Han Shimou

Chapter 955 Cao Cao's Wrath

In addition, all the generals of the Wei army rushed to support Guo Jia, and fought a bloody road through the rebellious army, and rushed to the north gate of the city. Can devour everything.Wei Bing will see the school, but no one dares to go forward.At this moment, countless Jingzhou soldiers and horses chased after him.Guo Jia saw that the situation was extremely critical, and when his life was hanging by a thread, the desire to survive made him excited for an instant. He suddenly pulled out the sword at his waist, pointed at the raging flames inside the door and shouted.

"If you don't get angry, we will definitely die! Why don't you fight to the death!!!?"

After Guo Jia finished drinking, he wanted to fly away with his horse.At this time, the two generals, with resolute faces and hard rays of blood spurting from their eyes, shouted anxiously.

"Wait a minute, strategist! Let me open the way for you!!!"

The two members finished drinking, and before Guo Jia could reply, they patted the horse and flew up, one on the left and one on the right, each poking away the burning firewood with their guns, the flying horse came out first with smoke and flames.At this time, Jingzhou soldiers and horses had dozens of fast cavalry chasing after them, and several Wei Jun generals shouted together, and flew out with their horses, blocking the killing Jingzhou soldiers and horses, and shouted in unison at the same time.

"Military division, let's go!!!"

Guo Jia's face was shocked when he heard the words, his courage surged into his heart, and he muttered in his mouth.

"I haven't helped Ah Man to pacify the world, so don't die first!! I want to keep this life!!!"

After Guo Jia finished speaking, he slammed the whip and drove the horse to fly. When he reached the doorway, there was a sudden bang.Guo Jia's complexion changed drastically, and an extremely ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Rumble boom! ! !

At this moment, a beam of fire fell from the city gate, hitting the hindquarters of Guo Jia's war horse, and the horse fell to the ground.After a while of panic, I saw the beam of fire was pressing on Guo Jia's legs.Guo Jia screamed miserably and supported the beam with his hands, but he had no strength to restrain the chicken, so he couldn't push it away.Thick flames rushed towards Guo Jia's legs quickly. Guo Jia was in so much pain that he could not escape. The severe pain made him not realize that the bones of his legs had already been crushed. Even if he pushed the flames away, he couldn't escape.

Seeing that Guo Jia was pinned down by the beam of fire, the Jingzhou soldiers and horses in the surrounding area rushed to kill Guo Jia frantically, each wanting to deal a fatal blow to Guo Jia and make a great contribution.The general Wei Jun tried his best to block it, but he couldn't suppress the crazy charge of Jingzhou soldiers and horses.

Seeing that Jingzhou soldiers and horses were about to break through, the fire on Guo Jia's legs was about to spread across his body.Guo Jia's life and death are on the line.

Suddenly there was a shout, as if the heaven and earth were disturbed, where the shout sounded, the sky suddenly changed, the thunder rolled down, and a heavy rain without warning came crashing down.

"Who dares to harm the orphan's filial piety!!!!"

In an instant, it seemed that only this loud sound could be heard in the world.Cao Cao's eyes burst open, and he roared desperately, as if even the heavens were afraid of Cao Cao's threat, a heavy rain fell, quickly extinguishing the fire on the city gate.A team of Jingzhou soldiers and horses broke through and rushed to the side of the city gate in an instant. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and a thunderbolt fell.It exploded not far in front of Guo Jia, scaring the Jingzhou soldiers and horses back in a panic.

The two brothers Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan rode their horses and galloped to the gate of the city. Xiahou Dun got off his horse in a hurry and fired a shot at the beam of fire. Xia Houyuan lifted Guo Jia up and put him on his horse.

The Xiahou brothers rescued Guo Jia, returned to their horses and drove out of the city gate.Cao Cao greeted him madly, seeing Guo Jia covered in burns and wounds on his legs, he was so angry that his eyes turned bright red.When Guo Jia saw Cao Cao, he almost exhausted all his strength, grinning an unrestrained smile, and said with a smile.

"Jia Wuneng, fell into Zhuge Villager's scheme by mistake, survived, and came here to plead guilty to the King."

After Guo Jia finished speaking, he closed his eyes and passed out.Cao Cao's expression froze for a moment, as if he had froze.Xia Houyuan quickly pressed Guo Jia's neck with his hands, and felt that he was still breathing, and hurriedly reported.

"Your Majesty, don't worry too much, the military division still has breath!!!"

Hearing this, Cao Cao seemed to come back to his senses just now, and then his expression changed. He got off his horse in a panic and ran towards Guo Jia. He stroked Guo Jia's legs with trembling hands. Pressed, and found that the bones of Guo Jia's legs were shattered, he was so angry that he staggered a few steps.


Two lines of clear tears flowed from Cao Cao's eyes in an instant.Cao Cao's face trembled, and he turned his eyes sharply to the city of Xiangyang, his eyes burst out with extremely terrifying hatred, as if he had lost his mind, he roared angrily.

"Kill!!!! I will take the life of villager Zhuge to avenge my filial piety!!!!"

Cao Cao yelled angrily, the sky and the earth thundered and the turmoil continued, as if there was heavenly power.The [-] Wei soldiers who came with Cao Cao heard it one after another, Xiahou brothers, Zhang Jai, Cao Ren and others will respond sharply, and they are about to lead their deployment into Xiangyang City.

At this moment, Jia Xu came from behind, got off the horse hastily, and knelt down on the ground to remonstrate.

"Your Majesty, you must not!!! Countless soldiers of our army have died, and the other army has won a big victory. They have a large number of troops and their morale is strong. If our army rushes to attack, I am afraid that we will win more and lose less. It is urgent now, Your Majesty should take back the remnants , Withdraw the army and retreat, clean up the defeated situation, and then slowly plan it!!!”

"Shut up!!! Lonely filial piety, lost his legs, and disabled for life. Such a bloody feud, why not avenge it!!! Lonely kill the villager Zhuge!!!"

Cao Cao was so angry that he scolded Jia Xu angrily.As soon as Cao Cao finished speaking, Xun You also rushed over, got off his horse and knelt down on the ground, begging for help in a bitter voice.

"Wen He's words are very true. Your Majesty must not be tempted to ignore the overall situation! Not only is the current situation very unfavorable to our army, but it is also raining heavily, which is not suitable for soldiers to fight. What's more, our reinforcements are rushing day after day. Everyone is extremely tired, and there are no men and horses. If we want to fight with the bandit army, even if we can win, our army will not have many soldiers and horses left. Moreover, the Zhuge villager will definitely abandon the city and flee when he sees that the situation is not good. At this time, why don't Your Majesty use a small force to go deep into the enemy's hinterland and hunt down Zhuge Villager?"

Hearing this, Cao Cao trembled with anger, and the anger all over his body erupted like a volcanic eruption.Jia Xu and Xun You tried hard to persuade Cao Cao, but the icy rain kept pouring on Cao Cao.

After an unknown amount of time, Cao Cao stubbornly popped out two words.

"withdraw troops!!!"

At the same time, because of the unexpected heavy rain, Wei Bing was able to escape quickly.Zhuge Liang watched the heavy rain silently outside the state government hall, feeling very sorry, shaking his head and muttering softly.

"Time waits for me, time waits for me!"

As soon as Zhuge Liang finished speaking, Ma Liang's face froze, and he bowed behind him and said.

"Military division, although it is raining heavily, the bandit army has long been killed by our army. You should order the whole army to cover up and kill the bandit army in one fell swoop!!!"

Ma Liang's words were not finished, a scout rushed into the main hall with his whole body wet, rushing to report.

"Report!! The old thief Cao rushed to the city with [-] reinforcements, and the two Cao generals rescued Guo Fengxiao, but Guo Fengxiao was hit by a fire beam at the city gate earlier, and his life and death are unknown!!!"

All the counselors in Jingzhou in the hall changed their expressions after hearing the words.Sun Qian knew that Cao Cao attached great importance to Guo Jia, so he hurriedly advised Zhuge Liang.

"Wei's reinforcements have arrived, and the military commander should order all the soldiers to prepare their own soldiers and horses, and beware of the old thieves who are desperate to attack Xiangyang in order to avenge their hatred!!"

Compared with Sun Qian's panic, Zhuge Liang looked very calm, with no ripples in his eyes, and said lightly, shaking his goose feather fan.

"Gongyou don't need to worry too much. Although the old thief Cao is eager for revenge at this time, there are still masters in his army such as Jia Wenhe and Xun Gongda who understand the overall situation. They will definitely persuade the old thief Cao. Pass my order and teach the army Don't chase and kill, retreat slowly, and close the city gate tightly. Only when most of the Wei soldiers retreat, can the guard be lifted and everyone rest!"

Zhuge Liang seemed to have the calmness of Mount Tai collapsing in front of his eyes without changing his face. After hearing this, all the counselors felt at ease, and they all followed Zhuge Liang's instructions and passed on orders.

Thunder billowed and heavy rain fell.Xiangyang City was filled with rain.Following Zhuge Liang's order, the generals and schools of all ministries drove the Wei soldiers out of the city, and immediately closed the city gates, and all the troops guarded the four gates.After Cao Ren, Zhang Jai and other Wei generals recovered the remnants outside the city, they did not withdraw until dawn the next day.The Jingzhou soldiers and horses in the city finally let go of their tense nerves when they saw the Wei soldiers retreating slowly. Thinking of the big victory last night, they were all extremely happy.

Although the generals and schools of the various ministries fought all night, their spirits were still multiplied. They all came to the state government hall to report their battle situation to Zhuge Liang.According to rough statistics, in the battle last night, the Jingzhou army wiped out nearly [-] Wei soldiers and killed dozens of generals and schools.

Zhuge Liang sat in the high hall with a calm expression and listened one by one, then smiled lightly and rewarded all the members for their merits.All the generals were overjoyed and bowed to thank each other.After the reward was finished, Zhuge Liang's face was shocked, and he said in a concentrated voice.

"Although our army has defeated the bandit army, Cao Mengde led the reinforcements to arrive last night. The danger in Xiangyang has not yet been resolved. I hope that all of you will work together to repel the bandit army as soon as possible, so that Jingzhou will be safe!"

As soon as Zhuge Liang's words fell, all the civil and military soldiers responded excitedly.The uneasiness and decline in recent months have all been wiped out, and there is a bright and compelling brilliance in every face, as if he has great confidence in the victory of the future war.

Everyone's eyes focused on Zhuge Liang in unison. Their confidence all came from one person, the person they were looking at at this moment.

Besides, when Cao Cao retreated his troops back to the stronghold, Cheng Yu knew all about last night's battle situation from the scouts who reported back, and hurriedly led the Wei generals in the stronghold to meet them.It turned out that when Cheng Yu heard the urgent report, he used all the troops in his village to rescue Guo Jia.Later, Cheng Yu heard another team of scouts report that Wei Wang led [-] reinforcements to Xiangyang to rescue.Only then did Cheng Yu restrain his impulse and continue to guard the camp, just in case.

Cheng Yu led the generals to wait at the Yuanmen in the heavy rain. When they were young, Cao Cao and the Xiahou brothers and other Wei generals slowly appeared, and behind them came groups of soldiers and horses from all over the mountains and plains.Among them, many roars of pain sounded from time to time.When Cheng Yu saw Cao Cao's figure, his face was happy, and he was about to rush to meet him, but he heard Cao Cao's stern words, and rushed to shout first.

"Zhong De quickly call the doctor over!!!"

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