little village doctor

Chapter 18 Ling Yu

Chapter 18 Ling Yu
After Chen Yi rested for a while, the aura in his dantian slowly recovered and he sat cross-legged. According to the records in ancient books, he slowly transformed the absorbed aura, absorbed the water in the air, and combined the condensed mist and aura.

Soon, a layer of dark clouds appeared above his acre of field, slowly gathering, getting darker and darker.

The clouds were dense and slowly sinking.

Chen Yi saw that the dark clouds and rain had almost combined, so he scolded.

There was a continuous drizzle in the sky, and the rain was glowing with a faint light.

This rainwater is combined with aura, and the growth of all things is inseparable from water and complements each other.

Chen Yi sat on the field and watched the changes.

For half a quarter of an hour, he could clearly feel that the seeds in the ground were slowly sprouting and growing, but there was no change in the place where he had just swept a pile of black matter.

Chen Yi stepped forward quickly, knelt down and saw that the seeds he had planted had already germinated. Under the light, the small bright green shoots glowed with a faint green light.

He touched it lightly with his hand, and clearly felt the aura in it.

Chen Yi never imagined that the feeling of pouring this medicinal material through spiritual water is completely different.

He is looking forward to the results of the mature medicinal materials.

It's that mass of black substance just now, what exactly is it?
Chen Yi kept translating and ancient books in his mind, but he didn't have any thoughts.

Chen Yi didn't care about it, and now these seeds have been successfully planted and slowly grown.

In this way, it is only a matter of time before he waters the growth with spiritual water every day.

He clapped his hands contentedly, and brushed off the dust on his body, with a slight smile on his lips, ready to go home.

Chen Yi looked at the green mountain not far away, and felt that the mountain was full of vitality, which was a good time for him to practice.

It's a pity that at night, this aura will be greatly reduced, so I went straight up the mountain while it was still early.

He followed the mountain path, jumped up to the top of the mountain in a few steps, found a clean stone, swept away the fallen leaves and sat cross-legged.

It is rare for Chen Yi to be free, this is a good time for him to practice, calm down, and take a deep breath.

Afterwards, a powerful air whirl wave appeared around his body, and he was involved in it, and he was practicing, unaware of all this.

Time passed by little by little, and it was getting late.

Chen Yi slightly opened his eyes, looking at the gloomy sky, the light of afterglow shone in through the impenetrable jungle, forming a strange scene.

I didn't expect to practice for a while, the sky was so dark, and I had to go home early.

Chen Yi took a deep breath, and slowly got up to feel the spiritual energy in his dantian becoming more and more full.

"I didn't expect to practice for so long this time, and I wasted a lot of time. I have to go back quickly."

I was afraid that my sister would be worried at home, so I got up.

Humming a little song along the way, he walked down the mountain road in a few steps, and when he passed by the field, he saw that the medicinal herbs he had planted had sprouted and were quietly growing in the field.

Chen Yi has already set up a barrier of fog, so he is naturally not afraid that those people will come to destroy it again.

Thinking about those people waiting for so long, I don't know if they are still there, they are not at the door.

As Chen Yi thought, he had already reached the door of the house.

I saw that the steps outside the door were chaotic, and the grass on the ground was leveled by them.

The surrounding weeds were trampled to death by them, and they were maimed.

You can imagine how anxious and angry they were at that time, trying to break in but couldn't find the door, and couldn't help laughing.

Chen Yi opened the door and entered, and saw his sister sitting in the yard, feeding the chickens with a handful of grain, and walked forward with a smile when he came in.

"You are back, why did it take you so long to come back from the field?"

"Well. Sister, what kind of happy things happened to you? Why are you so happy?" Chen Yi closed the door one after another, and asked, "I'll clean up the cantaloupe vines planted in the field, and I'll clean up these vines. It took some time."

After Chen Chunlan heard it, she didn't care, but smiled and put down the food in her hand.

Anticipating something interesting, he couldn't help but giggled again: "After you left for a while, those debt collectors came again, but the strange thing is that they were yelling at the door, but they couldn't come in anyway. They kept walking around the door like they were stupid, do you think they were bewitched?"

"No wonder the weeds at the door were trampled to death when I came in, it should be them." Chen Yi shook his head blankly.

He had already taught them a lesson before he left, and sure enough, those guys did not give up.

Chen Chunlan smiled and brought her younger brother to the door, then pointed to the exposed door crack: "I saw them just as they were circling around."

"They were yelling outside, and you were not at home at the time, which really shocked me, but after a while, they couldn't get in anyway, and kept walking around and around... ...After a while, the distraught ones all left."

Chen Chunlan opened the door in confusion, and pointed to the small piece of land in front of the door: "That's right there, take a look."

Chen Yi didn't explain the reason to his sister, he followed his sister out the door, and then walked out of the formation.

"Sister, wait a minute, I will teach you how to go home."

"Go home? Isn't this door right in front of you?"

For a while, Chen Chunlan didn't understand what the younger brother meant by this?
As he said that, he was about to go in, but was grabbed by Chen Yi.

Chen Yi pulled Chen Chunlan behind him, and he walked in front, taking a step forward.

"No, sister, follow me."

"Stinky boy, what are you doing?"

Although Chen Chunlan talked about it, she followed behind him and returned home step by step.

Standing in the yard of his own house and looking out the door, he became more and more strange: "Brother, what's wrong with you? You went to the field once, and when you came back, you were so mysterious and even taught me how to enter the door. I still use you Teach me? Are you bewitched too?"

"Oh, sister, how can I be so idle, you just need to follow me."

When Chen Yi turned around, he saw his sister's nervous face, one hand resting on his forehead, he shook his head and said.

Chen Chunlan obviously didn't believe it. After all, the group of guys outside had been fooling around for a long time because of this, and now he looked mysterious. I don't know what evil it was?

"Is there really no evil? Why do you just teach me how to enter the door?"


Chen Yi's expression changed slightly, he looked at his sister, the corner of his lips twitched slightly, he hesitated to speak.

"Oh, you said that you want to kill me in a hurry."

Chen Chunlan saw that he was silent and did not speak, and she couldn't figure out what was going on.

Chen Yi can't argue now, he can't say that he has set up a maze to prevent them from entering.

Chen Chunlan just felt that her younger brother was a little weird, and wondered if she should find a Taoist priest to help her brother find out what was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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