Han Shimou

Chapter 982 Jiaozhou Rebellion

The man in black plain clothes was Lu Meng.Hearing this, Lu Meng nodded heavily, and replied in a deep voice.Sun Quan then talked with Lu Meng in detail about what he had said to Zhou Yu in the governor's mansion today.Regarding Zhou Yu's reaction, Lu Meng did not see any clues.After Sun Quan heard this, his preparations for Zhou Yu were also slightly reduced for the time being.

In the following days, Sun Quan, according to Zhou Yu's instructions, reused Gu Yong, Zhuge Jin, Lu Su, and Lu Meng, each with important positions. In addition, Zhang Zhao and Zhou Yu tried their best to assist, and Jiangdong was stable.Not a few days later, an envoy from Jiaozhou suddenly sent an urgent report.It is said that Yan Baihu joined forces with Sha Moke, the leader of Wuxi barbarians in Jiaozhou, in Yuhang to rebel in Jiaozhou. Yan Baihu even called himself the King of Eastern Wu.All the ministers in Jiangdong changed their colors when they heard the report.Gu Yong's expression was cold, and he walked out generously.

"Yan Baihu is ambitious. When the Former Lord was still alive, he was intimidated by the former Lord's power and did not dare to rebel. Now seeing that the Former Lord died at the hands of the old thief Cao, the situation in Jiangdong was unstable, so he took the opportunity to rebel. Such evil thieves must not be left behind, they should be eliminated quickly!!"

As soon as Gu Yong said this, Zhang Zhao's face changed, and he was quite worried and said.

"That being said, my lord has just ascended to the throne, and people's hearts are not stable. In addition, our army was defeated by Cao's bandit a while ago, and we lost a lot of soldiers and generals. It is really inappropriate to go to war again. Besides, Jiaozhou is far away from the country. If we raise troops, In the opinion of the veteran, the lord can make an expedient measure first, and seal Yan Baihu as the prefect of the South China Sea, and Shamoke as the prefect of Hepu. Both of them are ambitious tigers and wolves. If you see that the lord has no intention of raising troops , their alliance will surely disintegrate, and they will turn against each other because of the division of interests. The sumo wrestling of tigers and wolves will definitely hurt both sides. During this period, the lord can recruit recruits to train soldiers and horses, and at the same time secretly observe the movements of the two of them. When the time comes , and then take advantage of the situation to attack, the rebels will be eliminated!!"

Zhang Zhao made a plan, and there were many civil and military men in Jiangdong in the hall, they all nodded secretly, secretly saying that the plan was wonderful.Sun Quan's expression froze, and his eyes suddenly turned to Lu Su.Lu Su comprehended, bowed in attendance, and said in a concentrated voice.

"Although Zhang Gong's plan is very good, but if it is so, the lord's reputation will definitely be damaged. Now that the former lord has just passed away, there are many people with real power in the Jiangdong counties. Although they seem to surrender to the lord, they are secretly waiting for opportunities , in a vain attempt to separate one side. If Yan Baihu is not eliminated urgently, within a year, I don’t know how many people will still be kings in Jiangdong. In my opinion, the lord should raise troops quickly, and with the momentum of lightning, the Get rid of all of them, so as to honor the majesty of the lord!!"

After Sun Quan heard this, his expression remained unmoved, so he turned his gaze to Zhou Yu and asked respectfully.

"I don't know what my brother thinks about this?"

Zhou Yu smiled calmly, his bright eyes exuded bursts of persuasive brilliance, and said in a concentrated voice.

"Yan Baihu is no more than a man with scabies, why should he be afraid. The barbarians in Wuxi are all reckless and reckless, and they are no more than mobs. Yu only needs to do a little trick, and talk and laugh to wipe them out. According to Yu, Zijing What you said is very true, you should quickly raise up a large army and wipe them out, so as to promote the dignity of the lord, and teach those thieves with evil intentions not to dare to cause trouble!!"

As soon as Zhou Yu's words fell, all the Jiangdong generals were shocked. Lu Meng burst out angrily and shouted in a concentrated voice.

"I only need [-] soldiers and horses, and I will definitely be able to wipe out the rebels. If not, I am willing to be punished!!"

Lu Meng's momentum was so powerful that all the officials in Jiangdong changed their colors when they heard it.Zhang Zhao's brows were deeply furrowed. If only [-] troops were used, it would be more than enough for Jiangdong today. As long as he didn't use more than [-] troops, he could afford it.But I'm afraid that Lu Meng doesn't have the ability to wipe out Yan Baihu and Sha Moke's [-] to [-] bandit soldiers.Zhang Zhao's brain turned and he spoke again.

"Although General Lu is skilled in the use of troops, he is brave and brave, but the bandits are huge, and the Wuxi barbarian leader Shamoke is rumored to be superior in martial arts, and he is the enemy of ten thousand people. I am afraid that there are only [-] soldiers and horses, and it is difficult to defeat them. Annihilate."

Hearing this, Lu Meng frowned, and was about to open his mouth.Sun Quan smiled lightly and rushed to the front.

"If so. General Lu can lead [-] soldiers and horses as the vanguard first, and I will lead [-] soldiers and horses to support them later. This way, it will be absolutely safe. I wonder what you guys think?"

When all the civil and military men in Jiangdong heard that Sun Quanyu was going to lead the army in person, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to speak for a while.Sun Quan is not Sun Ce, and he is not as brave as Xiang Ji's reincarnation. Moreover, Sun Quan is still young and has little experience in wars. If something happens, Jiangdong can't afford it.

Zhang Zhao's face became anxious, and he hurriedly bowed and said.

"The lord is a body of ten thousand gold. You should stay in Wuhui and take charge of the overall situation. How can you personally take risks!?"

Sun Quan's complexion changed, a pair of owl eyes shone brightly, suddenly burst into aura, he raised his voice and shouted in a concentrated voice.

"I am the lord of Jiangdong. How can I stand by and watch the bandits mess with me now!? In the past, my father and brother would go to the front line whenever there was a war to boost the morale of the three armies. Therefore, our Jiangdong army is invincible and invincible. Ke, the power shakes the world. The Jiangdong Army has always been famous for its bravery and prestige, but now it has fallen into my hands, how can it weaken its reputation!!"

Sun Quan's words were strong and powerful, and he was a bit domineering. Seeing this, Zhang Zhao couldn't help but lose his mind for a while.At this time, Zhou Yu echoed the words.

"What the lord said is very true. I am willing to sit in the Wuhui for the lord, so as to ensure that Jiangdong will not be lost."

When Zhou Yu fell down, Jiangdong was over half of the civil and military forces, and they also followed suit.Seeing that the matter has come to this point, Zhang Zhao no longer persuades him anymore.Sun Quan then ordered Lu Meng to be the vanguard general, Ling Tong and Ding Feng to be the deputy generals, and led [-] elite soldiers to Jiaozhou to conquer the rebels of Yan Baihu and Sha Moke.Lv Meng took the order to gather troops and horses in the morning and set off from Wuhui.Sun Quan also ordered Zhou Tai, Dong Xi and other generals to integrate troops and horses, and prepare supplies and supplies.

But it is said that Lu Meng led [-] soldiers and horses to the border of Jiaozhou non-stop for days.When Yan Baihu heard that Jiangdong was attacking, he was frightened and flustered, and urgently discussed with Sha Moke.Sha Moke said coldly without any fear.

"Sun Lang is dead. His younger brother, Sun Zhongmou, has been insane for many years. He suddenly recovered from his illness. He has just ascended to the throne in Jiangdong, so what are you afraid of? General Yan, don't worry too much, and send people to guard the two counties of Cangwu and Nanhai. We will gather together Soldiers come to Linhe, and fight decisively with them. If the battle situation is not good, we will send reinforcements from Cangwu and Nanhai to respond. In this way, nothing will be lost!!"

Yan Baihu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and according to Shamoke's order, the dispatched troops guarded the two counties of Cangwu and Nanhai.Yan Baihu and Sha Moke led [-] soldiers and horses to gather in Linhe to block the troops from Jiangdong.

Not long after, Yan Baihu heard that the scouts came to report that Jiangdong soldiers had killed them, and the general who led the army was Lu Ziming.Yan Baihu had also heard about Lu Meng's reputation, so he didn't dare to be careless and ordered his younger brother Yan Xing to send troops to guard the Shilong Bridge.Yan Xing led [-] soldiers and horses to rush there, set up his formation, Yan Xing immediately put his sword on the bridge, and ordered the soldiers to beat the drums and slam the battle.

The scouts of the Jiangdong Army heard about it and reported it to the Chinese army. Lu Meng heard that two lights burst out from the tiger's eyes, and he wanted to lead the army out.At this time, Lu Xun, Sima of the marching army, attended the remonstrance.

"Wait a minute, General Lu. There is an old saying that the commander-in-chief is the commanding officer of the three armies, and it is not appropriate to underestimate the small enemy. May the general respect himself."

Lu Meng fixed his eyes, saw that it was Lu Xun, and said with a smile.

"Bo Yan's words are actually the words of gold and stone. But because Mengzheng is the leader of the three armies, the soldiers all put me first. I am afraid that if you don't kiss the stone, if you have a weak ear, the soldiers will not die."

When Lu Xun heard it, his face was shocked, but he was speechless to refute.Lu Meng smiled brilliantly, and after Lu Xun sighed, he spoke to Lu Meng again.

"If so, General Lu can send General Ling to join the battle."

Lu Meng nodded heavily when he heard the words, and then according to Lu Xun's instructions, he sent Ling Tongtong to go out with him, leading [-] soldiers and horses to go.Lu Xun was in the rear, observing the enemy's situation and waiting for an opportunity to move.

Let's say, Lu Meng led the army out of battle.Seeing this, Yan Xing yelled at him, galloped his horse straight across the Shilong Bridge, and came to kill Lu Meng.Lu Meng's face turned cold, and he patted the horse. The horse neighed and flew into the air.Lu Meng flew away like a bolt of thunder, the two horses charged at each other, Lu Meng suddenly fired his gun, shouted loudly, and stabbed Yan Xing in the throat.Yan Xing quickly twisted his gun to block it.Lu Meng immediately retracted his gun, and continued to attack Yan Xing fiercely. Yan Xing either blocked or evaded, but was killed by Lu Meng without any power to fight back.Seeing how mighty Lu Meng was, Yan Xing secretly groaned inwardly.Lu Meng's tiger eyes flashed again and again, his murderous aura was fierce, and he kept accelerating his attack.

All of a sudden, Yan Xing dodged a shot, and stabbed him suddenly, Lu Meng dodged sharply, but Yan Xing's killing was a false move.Yan Xing hastily reined in his horse and retreated.

"Evil thief, don't even try to escape!!"

Wherever Lu Meng is willing to give up, as soon as he pats the horse, he wants to chase it.Suddenly, Yan Xing turned around and made a move to return the carbine. Lu Meng was already prepared and dodged it.But Yan Xing's spear was a false move, he flicked his left hand and shot out three iron beads.Lu Meng's expression changed, and he hastily drew his gun to resist. After three loud bangs of 'bang bang bang', Yan Xing had already fled away.Fortunately, Ling Tong was keen to see him, so he had already set out to chase after him, rushed past Lu Meng, and followed closely behind Yan Xing.

Yan Xing was fleeing, when suddenly there were shouts of killing in his ears. It turned out that Lu Xun had already guessed that Yan Xing was not Lv Meng's opponent. When Lv Meng came out, he secretly ordered Ding Feng to lead an army to drive a small boat and kill him across the bridge from the river bank. inside.I saw dozens of small boats moving fast, Ding Feng shouted sharply, and ordered the bowmen in the boat to shoot down the army on the shore with random arrows, Yan Xingjun fled in a panic, and the situation was in chaos.Ding Feng flew ashore with a big knife in his hand, slashing and killing everyone he met, breaking through all the way, killing Yan Xing's soldiers on their backs.While Ding Feng was rushing to kill, he saw Yan Xing coming from the bridge, he immediately roared, rushed out of the crowd, and stopped him head-on.Yan Xing was startled when he saw a burly man blocking the way in front of him, he quickly reined in his horse and ran away.At this time, Ling Tong waved his double whips and attacked from behind. Yan Xing saw that the situation was so extreme that he didn't care about the soldiers, so he pulled out his horse and fled.Ding Feng and Ling Tong chased Yan Xing back to Linhe city without letting him go.Yan Baihu saw the Jiangdong Army's fierce offensive, and quickly ordered the archers in the city to shoot arrows to resist.Ding Feng and Ling Tong were shot back by random arrows, and after a while Lu Meng came with an army, and seeing that it was difficult to break through the city for a while, he ordered his troops to retreat.

As soon as the horn sounded to withdraw the troops, the Jiangdong armies withdrew one after another.When Yan Baihu saw Jiangdong's army retreating, his flustered heart just settled down.

It was night, Yan Baihu summoned all the generals under his command, as well as Sha Moke and others to discuss matters in the hall.Yan Baihu was sitting in the high hall, thinking of today's battle, he still had some lingering fears.

"The generals of the Jiangdong Army are mighty. Lu Meng, Ling Tong, and Ding Feng are all enemies of ten thousand people. They are hard to resist. What should we do!?"

When Sha Moke heard this, he smiled coldly, glanced secretly at Yan Xing, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes, and then said to Yan Baihu intently.

"General Yan, don't need to be overly concerned. From my perspective, these three people are like sticking out their ears! If the other army comes tomorrow, General Yan will watch the battle from the city and see how I can kill these three people one by one!!"

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