Chapter 147
Just now I saw Jiang Xinyi's complexion improved a lot, but that was just the appearance.

As we all know, although western medicine has quick results, it can treat the symptoms but not the root cause, while traditional Chinese medicine can cure the root cause although the results are slow.

Especially Jiang Xinyi's stubborn illness caused by her body cold.

Looking at Guo Yunpeng's treatment method, it has already disrupted all the efforts Chen Yi made before.

Chen Yi sighed for a long time, as if he wanted to get rid of the melancholy in his mind.

Nai He couldn't do it at all.

There was nothing to say all the way, and Chen Yi returned home dejectedly.

As soon as he stopped the tricycle, Chen Chunlan came out after hearing the sound.

"Sister, I'm back." Chen Yi was listless, and when facing Chen Chunlan, he forced a smile.

"Hey, Xiao Yi, didn't you go to Jiang's house to see a doctor for Miss Jiang? Why did you come back so quickly?"

Chen Chunlan took two quick steps. When she walked to Chen Yi's side, she keenly sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

According to previous experience, after meeting Jiang Xinyi, my younger brother would definitely not be in this state. Why did he suddenly look like a frost-beaten eggplant today, wilting.

"It's okay, sister, I'm a little tired and want to sleep." Chen Yi replied in a muffled voice.

After finishing speaking, Chen Yi started to go upstairs.

Chen Chunlan thought to herself: The calmer he is, the bigger the matter is.

"Xiao Yi, you can go up later, my sister has something to tell you."

Chen Chunlan took Chen Yi's hand and entered the room without refusal. The two sat on the sofa, staring at each other.

"Sister, I'm really fine." Chen Yi felt helpless.

Now he just wants to be alone and be quiet, and miss his love that has passed away before it even started.

"Xiao Yi, I've never seen you like this."

Chen Chunlan said earnestly: "You were brought up by my sister. My sister can tell that you have something on your mind. It's because of that Miss Jiang, right? Is something wrong with her?"

"Sister, why do you..."

"Silly boy, I've felt something was wrong since you came back. Tell me, did you two have a fight?"

"It's okay if we quarrel."

Chen Yi murmured: "But I don't even have the qualifications to quarrel with her now, let alone quarrel, I'm afraid it will be difficult just to see her."

Chen Chunlan was taken aback: "You mean, Miss Jiang... has left?"

Chen Yi quickly explained: "No, it's just that she told me that she doesn't need me anymore, and she accepted Guo Yunpeng's western medicine, so that I don't have to see a doctor for her in the future."

After explaining the cause and effect in one breath, Chen Yi suddenly felt that the suffocated breath in his chest finally came out.

He collapsed on the sofa as if relieved, and said pitifully: "Sister, I may never see her again in the future, I..."

"Xiao Yi, you just said that she accepted western medicine?" Chen Chunlan asked.

Chen Yi nodded: "That's right, it's that villain Guo Yunpeng who treats Xinyi."

"Xiao Yi, in your heart, you like Miss Jiang, right?" Chen Chunlan asked.

Chen Yi said without thinking, "Of course."

Chen Chunlan asked lightly: "Then you must very much hope that her body can recover. What method should be used, western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine, is this very important?"


Chen Yi's words stopped suddenly, and he suddenly realized, yes, as long as Jiang Xinyi's body is fine, it doesn't matter who treated her.

Chen Chunlan clarified a lot of things that he had been depressed for a long time and couldn't figure out.

Seeing that Chen Yi's frown gradually relaxed, Chen Chunlan felt relieved, patted Chen Yi on the shoulder, and went back to her room.

After Chen Chunlan left, Chen Yi threw his head back on the sofa, Jiang Xinyi's frowns and smiles flashed in front of his eyes, as well as the scene of what he said to him today.

The next morning.

Chen Yi glanced drowsily at the time, it was already eight o'clock, but she still didn't want to move, and even wanted to take a nap.

Chen Yi was sleeping in the dark here, but Chen Chunlan had been socializing since seven o'clock.

It took only a few days for the story of Chen Yi to lead the whole village to become rich, and it spread all over the country. The families with unmarried girls in the neighborhood also fell in love with Chen Yi, a down-to-earth, hard-working, and pragmatic young man.

So speaking of relatives, one after another, Chen Chunlan's rhinoceros was exhausted.

After seeing off the guests who came for a kiss, Chen Chunlan collapsed tiredly on the sofa, and cursed with a smile: "This brat, now he is promising, he can attract so many girls without going out on a blind date."

As soon as the words fell, the outside door was knocked again.

Chen Chunlan quickly opened the door, and when she saw someone coming, she couldn't help but said, "Aunt Chen, didn't I tell you that our Xiaoyi doesn't like Ma Xiujuan from Fenghuang Village."

This Aunt Chen is a well-known matchmaker in the town, and there are at least [-] marriages made by her. This is the second time she has come to their house today.

The person called Aunt Chen waved her hands with joy on her face and said, "Chunlan, you misunderstood me. I am not here this time because of Ma Xiujuan from Fenghuang Village."

"Who is that for?" Chen Chunlan was confused.

"You have seen Tian Xin from Lao Tian's house in our village. She is a pretty nice little girl. She is small and has money at home."

While leading Chen Chunlan inside, Aunt Chen said, "The girl from the Tian family is a good girl, and she is a good match with your family's Chen Yi."

Chen Chunlan: "..."

You came over in the morning and said that Ma Xiujuan is a good match for our Chen Yi.

Even so, Chen Chunlan still felt incredible: "Aunt Chen, have you taken on two jobs?"

"Ham, what's the matter? Who told your family Chen Yi is now a man of the village, so many girls are vying to marry him. To tell you the truth, I actually picked up two other girls. I planned to marry him in the afternoon. Come and say it."

Chen Chunlan: "..."

Aunt Chen laughed twice: "Chunlan, you also know that Tian Xin, what do you think of that girl?"

Chen Chunlan touched the sweat on her forehead, and said politely: "I remember she is several years older than our Chen Yi, right?"

"Female junior, hold a gold brick."

"That girl seems a little fat?" Chen Chunlan said again.

Aunt Chen didn't care about these details: "Chunlan, if the fat girl marries Wangfu, I guarantee that your family will have a prosperous life."

Just when Chen Chunlan couldn't find any other reason to refuse, Chen Yi walked out upstairs with his head down.

"So Chen Yi is at home."

When Aunt Chen saw Chen Yi, she grabbed him and said, "Chen Yi, you came out just in time. I'm discussing your affairs with your sister, so you should follow along and listen."

(End of this chapter)

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