Han Shimou

Chapter 99 Cannibal Banquet

Wen Han fought with the Qiang Hu giant for half an hour, Wen Han suddenly became vigorous from the lack of strength at the beginning, using Tai Chi routines, skillfully vented his strength, and then used his force to force the Qiang Hu giant into a dead end gradually.In the end, the giant Qiang Hu man was exhausted, and was stabbed in the throat by Wen Han, and he fell off the horse.

Guan Yu and Gao Shun watched it fascinatedly. They had also been in touch with Tai Chi, but they didn't understand it as deeply as Wen Han, and they could integrate it into spear technique.The two of them rode their horses and rushed over. At this time, almost [-]% of the Qianghu soldiers and horses were wiped out by Heifengqi, and there were few active Qianghu people in the prairie.

"Congratulations, brother Bufan, you finally broke through the bottleneck. If you take off your inner armor at this time, if you fight Pei Yuanshao, you will be able to win within [-] rounds. As for Xu Gongming, um... Although you can't beat him, you can fight him seven times Eighty rounds, it shouldn't be difficult."

Guan Yu supported the two-foot beard, congratulated Wen Han with a happy face.When he was in Luoyang, Wen Han often practiced with him and Xu Huang. At that time, he knew that Wen Han had reached a bottleneck, and he could break through as long as he had an opportunity.

But this opportunity is illusory and difficult to grasp. Some people may be able to catch it in a life-and-death battle, but some people need four or five years. Some people have limited potential and cannot catch it all their lives.Seeing today that Wen Han finally made a breakthrough and improved his martial arts, Guan Yu was also happy for him.

"Well. I train hard on weekdays and never fall. I also use this inner armor to force out my potential, and this giant Qiang Hu is powerful. If I still can't break through, I can only say that my potential is limited."

Wen Han, on the other hand, has a calm expression. He is a person who pursues the limit, and he knows that this person cannot be easily satisfied, otherwise he will stagnate.As soon as he finished speaking, Wen Han frowned suddenly, the pressure on his body finally broke out, the muscles and blood in his whole body churned, his arms were suddenly pulled out of strength, his hands shook, and he couldn't even hold the tiger's head silver spear. out of hand.

Wen Han gritted his teeth in pain, his face was cramped, and he almost fell off his horse.Guan Yu thought that just now, he must have exhausted all his energy and energy, and his body was just exhausted.He hurried over to help Wen Han off the horse. Wen Han kept his mouth shut and couldn't even speak.His face was bloodless, the pupils of his eyes dilated, and the nerves and bones all over his body twitched and released, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Seeing Wenhan's painful appearance, some soldiers of Heifengqi thought that he was seriously injured, and all of them showed anxious faces, and they all galloped forward at the same time.Guan Yu waved his hand, saying that Wen Han was fine, and told them not to make too much noise, disturbing Wen Han's rest.

This inhuman pain lasted for half a stick of incense. Wen Han sweated a lot and finally endured it.Guan Yu took a few wooden tubes filled with water and gave Wen Han a drink to rehydrate him. After drinking, Wen Han felt much better.Someone wanted to give him rations, Wen Han shook his head, and said with a wry smile that he couldn't eat anything except water now.

When Wen Han regained some strength and was still able to ride a horse, Guan Yu repeatedly persuaded him, but Wen Han refused to take it off.Later, Guan Yu rectified his army and horses, and Wen Han was placed last.

At this time, in the four tribes in the distance, the quarrel was upside down. Some Qianghu men ran out with weapons, but because the horses of the four tribes were all used up by the two thousand Qianghu cavalry just now, they had no choice but to Come by running.Walking fast, they approached Wenhan and the Han army. When those Qianghu men saw the corpses of Qianghu soldiers and horses all over the ground, they were shocked, and almost half of them were howling in disbelief.

Guan Yu sneered, saying that the Qiang and Hu people didn't know what to do, so they dared to come and die.Immediately, the order to charge was issued, and the two thousand and eight hundred black wind riders were like a pack of wolves in the prairie, plunging into the lamb group, and slaughtered the Qiang and Hu men with their horses, killing the prairie with blood, and then chased them all the way to the tribe , massacred, the Qianghu people of the four tribes were either struggling to resist, or fled, or were crying.

This is already a massacre by one side, and the surrounding area is covered in blood.Wen Han collapsed and was protected by four or five black wind riders, watching the killing scene with cold eyes.

Two thousand and eight hundred black wind riders continued to fight until dawn, and several times the prairie wolves came here smelling the smell of blood, and were also frightened away by their shrill screams.A ray of sunlight fell on the corpses of several Qianghu people, and one could clearly see the expressions on their faces, fear, anger, and despair.In the crazy killing last night, among the four tribes, anyone wearing Qianghu costumes and all moving objects, except for the elderly, women and children, were the targets of the killing.

Guan Yu, Gao Shun, and the [-] Black Wind Riders, I can't count how many people they killed.All I know is that their hands are numb and their hearts are numb.

Wen Han's eyes hurt from the strong sunlight, and he seldom did anything all night. A few Qianghu men tried to attack him, but they were stabbed to death by the black wind cavalry protecting him.

Wen Han appeared in the central square of a certain tribe, suddenly, looking to one side, his face changed drastically, and his face was full of ferociousness.

I saw, in the center of the square.There was a huge pot filled with wood beneath it, and a wooden platform beside it.Isn't this what Zhang Ping said, the facility where the cannibal banquet was held!

"These four tribes were going to hold that cannibal banquet last night! If our soldiers and horses hadn't come here! How many Han people would have been tortured last night!"

Wen Han was furious in his heart, and he clenched his fists tightly.

Sure enough, after a while, a few soldiers of Heifengqi found two to three hundred tied up Han women in several tents, most of them had dull eyes and dull expressions.Wen Han, Guan Yu, Gao Shun, and Heifengqi were all furious. They had heard Zhang Ping say it, and they knew how cruel the cannibal banquet was.

At this time, among the four tribes, only the elderly, women and children, and Han Chinese slaves remained.Wen Han looked at the cauldron for a long time, and there was a demon in his heart calling him, use his own body to repay his own way!

He looked at several Qianghu women, and those Qianghu women seemed to have guessed what Wen Han was going to do, and suddenly screamed in fright, as if they were crazy.Looking at it makes people feel unbearable.Several Qianghu old men, who should be their father, hurried over and knelt down, begging Wen Han in unproficient Qiang language.

Han Chinese slaves continued to come out, and their previous despair and dull eyes were replaced by hatred and murderous intent. If Wen Han, the leading general, hadn't expressed it, they would not have dared to act recklessly.Otherwise, they would have rushed forward, put these Qianghu women on the wooden platform, lit a fire, and raped them.Let them try, what is this cannibal banquet like!

Wen Han's conscience was struggling with the demon in his heart, and finally his conscience found a reason for his mind.Wen Han's eyes, which had been closed for a long time, slowly opened, and all the Han people in the audience were waiting for his order.

"We attacked last night and escaped many Qianghu people and soldiers. I am afraid that tonight, a large force of Qianghu people will come. All the black wind riders obeyed the order and immediately gathered the Han people to slaughter cattle and sheep. Let them When you are full, leave immediately!"

After Wen Han finished speaking, he left immediately and walked into a tent.They didn't hear that Wen Han had done anything to these Qiang Hu old men, women and children. The Han slaves were very disappointed, but they didn't dare to disobey Wen Han's order.Now that they can go back to Dahan, they are already satisfied. They are already exhausted physically and mentally, and they just want to go back quickly, and they obediently began to gather together.

Wen Han closed his eyes and rested in the tent, and kept recalling the cauldron in the square in his mind. Although his face did not change, the veins on his neck kept squirming.

Suddenly, outside the tent, there were screams like several madmen.Wen Han ran out when he heard the sound, and when he saw the scene in front of him, his body trembled.

I saw that the hundreds of Han women who were originally tied up should have a sudden attack after being untied by Heifengqi. , screaming and crying at the same time, that hysterical roar is as sad as it can be.As a Han Chinese, Heifengqi couldn't bear to stop them at this time, so he had to watch helplessly.

Three Han women, holding guns, pointed at a Qiangbeard woman who was holding a child, stabbing continuously, her hair was disheveled like a ghost, and her eyes were glaring.There are also some, those who cannot get a weapon, grab it with their hands and bite it with their teeth.Wen Han saw with his own eyes that two Han women bit off the ears of an old Qianghu man.The words these Han women were shouting were no longer in Chinese, nor did they sound like human speech. They didn't know the tone of their murmurs, maybe they didn't know what they were shouting.

Just keep screaming at high decibels, screaming and screaming.

"It's me, too underestimated. The pain suffered by these Han slaves who were taken captive to the Qianghu."

Wen Han's heart was bleeding, he didn't know what kind of torture a person would have to suffer to become so crazy.These Han women in front of them have lost their hearts, and their souls have become evil spirits at this moment.

"Brother Bufan, let them settle their enmity as you did last time. Otherwise, after they go back to the big man, I'm afraid they will also lose their minds. This is just karma."

Guan Yu really couldn't see it, so he suggested to Wen Han.Wen Han understands that he is already furious just by hearsay, let alone those Han Chinese slaves who have experienced it personally.Wen Han nodded, and without knowing how to order, Heifengqi tied up those Qianghu old men, women and children, and drove them out of the prairie.

Countless Han slaves suddenly showed a fierce look in their eyes, picked up weapons or hard objects, and just went to kill and vent their hatred.There was blood on the prairie again.This is the karma between the Han people and the Qiang and Hu people, and it is the normal state of life. Although Wen Han can't bear it, he can only let it go.The murderer Ren Heng kills him.

After several hours, the killing stopped.Crying and shouting for killing have already become the habit of Ling Wenhan, Guan Yu, Gao Shun and Hei Fengqi.After the Han slaves wolfed down their hungry stomachs, they were arranged by Wen Han to form five or six teams, each with as many as 1000 people.During the fight last night, a lot of horses were seized. Some horsemen who knew how to ride horses rode horses, and a few people sat behind them, stepping on the road to return to the big man.

Before leaving, these Han slaves knelt down crying bitterly, thanking Wen Han for leading the soldiers to rescue them, and knowing Wen Han's name, all of them remembered in their hearts, as reborn parents.Wen Han watched the backs of them gradually leaving, and after Hei Fengqi replenished his arrows, he rested here for another day.He then headed towards the direction of several other tribes in the prairie, and led the troops to rush.

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