Han Shimou

Chapter 985


The evil beast roared sharply, and the fur on its body stood up like black steel needles. One of the three dogs spouted flames, one spouted thunder, and the other spewed hurricanes, and they all shot towards the dragon flood.The dragon flood snorted again, and if the sea of ​​black mist could swallow everything in the world, it would swallow flames, thunder, and hurricanes.The evil beast roared again, and suddenly rushed towards the dragon jiao. Three ferocious dogs bit the dragon jiao.Suddenly, the dragon's mouth opened wide, and the dragon's body suddenly swelled, ejecting all the wind, fire and thunder that had been absorbed just now.In an instant, the evil beasts were covered by the wind, fire and thunder all over the sky, and were destroyed into countless black light spots.

There was a bang like a crashing sky.Sha Mokebi's eyes widened suddenly, only to feel that the barbed wire bone in his hand seemed to be out of control and flew away.Zhou Tai stabbed the knife straight, and it pierced through Shamoke's right chest impressively.Sha Moke screamed, suppressing the severe pain firmly, like a desperate beast, swung the barbed thorns and smashed at Zhou Tai's head.Zhou Tai hastily withdrew his knife and avoided it.What Sha Moke used was a false move, the barbed thorns Guduo suddenly stopped, he reined in the horse, turned around and fled.Seeing this, Zhou Tai was not willing to give up, so he immediately rode his horse to chase after him.Seeing that Shamoke was in an emergency, several generals rushed to meet him and blocked Zhou Tai.Zhou Tai's tiger's eyes were red and red, and he swung his saber swiftly, like a thunderbolt. In just a few moves, he chopped down several generals one after another.However, Samoko also took advantage of this gap to escape back into the formation.Ling Tong and Ding Feng rushed forward one from the left and the other from the right, and the barbarian army resisted desperately. It was not until Samoke fled back to the city that the barbarian army retreated one after another.Ling Tong and Ding Feng charged all the way and approached the city.Yan Baihu turned pale with fright, and quickly ordered the soldiers in the city to stop him with random arrows.

"My lord, now that Samoco has been defeated for a while, Yan Baihu must be timid. As expected, within a few days, Yan Baihu will come to surrender."

In the Jiangdong army formation, Lu Xun patted his horse and rushed to Sun Quan's side, whispering in his ear.Sun Quan was extremely intelligent, and at the moment he knew what Lu Xun meant, and he was persuading him not to make too many unnecessary casualties.Sun Quan nodded slightly calmly and resolutely, and ordered the sergeant Ming Jin to withdraw.With the sound of the horn, Jiangdong's former army withdrew one after another.

It is said that Sha Moke returned to the city with injuries, and Yan Baihu came to visit him. Seeing that Sha Moke's right chest was bleeding profusely, he ordered the doctor to apply Jinchuang medicine on it.Jinchuang medicine is indeed a holy medicine for trauma, its effect is extraordinary, it doesn't take a while to stop the bleeding of Shamoko's wound.Sha Moke's complexion was dark, and his blue eyes were full of murderous intent.Yan Baihu persuaded from the side.

"Zhou Youping is really powerful this week. No one in our army can defeat him. Besides, there are heroes in his army, such as Lu Meng and Ling Tong. Why don't you just surrender and share Jiangdong equally with that Sun Zhongmou!!"

When Sha Moke heard the words, his blue eyes stared, and he shouted angrily.

"Impossible! The Jiangdong Sun family has a bloody feud with me in Wuxi, how can I submit to it. What's more, the so-called side of the couch, how can you allow others to snore and sleep, and it may not be that Sun Zhongmou can tolerate you and me!!"

Shamoke's voice was like thunder, he gritted his teeth, and his whole body was full of murderous aura.Yan Baihu was overwhelmed by Sha Moke's bravery, and he didn't dare to persuade him any more, so he retreated nonchalantly.

At the beginning of the night, Yan Baihu called his younger brother Yan Xing to discuss in the mansion.Yan Baihu's face was seyin cold, and there was a bit of horror and fear in his eyes, and he said to Yan Xing.

"The Jiangdong army is attacking fiercely, and its army is like a cloud of fierce generals. Now Linhe City's water and land retreat is cut off by it, and it is in danger. The barbarians of Samokana are ignorant of current affairs, stubborn, and unwilling to surrender. My brother can Have a plan!?"

Hearing the words, Yan Xing pondered for a while, and suddenly two gloomy murderous looks shot out from his eyes, and he said in a cold voice.

"If that's the case, why don't you solve it secretly, and then entrust it to Sun Zhongmou, and say that the rebellion was all instigated by this person. If this is the case, won't my brother win Sun Zhongmou's favor?"

When Yan Baihu heard it, he immediately shook his head and said.

"It's absolutely impossible. Not to mention the extraordinary bravery of Shamoko. Although he is injured now, it is not easy to eradicate him. If there is any negligence, our lives will be in danger. Besides, if the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, if When I kill Shamoke, I'm afraid that Sun Zhongmou's next step will be to eradicate you and me, and this will do all kinds of harm and no benefit at all!!"

After hearing this, Yan Xing also understood the reasoning. After hesitating for a while, he suddenly said.

"How about my elder brother order Nashamoke to guide him to deploy, break through the siege of the city, and retreat back to Jiaozhou first. At that time, elder brother will hand over to Sun Zhongmou secretly. If Sun Zhongmou is willing to share Jiangdong equally with us, we will lead the army to join him and help him Get rid of Sha Moke. If not, then abandon the city and flee, withdraw to Jiaozhou, and deal with it slowly!!"

Yan Baihu listened, his eyes lit up, he clapped his palms and said with a smile.

"Haha. My brother's plan is very good. I will do as you want."

After Yan Baihu and Yan Xing discussed and agreed.Early the next morning, Yan Baihu called Sha Moke.After a while, Shamoke came and finished the worship.Yan Baihu's expression froze, and he gave orders.

"The army is powerful. According to my expectation, it will be difficult to hold Linhe City. We should plan ahead to prevent unexpected events. I want you, King Wuxi, to break through the siege tonight and rush back to Jiaozhou. Anti-Jiangdong Army. This matter is very important, and I hope the King of Wuxi will not refuse!!"

Sha Moke's face changed when he heard the words, and after thinking for a while, he also felt that such an arrangement was good, so he bowed and bowed, and said in a concentrated voice.

"What the general said is true. Then tonight, I hope the general will send troops out of the city to prepare for an offensive. I will lead my subordinates to deploy and protrude from the east gate. What does the general think?"

"It's good to be so natural. I will cooperate tonight."

Yan Baihu nodded, and after discussing with Sha Moke for a while, Sha Moke left.

Let's talk about the first change at night.Some Jiangdong scouts saw that Linhe City was in flames, and there were frequent sounds of fighting and shaking. They suspected that the soldiers and horses in the city were about to leave the city for a sneak attack, so they rushed to report to Sun Quan.When Sun Quan heard the news, he smiled lightly.Lu Xun attended and said.

"My lord, don't worry too much. This must be Yan Baihu's bluff in order to send Shamoke back to Jiaozhou as a cover."

Sun Quan frowned when he heard the words, although he was bright in his heart, he deliberately asked Lu Xun.

"Oh? How did Boyan get it?"

Lu Xun saw that Sun Quan's eyes were clear, and he had no doubts. He knew in his heart that Sun Quan had the answer long ago, but he didn't expose it, and he bowed to answer.

"Reporting to my lord. The Shamoke family was almost wiped out by the former lord in the past. This person has a deep blood feud with me, Jiangdong, and has a stubborn temper. He is not a rat like Yan Baihu who is greedy for life and afraid of death. Yan Baihu If you want to surrender, you must eradicate this person first. But Shamoke is superb in martial arts, and Yan Baihu is intimidating. Besides, the two have a close relationship. Yan Baihu sent him away to see if the lord is willing to accept his surrender. Let’s figure out what’s next.”

After listening to Lu Xun's analysis one by one, Sun Quan couldn't help clapping and applauding.

"Bo Yan is extremely intelligent, which is really admirable."

"The lord is Miao Zan, inferior to Xiaozhi, it's hard to call it elegant."

Lu Xun was delighted by Sun Quan's praise, but he was humble on the surface.Sun Quan smiled indifferently, his owl eyes were lingering with bursts of brilliance, and he secretly said in his heart.

"Although Lu Boyan is young, he is quick-witted and resourceful. He will become a great weapon in the future. I should put more emphasis on such heroes."

Afterwards, Lu Xun and Sun Quan discussed for a while, teaching the way so and so.According to what Lu Xun said, Sun Quan ordered the three armies not to pursue any soldiers and horses that break through tonight.

It was three o'clock at night.Suddenly there was a cannon sound in Linhe City, and then the drums were beating loudly. Yan Baihu and Yan Xing each led a large army to fight out from the north and west gates.When the Jiangdong army saw it, they pretended to be flustered and embarrassed.When Sha Moke heard the report from the soldiers, he had no doubts in his heart, so he led his deployment to break through the east gate and leave.The Jiangdong army did not pursue and kill them. They fought with Yan Baihu and Yan Xing for a while, until dawn, and the two armies retreated separately.

Yan Baihu was overjoyed to see Sha Moke successfully broke through and retreated, and immediately sent Yan Xing out of the city to meet Sun Quan.When Sun Quan heard that Yan Xing was coming to see him, he looked at Lu Xun and smiled as if he had expected it.All the civil and military men from Jiangdong saw it, and they were all surprised.Sun Quan personally went out of the tent to greet him, Yan Xing finished his salute, and was about to inform him of his intention.Sun Quan, however, scrambled to be the first to invite Yan Xing to drink.Seeing this, Yan Xing didn't know what to expect, but now Yan Xing didn't dare to make mistakes, so he followed Sun Quan in.

About two hours later, after drinking for three rounds.Sun Quan's expression froze suddenly, and he said to Yan Xing with a pleasant smile.

"Brother Ling intended to send away that barbarian Shamoko last night. I knew it earlier. That's why I let him go. I don't know what Brother Ling wants?"

When Yan Xing heard this, his complexion changed drastically, and he looked closely at Sun Quan, only to see that Sun Quan was extremely calm, with a pair of extremely bright owl eyes, as if embedded in his eye sockets, to see through his mind.When Yan Xing and Sun Quan looked at each other, they broke out in a cold sweat, and immediately bowed to each other.

"My brother hopes to get the land of Jiaozhou. If Wu Hou is willing to give it to me, my brother is willing to lead the crowd to vote and let Wu Hou drive!!"

When Sun Quan heard the words, the look on his face stopped suddenly, and he suddenly laughed aloud as if he had heard a big joke.Yan Xing didn't know what Sun Quan meant, and the suspicion on his face became more intense.At this moment, Ding Feng, who had heard Sun Quan's orders, rose up angrily, his thick eyebrows stood on end, his eyes as huge as copper bells widened, and he roared angrily.

"Don't you dare to get involved in my Jiangdong land!!"

When Yan Xing was yelled by Ding Feng, he felt that his soul was being shattered by the yelling, so he immediately drew his sword and stood up, trying to hold Sun Quan hostage to save his life.Unexpectedly, Ding Feng had been prepared for a long time, he blocked Yan Xing horizontally, raised his foot to look at Yan Xing who was rushing, and kicked Yan Xing, hitting his abdomen.Yan Xing screamed and flew to the ground.Ding Feng drew out the sword in his waist, rushed to him, stabbed down with the sword, and hit his heart.Yan Xing died on the spot.Ding Feng then cut off his subordinates and gave them to Sun Quan.This change happened in an instant.Before all the civil and military men in Jiangdong could react, they saw Ding Feng holding a bloody head in both hands and offering it to Sun Quan.Sun Quan smiled brightly, immediately rewarded Ding Feng, and then pointed at Yan Xing's rank, sending people into the city.

But when Yan Baihu saw his younger brother, he seemed to have fallen into an ice abyss, and his whole body was extremely cold.One of the soldiers under Yan Baihu's command urgently tried to persuade him.

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