little village doctor

Chapter 306 The Plague

Chapter 306 The Plague
What he said was unreasonable. In fact, Jiang Xinyi also wanted Jiang Mingyong to approve Chen Yi, but she agreed to Chen Yi again. What should I do now?
"Chen Yi..." Jiang Xinyi looked upstairs feebly, and she sighed.

Now this matter has become a test for Chen Yi by Jiang Mingyong, and she swallowed all the arguments she had prepared.

"But..." Jiang Xinyi said in a bit of embarrassment, but saw Jiang Mingyong standing up, looking at his daughter with a tangled face, and turned back upstairs without looking back, but Jiang Xinyi felt a stick stuck in her throat. It's like a thorn, and it's uncomfortable no matter what.

How did this suddenly become complicated?
Jiang Xinyi sighed. Could it be that she said it in the wrong way?Or because of something else?She couldn't find an answer for a while.

On the other hand, Chen Yi didn't just wait for Jiang Xinyi to send him a message. He never thought about relying on Jiang Mingyong. A word from here.

However, one wave is not smooth, and another wave rises again.

The problem of unsalable sales has not yet been resolved, and a chicken plague broke out in the village.

The attack was so fierce that Chen Yi didn't have time to react, and all the chickens, ducks and geese in the village had problems.

And Chen Yi was observing the recent situation of the poultry. He squatted by the side of the cage, only to see some chickens drooping their heads, looking listless, and some chickens were loose.

"What's going on? It wasn't like this before..." Chen Yi wondered why these poultry were in such a strange state.

However, this is only part of his inspection, and there is nothing special about it.It doesn't mean everything, does it?

Thinking of this, Chen Yi thought deeply, and began to check the poultry raised by some surrounding villagers, but almost all of them were the same. It didn't seem that they simply spoiled their stomachs. A terrible guess formed in Chen Yi's mind.

"Could it be chicken plague?" Chen Yi was a little scared. These poultry hadn't been supplied to the market yet. Now this is the one thing he's most grateful for, and they can be rescued in time.

Chen Yi quickly checked some information, and found that the phenomenon was very similar to bird flu. Those chickens were basically half-dead, and their eyes seemed to be very distracted. From this point of view, his guess was somewhat accurate.

Now his only worry has arisen again. Now that these poultry are available, what about the people who raise these poultry?
Chen Yi didn't dare to delay, he quickly started to act, the speed of the spread of bird flu was beyond his ability to delay, if it passed from chicken to human, it would spread from human to human.One pass ten, ten pass one hundred continue, then the consequences will be disastrous.

However, Chen Yi still had a fluke mentality, he found that some people were also infected.

They all had some symptoms of fever. Chen Yi was afraid for a while, but also a little thankful. Fortunately, he discovered it in time, and now there is a remedy.

He decisively arranged for all the sick poultry in the two villages to be locked up in one place to facilitate treatment.

The most urgent thing now is the infectious disease that has begun to prevail in the village.

Cough, fever, and coma are obvious symptoms of pneumonia, but these infected people have continuous high fever, which means that it is not a simple infection.

There are priorities, and it is natural for people to see a doctor.

The most urgent task now is to treat the seriously ill patients. As for the others, those with better physical fitness should not be in a hurry.

After making phone calls from door to door, Chen Yi got a general idea of ​​the infection situation in the village.

Among them, Old Man Wang's family, the first family in the east of the village, was the most serious.

With the medicine box on his shoulders, Chen Yi trotted all the way to Old Man Wang's house with the wind blowing under his feet.

But when he just walked to the door, he suddenly heard a distressed cry from inside: "Father, dad, wake up. How can you leave us alone?"

Chen Yi's heart skipped a beat, it seemed that he was still a step late.

"Father, you haven't seen me get married yet, why did you leave first?"

Before the words fell, there was a rush of coughing.

"Cough cough cough..."

Judging by the voice, the girl inside must have been infected as well.

Thinking of this, Chen Yi hurriedly stepped into the courtyard.

The well-organized care of the ordinary small courtyard is enough to explain the family's attitude towards life.

Apart from the suppressed sobbing of the girl, there was only the sound of coughing in the room.

"My condolences." Chen Yi looked at the old man who was no longer breathing and his body was gradually becoming stiff on the bed, and sighed helplessly: "Yuting, the dead are gone, and the living must not admit defeat."

With tears in her eyes, the little girl raised her head, choked with sobs and said, "Brother Chen, I don't have a father anymore, my father is... woo woo woo"

"After all, it is destiny."

Tears were also shining in Chen Yi's eyes, what's the use of his ability, after all, he couldn't take people back from the clutches of death.

"Brother Chen."

Yuting clasped her hands on her knees, "When my father was alive, he said that our village has existed for thousands of years, and there has never been a chicken plague before. Why did such a plague come?"

"My father is dead, will anyone die from the plague next?"

Yu Ting's two questions made Chen Yi, who had been at a loss for ideas, instantly clear his mind.


Why is the village suddenly infected with the plague?

Is all this a coincidence, or is it artificial?
If someone really did this on purpose, what was his intention?
Could it be that Song He was trying to deal with him?

Was it costing so many people's lives just to deal with himself?

Thinking about it makes people feel insane. Even so, Chen Yi couldn't help but start to doubt.

If that person really did it, then even if that person died a hundred times, he would not be able to repay the sins he committed.

"Brother Chen, what are you thinking?" Yu Ting asked.

"I was wondering, does Yuting want to save more people, so that people in the village will not repeat Uncle Wang's regret?"

After hearing Yu Ting's words, the gloom in Chen Yi's eyes cleared instantly.

The most urgent task now is to save more people. If someone helps, the onset of the disease can be delayed, then the loss can be minimized, and the casualties will be minimized.

And this Yuting is the best candidate.

After listening to Chen Yi's words, Yu Ting pointed at herself in a daze: "Brother Chen, what do you mean, I can save people too?"

"of course."

"But I'm already infected, and it will only add to the chaos. How can I save people?"

When Yuting said this, she was full of confusion about the future and helplessness.

Her father has already passed away, so how she can live alone is a problem, and how can she dare to hope to save others.

(End of this chapter)

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