little village doctor

Chapter 338: The Negotiator

Chapter 338: The Negotiator
Because it was broad daylight, it was inconvenient for Chen Yi to use his agility. Of course, the most important thing was that the malicious person was only relatively close to Jiang Xinyi, and did not take any aggressive actions.

From a distance, Chen Yi saw several black business cars parked in his yard, one of which belonged to Shen Yuan.

Chen Yi immediately understood that it should be Shen Yuan who finally lost his composure and came to the door on his own initiative.

As soon as Chen Yi arrived at the door, Shen Yuan greeted him from inside with a smile, as if he was the master here.

"Brother Chen Yi, you are finally back. I heard that my sister-in-law is pregnant, so I specially sent her some tonic."

Shen Yuan said, pointing to a large box of ginseng placed on the table.

At this time, Chen Chunlan's voice came from the kitchen.

"Are you guys annoying or not? I've told you all about it. You go to negotiate with my younger brother about the medicine field. What's the point of entanglement here? My younger siblings are weak and need to be quiet now."

As she spoke, she came out of the kitchen carrying a bowl of steaming soup.

Seeing Chen Yi, a gratified smile immediately appeared on his face, and then his face sank.

"You are too incompetent as a husband. Your daughter-in-law is about to give birth, and you are still busy outside all day."

Chen Yi immediately said with a smile on his face.

"Isn't there a sister? With my sister here, I have nothing to worry about."

Hearing Chen Yi's words, Chen Chunlan felt as if she had drunk honey, she pretended to be angry and stuffed the bowl of soup into Chen Yi's hand.

"My daughter-in-law, feel the pain yourself."

"Okay, please go outside and wait for me for a while. I'll talk to you after I take care of my wife."

Although Shen Yuan was reluctant, he also knew that he must not act too eagerly at this time.

When Chen Yi turned around, he met Lin Yang who was standing silently beside Shen Yuan.

Lin Yang nodded slightly at him, and Chen Yi suddenly felt that everything was under control.

Jiang Xinyi was lying weakly on the bed. Her abdominal pain was very severe, but seeing Chen Yi, the pain disappeared inexplicably.

She also had a good appetite, and she drank a bowl of soup while lying in her arms.When Chen Yi asked him if he wanted to drink, she hiccupped heavily, and her pretty face turned red immediately.

Chen Yi put his hand on the back of Jiang Xinyi's heart, and injected a lot of qi into her body, Jiang Xinyi suddenly felt full of vitality.

With Jiang Xinyi's body, if it wasn't for Chen Yi's frequent infusion of true energy, she would not be suitable for pregnancy at all. Even if she was forced to conceive, she would definitely be lying in the hospital at this moment.

After adjusting Jiang Xinyi's physical condition to the best, he walked out of the bedroom holding Jiang Xinyi's hand.

Compared with the previous weakness, Jiang Xinyi became more energetic at this time. Shen Yuan and the others were shocked when they saw it. They didn't understand how Chen Yi did it. In such a short period of time, Jiang Xinyi had such a big change. .

They can only guess that this, perhaps, is the power of love.

"You're here to talk about buying a medicine field."

Just when Shen Yuan didn't know how to speak, Chen Yi asked directly.

He froze for a moment, then quickly said with a smile.

"I mainly heard that my younger brother and sister are pregnant, so I came to have a look. Of course, it would be even better if I could talk about the acquisition of Yaotian by the way."

"You have also seen my current situation. My daughter-in-law is pregnant, so I don't want to make trouble. Otherwise, I will definitely fight you to the end."

Shen Yuan has always been worried about why Chen Yi, who has always had a particularly tough attitude, suddenly compromised, and whether there would be fraud in it. Now that he heard Chen Yi's reasons, he could completely accept it.

The last bit of defense left in his heart was gone, and he smiled very proudly, feeling like God had helped him.

"Well, let's be honest, now that our company has adjusted its direction, the demand for this medicine field is not as strong as before..."

Before Shen Yuan finished speaking, Chen Yi said directly with a cold tone.

"Okay, since this is the case, we don't need to talk about it. Although these lands are temporarily abandoned, they will be restored to good land in three to five years. I will help them find some livelihood jobs in these years."

Chen Yi didn't wait for Shen Yuan to finish speaking, and said directly.

Shen Yuan was stunned for a moment, originally he wanted to play hard to get, but he didn't expect Chen Yi to be fooled by him at all, he fixed his eyes on Chen Yi, but from Chen Yi's face, he couldn't see the slightest flaw.

"I... I didn't mean that, Yaotian, of course we still want to buy it, it's just..."

"Shen Yuan, I'm not in the mood to engage in any psychological warfare with you. If you are willing to buy, we can sign the contract according to the conditions you said before. You don't have to worry about the villagers. I will find a way to deal with it."

"Okay, I like straightforward people like my brother, Mizuki, bring the contract."

At this time, Meiyue walked in from the outside like a willow swinging in the wind. She thought she had stepped out of the charming demeanor, but when she saw Jiang Xinyi, her aura obviously weakened.

Even with a big belly, Jiang Xinyi's looks are several blocks away from Meiyue's.

Mizuki said with some disgrace.

"Mr. Shen, I didn't expect it to go so smoothly, so I didn't bring the contract with me."

Shen Yuan looked at Mei Yue, with a disgusted expression on his face for the first time.

The purpose of Shen Yuan looking for such a beautiful woman as his personal secretary is self-evident, he has always regarded Meiyue as his darling before.

There is no harm without comparison. After seeing Chen Chunlan and Jiang Xinyi, he immediately felt that Meiyue, who was wearing heavy makeup, was too vulgar.

Both Chen Chunlan and Jiang Xinyi wore very simple clothes, and there were no traces of cosmetics on their faces, but their gestures gave people a pleasing feeling.

"It's okay, I'll go with you to sign the contract now."

Before Shen Yuan could get mad, Chen Yi said with an easy-going expression.

Mei Yue immediately gave him a grateful smile, if Chen Yi hadn't helped him out, she would definitely have been scolded by Shen Yuan.

The reason why Chen Yi chose to go to Shen Yuan's home court to sign the contract was because there was no Dong Zixi here. He knew that the antidote was Dong Zixi, and without Dong Zixi his plan would not be completed.

In Shen Yuan's office, Chen Yi and Dong Zixi met unexpectedly, and they looked at each other for half a minute. Finally, Dong Zixi withdrew his gaze, and then sat on the chair without saying a word.

Meiyue hurriedly put the contract in triplicate in front of Chen Yi, and motioned Chen Yi to look at the details in the contract.

Chen Yi didn't intend to open it, he looked at Shen Yuan and said.

"I believe in you, so there is no need to read the details of the contract one by one, but before signing the contract, I have one more condition, and that is to confirm that you can save Yaotian."

(End of this chapter)

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