little village doctor

Chapter 256 In Whose Pocket?

Chapter 256 In Whose Pocket?

She didn't think that this batch of fertilizer would be purchased by Xiao Liu in order to save costs.

Because the fertilizer used before was the best quality fertilizer that Xiao Liu and her searched all the fertilizer manufacturers in the city.

If Xiao Liu wanted to save costs, he didn't have to run around the city for nearly a week with him.

"The quality of these fertilizers is much lower than what we used before." Chen Chunlan is not a fool, on the contrary, she is very smart.

Even if she couldn't guess [-]% or [-]% about the fertilizer matter, she could guess eighty-nine percent.

What's more, although she hasn't read any books, she is very clear about the things in the crop fields, and she knows what kind of fertilizer should be used for which land.

And Xiao Liu doesn't seem like a confused person.

So the truth is that someone used the money to buy fertilizers, so they can only provide inferior fertilizers to the medicine field, shoddy.

"It's someone in the company! Someone embezzled funds from our medicine field!"

Xiao Liu also thought of this possibility and gritted his teeth with hatred.

He is a very serious and responsible person, otherwise Chen Chunlan would not have chosen him as his successor and asked him to take care of the medicine field.

Naturally, he couldn't tolerate such a thing.

Whether it was Chen Chunlan or Xiao Liu, they never thought that the reason for the quality of this batch of fertilizers was because the people in the company made a mistake.

After all, they have used the original fertilizer for so long, unless the person in charge of the company is changed, it is impossible for such a low-level mistake to occur.

"Xiao Liu, calm down for a while, do you still have the invoices and receipts for these fertilizers?"

Chen Chunlan took out her mobile phone, ordered Xiao Liu to find the receipt and invoice, and at the same time planned to call her younger brother Chen Yi.

After all, the medicine field is one of Chen Yi's foundations.

Something happened in the medicine field here, and she should tell her brother whether it is public or private.

"Yes, there are all of them. I put them all in the drawer of my office. I'll go get them here."

Knowing that Chen Chunlan wanted to settle the accounts with the company, Xiao Liu ran to his office in a very sensible manner, and found the receipts and invoices for this batch of fertilizers.

At this time, Chen Chunlan's phone to Chen Yi was also connected.

"Hello? Sister? Didn't you go to the medicine field? Why are you free to call me?"

On the phone, Chen Yi's voice came out.

"I'm still in the medicine field, but I definitely didn't call you when I was bored."

Chen Chunlan was still angry because someone might embezzle the funds for the medicine field, so her voice inevitably became a little colder.

"Sister? What's wrong with you? Why does this tone sound so creepy to me?"

No matter how slow Chen Yi was, he realized that something was wrong with his sister.

After all, my sister's temper is widely recognized as easy-talking, and it is really rare for her to be angry, and she is still angry like this.

And listening to the current tone, Du Sensen was venting out of the cold air. If he was at the scene, he would probably be frozen to death directly.

"Didn't you tell me before that the county government has allocated a special allocation to Boss Ma's company as a fund for the medicine field and the medicine processing factory?"

Chen Chunlan's voice was very calm, but the seeming coldness was still radiating out.

"Yeah, what's the matter? There's a problem with the funding?" Chen Yi is a very perceptive person. As soon as his sister said the beginning, he probably guessed the problem.

"I'm not sure about that, but I came to Yaotian on a whim today and found out that the newly purchased fertilizer in Yaotian was not right."

At this time, Chen Chunlan just took over the invoices and receipts that Xiao Liu brought back from the office. Looking at the same expenditure amount as before, her eyes became colder and colder.

"Is something wrong?" Chen Yi also frowned and couldn't help asking.

"Sister, what's going on at the medicine field? Just tell me, I'll deal with it right away if there's a problem."

"The newly purchased fertilizer in the medicine field has exactly the same expenditure amount as before."

"However, in fact, the fertilizers purchased are not from the same manufacturer, and even the quality is the worst grade."

As Chen Chunlan spoke, she unconsciously stroked the paper receipts with her fingers.

"Xiao Yi, tell me, what's wrong with this?"

"Why is it that the funds for our medicine field are getting less and less even though the funds are increasing, and we can only purchase the lowest-quality fertilizers for us?"

Following Chen Chunlan's words, Chen Yi also fell silent.

Like Chen Chunlan, he was very clear in his heart.The reason why there is a problem with fertilizers in the medicine field is that the funds for the medicine field have been deducted.

Where did the deducted funds go?Of course it went into the pocket of someone in charge.

How can there be anything strange about filling one's own pockets?

But I didn't expect that the more common things, he may not be the most correct thing.

What's more, this kind of thing still happened under my nose!
"Sister, don't worry, I will definitely investigate this matter."

After being silent for a long time, Chen Yi spoke again, with anger in his voice that he didn't know.

"Let those fertilizers be piled up first, and I'll send someone to send a new one. Of course, I will send them over according to the previous quality and manufacturer!"

"That's not enough." Chen Chunlan was quite satisfied with her younger brother's handling, but couldn't help but mention him.

"This time, someone can use the funds from the medicine field. Then next time, they will be able to use the funds from the medicinal material processing factory."

"Xiao Yi, I was lucky this time, but I found such a mistake after wandering around the medicine field."

"But what about next time? What if something happens to the medicinal material processing factory, and the medicinal material produced will not only fail the standard, but will also damage the patient's health."

"Then have you ever thought about the consequences of those patients who trust you wholeheartedly and seek medical advice from you?"

What Chen Chunlan said was sincere.And the more she said, the heavier Chen Yi's heart became.

As if it was winter, someone poured a handful of snow down his neck, it was chilling that couldn't be described enough.

"Sister, don't worry, I will definitely handle it well, and I won't let such a thing happen!"

Chen Yi's voice also became very cold. He was not only making a promise to Chen Chunlan, but also making a promise to himself.

As a doctor, Chen Yi hated medical accidents caused by inferior medicinal materials.He didn't allow such a thing to happen to him!
(End of this chapter)

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