vicious trick.When Cao Cao heard the words, he clasped his palms and laughed, and immediately agreed to Jia Xu's plan and ordered the soldiers to make their own arrangements.

The next day, it was said that Zhou Yu was discussing revenge strategies with Lu Su, Lu Xun and others in the tent.Before saying anything, I only heard a sound of fake mourning from outside the stronghold.

"Old thief Cao, you are really deceiving people too much!!!"

Zhou Yu's complexion changed drastically, and his face became extremely ferocious in an instant. He rushed out of the tent, and quickly gathered hundreds of soldiers and horses to rush out of the village.Zhou Tai, Han Dang and other generals hurriedly put on their armor and mounted their horses, and followed Zhou Yu.Zhou Yu was furious and hated so much that he led his troops out of the stronghold.

On the opposite side, there were hundreds of people and horses, and on a soap flag there were five white characters "Xiahou Miaocai, Qiaoxian County".I also saw Xia Houyuan in green robes and silver armor, with steel spears and white horses, standing in front of the formation, followed by hundreds of Cao soldiers, and several infantry came out carrying wooden trunks on their shoulders.The Cao soldiers in the formation were weird, they all wailed and wailed in false voices, winked and winked, which was very hateful.

Zhou Yu was so angry that he felt a burst of air rushing from his abdomen to his heart, as if it was about to explode.Zhou Yu was about to curse, when suddenly the soldiers on the left and right screamed.When Zhou Yu heard the words, he cast his eyes anxiously, and found that the corpse of Sun Ce was inside the tree.

"Wow! Old thief, I won't kill you, I swear I won't be human!!!"

Zhou Yu spit out in one breath, and actually spit out a mouthful of blood.Seeing that Sun Ce's body was being played by Cao Bing like this, Han Dang's eyes were cracked, he screamed out loud, and galloped his horse out of the formation, wanting to seize Sun Ce's body.

Xia Houyuan smiled coldly, patted his horse and went out to kill Han Dang.Han Dang danced his sword and slashed like a crazy old lion, attacking Xia Houyuan fiercely.Xia Houyuan only killed a few times with Han Dang before fleeing, and Han Dang chased him dead.

At this moment, Lu Xun in the Jiangdong formation saw it eagerly, and hurriedly shouted.

"Old General Han, beware of scams!!!"

As soon as Lu Xun shouted, dozens of crossbowmen in Cao's formation unleashed their arrows. Han Dang was enraged and only cared about fighting.

Shhhhh~~! ! !Dozens of arrows rushed towards him, and Han Dang jumped away in a hurry, and danger appeared everywhere in an instant.Fortunately, Han Dang was old and strong, so he escaped the danger.

Suddenly, before Han Dang came back to his senses, Xia Houyuan had already returned to his horse and rushed to kill him.Xia Houyuan raised his spear high and swiped it suddenly.Han Dang hastily resisted, and there was a loud 'bang', Han Dang was unable to exert enough strength, and was stabbed by Xia Houyuan and fell off the horse, rolled on the ground several times, and even his helmet was knocked off.

"Hahahaha!!! Old man, look at the gun!!!"

Xia Houyuan laughed wildly, and rode his horse to chase after him.Suddenly, Xia Houyuan's face changed suddenly, he quickly reined in the horse, pointed at the three cold arrows that were about to be shot, and stabbed with his spear.

There were several violent bangs of 'bang bang bang', and the arrows were broken.At this time, I saw Zhou Tai and Xu Sheng coming from left and right, and the person who shot the arrow just now was Lu Xun.

Although he failed to kill Han Dang, Xia Houyuan seemed to have achieved his goal, so he quickly reined in his horse and rushed back into the formation, ordering the soldiers to retreat quickly.Seeing Cao Bing moving Sun Ce's body away, Zhou Yu acted like a madman, slapped the horse, and wanted to seize Sun Ce's body.Fearing that Zhou Yu would make a mistake, Lu Su hurriedly ordered the soldiers to catch up.

Xia Houyuan led his troops all the way to a mountain pass.As soon as Xia Houyuan led his troops past, Han Dang, Zhou Tai and other generals went after him.All of a sudden, wood cannons and rocks came down from the mountain, killing many Jiangdong soldiers. The road ahead was blocked and they were not allowed to advance.Zhou Yu galloped on his horse. Seeing that the intersection was blocked, he was so angry that his consciousness was about to lose control, and he kept cursing.

Xia Houyuan reined in the horse suddenly, pointed his gun at Sun Ce's body inside the tree, and said with a sneer.

"Hahahaha!! Everyone in the world is saying how great Jiangdong Zhou Lang is. I saw him today, but he is nothing more than an ordinary person. Your lord died tragically at the hands of my king, and his corpse will be teased by our army like this. Zhou Gongjin, you are a man! Minister, but there is nothing you can do about it, how can you stand in the world!?"

As soon as Xia Houyuan's words fell, Zhou Yu seemed to be pierced by thousands of arrows, filled with anger and pain, screamed, and spit out another mouthful of blood on the spot, fainted and fell off the horse.Seeing this, Xia Houyuan couldn't stop laughing wildly. The laughter sprinkled oil and water on the surging flames. All Jiangdong generals were so angry that they all gritted their teeth and cursed at Xia Houyuan non-stop.

Zhou Yu was so angry that Cao Bing vomited blood again and again, and passed out. A group of soldiers rescued him back to the camp.After a while, Zhou Yu woke up slowly, and heard the faint sound of soldiers crying outside the camp. It turned out that the Jiangdong soldiers in the village thought about how their master's body had been ruined by Cao Bing today, and they were so hurt that they told each other about Sun Ce's old days. Ender, unconsciously burst into tears.

When Zhou Yu heard it, he also thought of the time when he and Sun Ce traveled the world in the past, and when he came back to his senses, tears were streaming down his face.Zhou Yu's teeth were clenched tightly, as if they were about to be crushed, and she cried bitterly. She cried three or five times a day, but the water didn't flow in, she just cried bitterly. Tears wet the front of her clothes, stained with blood.This continued for two or three days.Lu Su, Zhou Tai and other civil and military officials were overwhelmed with grief and tried to persuade them again and again.At the same time, in order to make Zhou Yu no longer feel hurt.Zhou Tai, Han Dang and other generals personally led troops to guard outside the camp for several days. Whenever they saw Cao soldiers approaching, they immediately blocked their front army with bows and crossbowmen.Xia Houyuan couldn't get close, so he laughed and cursed from a distance.Zhou Tai, Han Dang and other generals were so angry that they almost lost their minds several times and wanted to send troops to charge, but fortunately Lu Xun stopped them.

At the same time, Cao Cao learned that Zhou Yu was devastated by Sun Ce's death, and even vomited blood and passed out.Immediately took the opportunity to send fast cavalry to report to the states and counties in the Central Plains, and dispatched soldiers and horses to prepare for a big battle.

Zhou Yu was the mainstay of Jiangdong's army. At this time, he lost his mind due to grief. Lu Su stayed by his side to persuade him for many days, hoping to appease Zhou Yu's heart.

One day, when Zhou Tai and Han Dang returned with their troops, the village was very noisy.Although Zhou Yu was deeply grieved, he had his own opinion in his heart. He knew that Cao soldiers often came to the village to shout and curse, but no one came to report.Zhou Yu's pale face was a bit cold and murderous, and he said to Lu Su beside him.

"Old thief Cao and I swear that the sun and the moon will be different!! How could I not know that he wanted to use Bo Fu's corpse to use his scheming tactics!! Now the time has come, I respect you and listen."

Zhou Yu suddenly seemed to be reborn. When Lu Su saw it, his heart tightened, and he suddenly realized that Zhou Yu must have deliberately let Cao thief indulge him these few days. In fact, he had a plan in mind.Zhou Yu's eyes were full of extremely terrifying hatred, and he whispered in Lu Su's ear.

"Old thief Cao knows that Bo Fu and I are sworn brothers, and love each other as flesh and blood, so he repeatedly uses Bo Fu's death to anger me. I have already known that old thief Cao has evil intentions. I deliberately fell for it, but I wanted to Let Cao Bing know that I am sick due to grief, so I will definitely deceive the enemy. After you get out of the tent, you can pretend to be in a hurry and say that I have passed out again and my condition is serious. I intentionally let down my defenses, so that the captives of the Cao thief escaped, and reported the matter to the old thief. The old thief uses soldiers like gods, and he will sneak in when there is no opportunity. He will come to rob the stronghold tonight. Catch it with one blow!!!”

Lu Su listened carefully and memorized them one by one, with a look of horror on his face.After Zhou Yu's order, Lu Su retreated quickly, pretending to be in a panic, and ordered the military doctors to come, and when he shouted, he deliberately revealed how quickly Zhou Yu passed out again.All of a sudden, all the troops were shocked. It was rumored that the governor was suffering from illness, and all panicked.Secretly, Lu Su ordered the generals to tell Zhou Yu's plan, and the generals understood what they heard, and each went in and out of Zhou Yu's tent anxiously.The Jiangdong army was slack in the village, and a Jiangdong general deliberately transferred most of the guards who guarded a certain barracks where the Cao soldiers were placed. Those Cao soldiers saw the chaos in the Jiangdong village, and faintly heard that Zhou Yu seemed to be sick from grief, knowing that this was an escape. It was a great timing, just as the number of guards outside the camp dropped sharply.Those Cao Bing captives suddenly went into a fit and rushed out. The five or six Jiangdong soldiers outside the camp saw that the situation was not going well, and ran away.So Cao Bing's prisoners ran around, and fled with their lives outside the stronghold.The Jiangdong soldiers and horses outside the stronghold saw it and came to capture them in a panic, but they only captured half of them, and most of them escaped.

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