little village doctor

Chapter 224 New Turnaround

Chapter 224 New Turnaround
Obviously, Ma Renli was not used to such warm hospitality and such simple villagers.

He twitched the corners of his stiff mouth, and gave them a friendly smile as much as possible: "Hi everyone, please sit down first, you are all from Mr. Chen's village, and I need your help in my medicine business from now on."

"Boss Ma is polite."

Chen Yi said with a smile: "Now the big guys are most worried about the issue of board and lodging and salary. Boss Ma, let the big guys talk about it."

"it is good."

Ma Renli made it clear that board and lodging are all included, and the salary is not low.

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, smiling so hard that you can't see your teeth: "Mr. Ma, where is the land you contracted? When will you take us there?"

"Let's eat first, and I will arrange someone to take you there later."

After drinking for three rounds, everyone cleaned up the dishes on the table. They followed Ma Renli and Chen Yi to the place where the herbs were planted, belching full of stomachs.

"Xiao Yi, how should these medicinal materials be grown? Logically speaking, different medicinal materials should have different growth environments, right? This big guy doesn't know."

Chen Chunlan looked at the endless land and expressed concerns on behalf of everyone.

After all, this medicinal material is more hypocritical than those ordinary crops. If one is not done well, it will die.

Chen Yi said: "I've already thought about this problem, this is the brochure I printed on the way here, sister, you send a copy to everyone, it contains all the characteristics and characteristics of the medicinal materials we want to grow. Precautions."

"I can't tell, boy from the Chen family, you not only know how to cure diseases, but also grow medicinal materials. What else does my uncle not know about you?"

An elderly man in the village sighed while flipping through the brochure printed by Chen Yi: "Your brochure is very good. It not only has words, but also pictures. Even if I don't know how to read, I can still read it." Understand."

Ma Renli also got a booklet, and he sincerely praised: "I didn't expect Mr. Chen to be prepared for this."

Chen Yi scratched his head, and said with a chuckle: "I had this idea before, but there was no suitable opportunity. Now the time and place are favorable, so it's just right to take it out."

"It makes sense."

Ma Renli nodded approvingly, patted Chen Yi on the shoulder and said, "Mr. Chen, you are a few years younger than me, you saved my wife, and now you are helping me prepare such an important business. Me, just call me brother from now on, we two brothers will get along well in the future, and this medicine business will definitely become more and more prosperous."

"Brother Ma."

Chen Yi didn't hold back, and said: "Brother Ma, don't worry, I've already thought about it, you must have invested a lot in the early stage, so we will plant that kind of fast-growing medicinal materials in the first phase, which will also help you Get your money back quickly."

"I didn't expect you to be quite business-minded, so you thought of going with me."

Ma Renli said: "Since this is the case, then I will leave the matter of this medicinal material to you. You must not let me down."

After arranging the migrant workers in the dormitory, Chen Chunlan proposed to visit Chen Yi's medical clinic.

Chen Yi naturally had no objection, without saying anything, he rode a tricycle and pulled Chen Chunlan back to the location of his clinic.

Before approaching their own medical center, Chen Yi and his brother saw a long queue there from a distance.

"Xiao Yi, it's not the medical center you mentioned, is it? Why are there so many people?"

Chen Yi said: "I don't know either, just go and have a look."

After walking in, Chen Yi realized that his clinic had been closed for a while, and these people came to line up to see a doctor.

"Doctor Chen is back."

The appearance of Chen Yi caused quite a commotion, but the crowd still clapped in order.

Chen Yi didn't dare to waste time, he hurriedly opened the store door and started to see a doctor.

Fortunately, Chen Chunlan has also read a lot of books on Chinese medicine these days. Although she can't treat people, there is no problem at all in taking medicine.

Siblings and brothers match, work is not tiring,

After seeing off the last patient, Chen Chunlan turned her gaze to Chen Yi, and said, "Xiao Yi, sister knows that it must not be easy for you to open a medical clinic outside, but I didn't expect you to work so hard."

"It's because my sister doesn't have the ability to let you bear so much alone."

As she spoke, Chen Chunlan pressed the corners of her eyes, "You have been sensible since childhood, and now..."


Seeing that Chen Chunlan was about to cry, how could Chen Yi not be in a hurry, he squatted in front of Chen Chunlan and said, "Sister, don't think too much, I'm not tired at all."

"What's more, today's situation doesn't happen all the time. I'm usually very relaxed. I drink tea and read medical books. How comfortable my life is."

Chen Chunlan stretched out her index finger, poked Chen Yi's forehead fiercely, and said, "You child, you know how to make me happy."

"I actually understand in my heart that if it weren't for having a sister, you wouldn't be looked down upon by Xinyi's father, and you wouldn't have that so-called one-year agreement."

When mentioning the one-year agreement, Chen Yi frowned almost invisibly.

Although he now earns a lot of money by seeing doctors and selling medicines, two full months have passed since the one-year appointment.

If his life continues like this, the result is likely to disappoint Jiang Xinyi.

Sitting on the ground like a deflated ball, he asked in a muffled voice, "Sister, what do you think I should do?"

"Silly brother, the road under your feet is made step by step. You have worked hard enough now, don't force yourself too much."

Chen Chunlan sighed.

Although she was many years older than Chen Yi, she was a noob in matters of relationship, so she couldn't offer Chen Yi any useful advice.

Therefore, she could only comfort Chen Yi not to worry and take his time.

Life has obviously gradually entered the right track, but Chen Yi still feels that this is too slow.

However, on this day, a new turning point appeared.

Just when Chen Yi was attending the consultation as usual, a man in a white coat suddenly appeared in the clinic.

The man has gold-rimmed eyes, meticulously combed hair, shiny leather shoes, and a gentle demeanor. He looks different from those ordinary doctors.

Chen Yi asked: "You look like a doctor, why do doctors come to my small clinic?"

Li Hua pushed his glasses and said, "Hello, Doctor Chen, I'm not here to see a doctor. I'm here to..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Yi interrupted him.

"If you have other things, please wait a while, there are still patients behind."

After hearing this, Li Hua nodded and said, "No problem."

(End of this chapter)

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