Han Shimou

Chapter 989 Gan Ning returns to Wu

"Since the lord does not remember old grievances, how dare he make mistakes in important national affairs?"

After Sun Quan heard this, he nodded and smiled, and naturally comforted Ling Tong again.Sun Quan decided to settle down, so he arranged for Lu Meng to come to Japan to drink and fight against Gan Ning, and secretly talked about his surrender.Lu Meng took the order.

The next day, Sun Quan led his soldiers and horses to kill the city again, and set up a battle.Lu Meng galloped out of the battle, raised his gun and pointed at Gan Ning on the top of the wall, calling him to fight.Gan Ning saw Lu Meng coming out of the battle, a strange look flashed in his eyes, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he ordered him to deploy to the city and prepare to go out.Yan Baihu looked at Gan Ning's leaving back, his eyes flickered with gloom. , full text hand typed

When he was young, Gan Ning led his troops out of the city, and after a moment of battle, he didn't answer, rode his horse and brandished his sabre, and charged out.Lu Meng slapped his horse to meet him, the two horses charged, and the two weapons collided quickly.During the fight, Lu Meng cast a dark look and said in a low voice.

"The time has come. Xingba can act quickly."

Gan Ning heard the words, the smile on the corner of his mouth became brighter in an instant, he let out a big drink, and swung Lu Meng's gun away.Lu Meng pretended to be defeated and fled in embarrassment.Gan Ning immediately rode his horse and followed closely. Seeing that he was about to approach, Lu Meng suddenly made a move to return his carbine.Gan Ning hurriedly resisted with a knife, and there was a bang, Gan Ning was stabbed by the spear, causing people and horses to retreat several meters.Lu Meng took the opportunity to escape, Sun Quan drew the sword around his waist, and with a sudden move, Ling Tong, Ding Feng, Dong Xi and others all killed them all.Gan Ning reined in his horse and left, fled back into the formation, and led the army back into the city.To see the latest chapter, please come to ""

Lu Meng and Ling Tong then returned to the formation, and the Jiangdong generals cast their eyes one after another.Sun Quan seemed to have known the result in advance, so he was determined and calm.I saw Lu Meng cupped his hands and bowed, and shouted in a concentrated voice.

"Fortunately, Gan Xingba is willing to surrender"

"Haha. Xingba is willing to surrender, and he won my heart. Guangxin City can be broken."

Sun Quan laughed loudly when he heard this.Except for Ling Tong, all the generals in Jiangdong were overjoyed.Let's talk about Gan Ning returning to the city to see Yan Baihu, Yan Baihu's face was dark, his eyes flashed two murderous auras, he drank a drink, and his troops immediately surrounded him.Gan Ning was not afraid, raised his eyebrows, looked at Yan Baihu coldly, and asked in a cold voice.

"What does General Yan mean by this?"

Yan Baihu sneered, his eyes were full of killing intent, and he shouted in a cold voice.

"I have been watching here for more than ten days, and I don't know your evil intentions. You must have selfish intentions when you don't fight hard every time. Former Fan Ling came to the battle several times. He is not your opponent, but you don't want to go out. Until Sun Zhongmou's army came to kill you, but you only cared about showing off your prestige. I think you must have deliberately voted under his command, so you can show off your prestige and make Sun Zhongmou succumb to your martial arts. It will teach you to vote under his command and be reused in the future. Today If I don't kill you, I will be troubled later."

After Yan Baihu finished drinking, he wanted to order the surrounding soldiers to attack.At this moment, Gan Ning was laughing wildly.Yan Baihu's face was extremely dark, and he asked in a cold voice.

"What do you mean by that smile?"

"Hahahahaha I laugh at you when you are about to die, but you still dare to speak out loudly"

After Gan Ning finished laughing, he stared with eagle eyes, his whole body exploded with incomparable murderous aura, forcing Yan Baihu soldiers around him to retreat unconsciously.Gan Ning stepped forward suddenly, like a crawling prehistoric beast, charged towards Yan Baihu.Hundreds of Jinfan thieves behind Gan Ning suddenly broke out and rushed towards Yan Baihu soldiers in all directions.The accident happened in an instant, and most of Yan Baihu's sergeants were hacked to death by the Jinfan bandits like tigers and wolves before they could react.Several generals under Yan Baihu's command saw Gan Ning rushing towards him and hurriedly blocked him.Gan Ning's saber dance was like a thunderbolt, with a non-stop charge, and when the saber passed through one place, there were countless blood sprays.Gan Ning knocked those generals to the ground in an instant, and approached Yan Baihu impressively.Before Yan Baihu came back to his senses, he saw Gan Ning's extremely hideous smiling face suddenly appearing in front of him.Gan Ning swung his saber and slashed at Yan Baihu.The sharp blade approached first, and Yan Baihu hurriedly opened his eyes, only to see a big eagle surrounded by thunder rushing towards him.Huya's big knife slashed down, Yan Baihu's head split into two halves instantly, and blood and brain matter spurted out together.

Time suddenly slowed down, Yan Baihu's sergeant around saw Yan Baihu being hacked to death by Gan Ning, all of them were horrified.Gan Ning swung the saber and roared sharply.

"Yan Baihu is dead, and those who surrender will not be killed"

At the same time, Gan Ning's subordinates rushed to the top of the city one after another. Sergeant Yan Baihu saw the momentum, put down their weapons and shouted to surrender.Gan Ning captured more than a thousand soldiers of Yan Baihu's army, and then sent someone to send Yan Baihu's body to Jiangdong Village.When Sun Quan heard that Gan Ning had killed Yan Baihu, he immediately wanted to sacrifice Guangxin City, and he couldn't stop laughing.That night, Sun Quan personally led the army to the city of Guangxin, and Gan Ning led the army out of the city.Sun Quan came with his horse, Gan Ning knelt on the ground and shouted.

"Wu Hou is benevolent, don't forget old grudges, I am willing to surrender"

Sun Quan hurriedly got off his horse and helped Gan Ning up. He couldn't stop laughing, and immediately named Gan Ning General Zhechong.Sun Quan got Gan Ning to surrender, and then Gan Ning took Sun Quan's order and led his deployment to attack the barbarians in various places in Jiaozhou.The barbarians were all intimidated by Gan Ning's prestige. Sha Moke was severely wounded by Gan Ning in the battle with Gan Ning. He led thousands of his clan to escape from the border of Jiaozhou and went to Yizhou.Soon, Han Dang and Zhou Tao received good news, and the chaos in Nanhai and Cangwu was settled.That's it, that's the end.Sun Quan was not like Sun Ce, who rampantly killed the barbarians. Instead, he absolved them of their crimes and calmed people's hearts. The barbarians surrendered to Sun Quan.Half a month later, Sun Quan's troops returned to Wuhui. Zhang Zhao, Gu Yong and other ministers were horrified when they heard that Sun Quan had quelled the chaos in Jiaozhou within a few months and had taken back Gan Xingba, a peerless general.In the Jiangdong counties, those ambitious people who were eager to move, saw that after Sun Ce died, Sun Quan took over Jiangdong.At that time, Sun Quan ordered Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong to reduce taxes, open granaries, and issued many policies to benefit the people one by one.The people in Jiangdong are all happy.Naturally, Sun Quanquan shocked Jiangdong and won the hearts of the people.

And just when Sun Quan pacified the Jiaozhou war, in the land of Xichuan, the war broke out again.Let's say that Xu Huang heard Wen Han's order, so he transferred all the [-] elite soldiers stationed in the Shangyong realm to Anhan.When Xu Huang led his troops to arrive, Wen Han had already prepared food, grass, supplies and siege equipment in Anhan.Wen Han immediately ordered Xu Huang to lead [-] soldiers and horses to join Pound, Cheng Gongying and other civil and military forces to attack Brazil County.Wen Han personally led [-] soldiers and horses, joined forces with Zhao Yun, Wei Yan and other generals, and went to Zitong.The two armies were constantly moving, and Wen Han sent Wei Yan as the vanguard, leading [-] troops to advance first.

But it is said that Meng obtained the two counties of Zitong and Brazil, and his relatives were in Zitong, and ordered Yongkai, Zhu Bao, and Gao Ding to lead them to deploy and guard Brazil.Wenhan raised troops in Dongchuan and divided them into two armies to attack.Meng Huo has already made detailed reports to report.Meng Huo turned pale when he heard this, and quickly ordered Yong Kai, Zhu Bao, and Gao Ding to guard the city to resist the Northwest Army led by Xu Huang.And Meng Huo hurriedly gathered the Marshal Sandong under his command to discuss.The first hole is Marshal Jinhuan Sanjie, the second hole is Marshal Dong Dana, and the third hole is Marshal Ahuinan.Marshal Sandong came to see Meng Huo.Meng Huo stared fiercely, and shouted in a cold voice.

"Hou Wenbufan, the current champion of the Han people, led a large army to invade our realm, so he had to fight against them together. The three of you can divide your troops and advance in three ways. If you win, you will be the general marshal under my command."

Hearing the words, the three commanders trembled and took orders one after another.So Jinhuan Sanjie took the middle road, Dong Dana took the left road, Ah Hui Nan took the right road, and each led [-] barbarians. Go down to the camp to block the Northwest Army led by Wen Han.

A few days later, the scouts of the barbarian army came to report that Wei Yan, the vanguard general of the northwest, had arrived dozens of miles away.Dong Chana heard this, and wanted to fight for merit, so he ordered the deployment of his subordinates to meet Wei Yan.Wei Yan led the army forward, and suddenly saw the wind and dust in front of him, and knew that there were enemy troops coming.Wei Yan's expression froze, and he quickly ordered the soldiers to spread out and prepare for battle.

When he was young, Dong Chana sent his army to kill him.The two armies are facing each other.Wei Yan rushed out with a sword on his horse and roared sharply.

"Wei Wenchang is here, barbarians, who dares to fight me?"

Dong Cha was furious when he heard the words, swung the giant hammer in his hand, slapped the horse and rushed towards Wei Yan immediately.Wei Yan had no fear, and when Dong Cha's charge was close, he suddenly raised his broadsword and slashed at his neck.Wei Yan suddenly drew his sword, but Dong Cha didn't expect it, so he quickly ran away to avoid it.Wei Yan slashed with his knife, drew back his big knife, and saw that he was chopping.Dong Chana hastily raised his sledgehammer to resist, and with a loud 'bang', the charge of the sword in Wei Yan's hand stopped abruptly, and sparks erupted at the junction of the two weapons.With a roar of anger, Dong Cha swung Wei Yan's sword away with all his might, but Wei Yan retracted it anxiously.Dong Chana swung his sledgehammer and smashed it at Wei Yan's head.In the fight just now, Wei Yan knew that the barbarian was quite strong, so he didn't want to meet him head-on, so he got out of the way, and then raised his big knife sharply, aiming to stab Dong Cha's heart.Dong Cha was a little dull, unable to block him in time, and wanted to avoid it, but was stabbed by Wei Yan into the right breastplate with a knife, breaking open and heading straight.Dong Chana hastily smashed the sledgehammer, forcing Wei Yan to withdraw the knife.Wei Yanyuan stared at the tiger, and the sword was swift, and he didn't know Dong Cha's onslaught.Dong Cha's strength was great, but his skill was clumsy. Wei Yan killed him for a while, and he was in danger.Wei Yan waved his army to cover up the killing, and the barbarian army was defeated and fled.It was during the mixed killing that Jin Huan Sanjie and A Huinan led the army to kill. Dong Chana saw the reinforcements coming, and returned and killed again.Seeing that his army was powerful, Wei Yan didn't dare to rely on it, so he quickly ordered his troops to retreat.All the barbarians went back to their camps.

That night, Wen Han came with most of his soldiers and horses, and Wei Yan reported the previous events.Wen Han heard that there were as many as [-] barbarian troops, his expression froze, and he ordered to set up a camp first, and then make plans.After that, Li You came to see Wen Hanbingdao again.

"When our army first came, the soldiers worked hard, and the camp had not yet been established. We should beware of the enemy's attack."

When Wen Han heard the words, a pair of sword eyes shone brightly, so he immediately followed Li You's plan and sent Wei Yan and Zhao Yun to lead a soldier and horse to ambush in the dense forest outside the stronghold.

At three o'clock at night, there were countless shouts of killing outside the stronghold.It turned out that just as Li You expected, Marshal Sandong of the barbarian army led troops and horses to attack the camp.

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