20 years of spring breeze

Chapter 5 Wang Xiaohong

Chapter 5 Wang Xiaohong

Stationmaster Wang’s home is in the north corner of the county seat, where the county government has built a family courtyard, a four-storey building next to the warehouse of the County Grain Bureau.

Parked the car at the entrance of the building, the stationmaster Wang took the bag and led Xiaowei upstairs. Their home is on the third floor, 303.

Xiaowei is a junior, and the longest time he has been in contact with Stationmaster Wang is when he was a child. Stationmaster Wang always liked to hug him, so although he feels kind, his behavior is still relatively restrained, and he silently followed behind Stationmaster Wang upstairs. Walking, the footsteps and panting of two people echoed in the corridor.

At the door, stationmaster Wang changed the bag, took out a large bunch of keys from his waist, opened the door with a clatter, and said to Xiaowei: "Come on, let's go in." After closing the door and walking directly into the house, Stationmaster Wang shouted, "My wife? My wife, is the meal ready?"

Stationmaster Wang's daughter-in-law poked her head out of the bathroom and said, "It's done. It's in the pot. Go and fill it up. I'll finish washing it. Oh, Xiaowei is here. When did you come? What? Didn't you say something in advance?" Seeing Xiaowei behind Stationmaster Wang, the wife of Stationmaster Wang came out of the bathroom, wiped her hands and said to Xiaowei with a smile: "Why did you arrive before? How are you at home? Your mother Why didn't you come?"

Xiaowei also smiled and replied: "Auntie, I came alone, and my mother is at home reclaiming the land."

After wiping her hands, Aunt Wang came over and took Xiaowei's hand to look it up and down, and said: "You are strong, and you have grown a lot. I dare not recognize it if I walk on the street. Is your father's waist still like that? Go to the hospital." Have you read it? Come, come, sit, and eat."

Aunt Wang dragged Xiaowei into the kitchen and sat on the edge of the table. She and Xiaowei's mother grew up together, and they were like sisters. This is also the main reason for the good relationship between the two families.

Stationmaster Wang put vegetables and rice from the pot on the table, and asked, "Xiaohong hasn't come back yet?"

Aunt Wang let go of Xiaowei's hand and stood up to help, saying: "No, it's probably coming soon, the meeting should be almost here. Let's eat first, Xiaowei must be hungry after driving for a long time, and I'll heat it up for Xiaohong when she comes back. "

Xiaowei said: "No need for auntie, let's eat together when Xiaohong comes back, I'm not too hungry."

Aunt Wang kept her hands on the table, put a large bowl of stewed potatoes and kidney beans on the table, took out a bowl of fried egg sauce from the cabinet next to it, put it on the table, and said, "No, let's eat first, I can eat it now." It's time to arrive." Go to the sink and take out a basket and put it on the table, which contains washed shallots, lettuce and cucumbers, and go to the basin next to it to pick up a bowl of sliced ​​radishes that have been boiled and soaked in cold water, and wipe them. He sat down with his hands and said: "Eat, I didn't know you were coming, it's not a big deal, don't pick on auntie, eat enough, auntie will make you something delicious tomorrow."

Xiaowei looked at the big bowl of rice with two rice water in front of him, swallowed a mouthful and said, "Let's wait for Xiaohong, it's not too late."

Stationmaster Wang sat down and picked up his chopsticks, and said, "Why are you so polite? Why didn't you say you were polite when you were young and ate the little red corn? Let's eat." Dip it in egg sauce, stuff it into your mouth, and chew it with a crackling sound.

Aunt Wang said to Xiaowei: "Listen to your uncle, eat."

Xiaowei agreed, picked up the chopsticks, and took a sip of the rice with rice water.

"You didn't wait for me to eat? It's too much." A voice followed the footsteps into the room, and several people turned their heads to look over. A little girl with a schoolbag and big braids came in with a pouting voice. Room.

Aunt Wang said: "What's the matter? Wash your hands and eat, and you just moved your chopsticks. Didn't you see your little Viagra? This girl is getting worse and worse."

Xiaohong curled her lips, left the kitchen in a hurry, threw her schoolbag on the bed, ran back and washed the handles on the tap, but didn't wipe it, sat down at the table and looked at the dishes on the table and said, "Second devil Why don’t you order something delicious when you come here? At least put some meat in the stew? Mom, you’re getting smaller and smaller, Dad, you have to train Mom, what a disgrace to your station master.”

Stationmaster Wang looked up at her, but said nothing. Aunt Wang compared the chopsticks in her hand to Xiaohong's head, and said, "It doesn't matter whether it's big or small every day. It doesn't matter what your father is used to. Brother also Don’t bark? Who taught you?”

Xiaohong glanced sideways at Xiaowei, suddenly smiled, and said, "Brother Guizi, why did you come here? Are you tired? Shall I give you a massage?"

Xiaowei glanced at her, moved his body to one side, and said, "Forget it, I'm afraid you will beat me to death, so hurry up and eat."

Xiaohong picked up the chopsticks and said to Aunt Wang: "Mom, why didn't you eat a few eggplants? I eat cucumbers all day long, and I'm almost turning into a cucumber. Don't worry about it, Dad. My mother is getting lazy now."

Stationmaster Wang gave Xiaohong a harmless look, and said, "Dinner. You're the only one who talks a lot in a day. If you think your mother is lazy, you can cook your own meals and wash your own clothes."

Xiaohong made a grimace at the stationmaster Wang, put a piece of potato into Xiaowei's bowl and said, "Come on, Brother Devil, eat more, look at you, you are skinny, like a dragon, can't you grow some meat? Tomorrow Stew some meat for you."

Xiaowei said to her: "If you want to eat meat, just say so? Don't rely on me, I don't want to eat meat."

Both Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang laughed, and Xiaohong put a few more chopsticks into Xiaowei's bowl and said, "You ignorant thing, it will kill you."

After the four of them finished their meal, Xiaohong helped Aunt Wang clean up the table and wash the dishes. Stationmaster Wang took Xiaowei into the room and sat on the armchair.

There is no living room in the building in Northeast China at the moment, and the sofas are placed in the room, but the room here is big enough, with 26, [-] and [-] square meters, and it is not crowded.

At this time, there was not much difference between the homes of officials and ordinary people, with tall and low cabinets, homemade sofas or armchairs, sewing machines, and radios.TVs are not popular yet, and most homes do not have them. This is the biggest gap between officials and ordinary people. Officials have TVs in their homes, although they are only [-]-inch black and white machines.

After sitting down for a few minutes, Xiaowei couldn't help but ask, "Uncle, is this a TV? What do you think of it?"

Stationmaster Wang smiled, shook his head and said: "You can watch it when you plug it in. There is a switch on it, just like turning on a light. There is no program at the moment, and it will start at 06:30. I will show it to you later. Tomorrow Go and behave better, work harder, do what you are asked to do, do well, ask questions if you don’t know how to learn, and see what others think, remember?”

Xiaowei still stared at the TV and said, "Remember, don't worry uncle, I can do well."

Stationmaster Wang lit a cigarette and said, "Well, they are building buildings. I'm just afraid that if you haven't seen it, go panic. When you go, you have to listen to people saying that you can't do what you are not allowed to do. That's different from farming. Sometimes things can kill you, you know?"

Xiaowei nodded and said, "Understood."

Rubbing her hands, Xiaohong came in and sat down, and said, "My dad started to recite scriptures again, didn't he? He's too slow, Xiaowei, you ignore him. I guess he was sent back because others couldn't bear it before he was enlisted in the army. "

Stationmaster Wang laughed aloud, but was not angry, and said, "Have you finished your homework? It will be 06:30 later."

Xiaohong looked at the wall clock on the wall and said, "Sit down first, Brother Guizi, I'm going to do my homework. It's so annoying, I won't read it tomorrow, I do my homework every day." Whispering, she went to that room .

 This book has been signed by A, please rest assured to collect it.Thank you old book friends, welcome new book friends, produced by Lao Ning, true to nothing, character guaranteed.

(End of this chapter)

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