little village doctor

Chapter 316 Dongzixi's Conspiracy

Chapter 316 Dongzixi's Conspiracy
Dong Zixi still went his own way, and he came to the next village to inquire about news.

He dresses plainly and wants to mingle with the villagers so that they can tell the truth.

Dong Zixi walked aimlessly around the village, and saw a group of people going to do farm work in the distance.He ran over to strike up a conversation.

"Is this going to do farm work? Are you busy in the field recently?"

A few young people carried tools and said, "Busy? For those lands, there is no money at all. It's useless to be busy."

"How could it be? I see that the vegetables grown in Chen Yi's village have earned a lot of money by buying them. Every family in the village has become rich."

Hearing this, they were even more angry.

"Don't mention Chen Yi, it's because of him that the food grown in our village has become worthless."

The few people next to him also echoed.

"Our village itself is small, and now we have no source of income, which is even worse. That kid Chen Yi is really nothing."

Seeing this, Dong Zixi beamed with joy, and it turned out that some people hated Chen Yi's teeth.

"Do you want to mess with Chen Yi, ruin his reputation and make our village rich?"

Several villagers looked at each other and said, "What do you mean?"

Dong Zixi explained, "I have a feud with Chen Yi, and I want to make him bad, so I can help you guys by the way. If you are interested, we can cooperate."

Seeing that no one answered, Dong Zixi continued: "You don't need to reply me in a hurry, go home and discuss with relatives and friends. I have contacts who can help you buy vegetables and reclaim wasteland."

Several young people promised Dong Zixi to go back to discuss and discuss, and give him an answer in three days.

Dong Zixi figured out the way, and the next thing was much easier. He was confident that the villagers would cooperate with him, because poverty is the root of all evil.

Dong Zixi returned to his residence and started to collect the names of the villages next door, planning to use some methods to win people's hearts.

Three days later, Dong Zixi came to this village again and met the previous villagers.

"How is the discussion going? I'm looking forward to working with you."

The villagers called Dong Zixi to the side of the road and told him to keep his voice down.

A villager whispered in Dong Zixi's ear, "See you at the small restaurant in the eastern suburbs at 6 p.m.."

Dong Zixi felt strange, like an underground party joint, which made him dumbfounded.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, Dong Zixi arrived as scheduled. What he didn't expect was that this small restaurant was full of people, all of whom were strong men.

Dong Zixi didn't know what to do, and didn't know what was going on, so he found the original villager.

"What's going on? What do these people do?"

Seeing that Dong Zixi was so flustered, the villager burst out laughing.

"What? Haven't you seen such a big scene? We really hate Chen Yi to the bone, and it's all because of him that our village is so destitute."

Dong Zixi was surprised that so many people came to support him.

He picked up the wine glass and said to everyone: "Please be quiet, everyone. I am very pleased that everyone has come to support me. We have a happy cooperation."

After speaking, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"We can ruin Chen Yi for you, but the premise is that you help our village get rich."

Dongzi waved his hand west and west, "Of course, there is no problem, as long as everyone believes in me, I will definitely make everyone more developed than Chen Yi's village!"

The villagers raised their wine glasses one after another, showing great respect to the master who was about to bring them wealth.

After this gathering, Dong Zixi became more confident.

Dong Zixi asked the villagers about the village head and agricultural merchants of this village.

Dong Zixi came to the village head's house and saw the village head arguing with a group of villagers, which was very intense.

In the end, the village chief and the villagers broke up unhappy.

"Hi~~Which one is the village chief?"

A man who looks about 40 years old, seems to be very busy with some things.

"Which one are you? Do you have anything to do with me?"

The village head looked at the foreigner in surprise.

"Are you the village chief? Hello, my name is Dongzixi, and I recommended myself to lead our village to become rich. Are you interested in cooperating?"

The village chief was very surprised, and stared blankly at Dongzixi.

"Uh... well, I was abrupt, what are you arguing with the villagers? It's so intense."

The village head sighed and said: "Everyone's land can't produce good crops. When they go to the market, no one buys them. How can we live if we can't make money."

"It's not all about me. The land lacks nutrients and cannot grow good agricultural products. I can't do anything about it."

Dong Zixi put his hand on the village chief's shoulder.

"Let's study and study together, and I can lead everyone to get rich together. The premise is that you have to help me."

The village chief's focus was entirely on Dong Zixi helping the entire village to become rich, and he didn't care about Dong Zixi's prerequisites at all.

"How to get rich, I have to hear if you have a practical plan."

Dong Zixi didn't expect the village head to be cautious.

"I can provide whatever your village needs. The money is still land or finding buyers for the vegetables you grow."

What Dongzixi provides is very simple benefits, which can only relieve urgent needs.

The village chief was happy to hear that, and now there is a way out for the unsalable products in the village.

"Don't worry, the prerequisite for me to satisfy you is that you need to do things for me."

"You summoned the villagers to send the remaining pesticides you used through the river to Chen Yi's village."

The village chief stood up and said indignantly, "Aren't you doing harm to others? I've been upright all my life, and I can work hard on my own. I can't achieve my goals by doing such harm. I have a bottom line."

Dong Zixi thought he was ridiculous, his village was in such a state of desolation, why should he talk about principles.

"Village chief, you are not very old, and you paid for the position of village chief, right? Now the villagers are full of complaints, and they are almost out of food. What principles are you talking about, the bottom line, isn't it ridiculous?"

Dong Zixi broke through the village chief's psychological defense step by step.

"Look at Chen Yi, he is respected by the villagers, so he is about to be enshrined as a god. You don't want to live a life like that? Look at you again, the villagers can't tell you how hard it is. I'm not sure why they scolded you for not doing anything. .”

The village chief also knew in his heart that he would not do anything, but there was nothing he could do.

Now that there are such good conditions in front of him, he only needs to do something to Chen Yi to achieve his goal, and the village chief was shaken.

"Just pollute his land? Are you sure there are no other requirements?"

"No, you only need to destroy his economy, and I will satisfy you with the rest."

Seeing that the village chief agreed, Dongzi beamed with joy.

"Yes, don't worry, I will do what I promised you."

On the second night, the village chief summoned several villagers and secretly poured the remaining pesticides into the river, polluting the land in Chen Yi's village.

(End of this chapter)

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