Chapter 340
Following Lin Yang's push, Chen Yi broke through the door. He didn't want to waste any more time on Dong Zixi. He now needs to concentrate on understanding the antidote formula and then mass-produce it.

"Master, quickly bring this kid back to me. When he saves the medicine field by himself, our plan will be completely ruined."

"I obviously didn't want to give him the antidote just now, but you just wanted to give it. Now it's impossible to take it back from him."

The plan failed and was complained by Dong Zixi, so Shen Yuan vented his anger on Lin Yang.

"Lin Yang, look at what you have done. Didn't you say that he is willing to sell the medicine field, and now you are leading me into my house."

Lin Yang was a technician hired by Shen Yuan, and he did not belong to Lin Yang's subordinates. To Shen Yuan's yelling, he retorted bluntly.

"If he doesn't want to, how can he come with us to sign the contract? The blame is that you let him know the existence of the antidote. As long as the antidote is released, the land will become better and the land will be fertile. Only a fool would be willing. Sell ​​your land at this time."

Lin Nan dumped the blame on Shen Yuan indiscriminately, blaming him for not daring to show Chen Yi the antidote.

Dong Zixi naturally blamed Shen Yuan, because he didn't want to take out the antidote.

After Chen Yi understood the medicine, their previous efforts would be in vain.

"Chen Yi, that bastard, actually played dirty with me, so don't blame me for being unrighteous, doesn't he still have a pregnant wife?"

Having said this, Jiang Xinyi's beautiful face immediately appeared in Shen Yuan's mind, full of evil sneers.

"Chen Yi's ability is very high, and during this time, Jiang Xinyi must be his key protection target. It is not an easy task to start."

Dong Zixi said with a worried face.

"Lin Yang, you are good at martial arts. You can cooperate with the master to act together. I believe that the two of you will succeed together."

Shen Yuan looked at Lin Yang and said.

"Boss Shen, you invited me here to grow medicinal herbs. It doesn't seem to be my job."

"Hmph, what time is it, and you still tell me what to do, and there are no medicine fields, so how do you grow medicinal materials?"

"You asked me to plant medicinal materials, not to purchase medicinal fields."

Lin Yang said unceremoniously that he had already disliked Shen Yuan's behavior, and now he wants to call a pregnant woman's attention, which is too bottomless.

"So you don't plan to ask for this salary?"

Shen Yuan asked in a cold tone, the salary he gave Lin Yangkai was high enough to be cherished by anyone, not to mention that Lin Yang was in urgent need of money.

Lin Yang was stunned for a moment, Shen Yuan had asked him several times before agreeing to come over, Shen Yuan's tone now seemed that he was rushing to earn the money.

Although he was short of money, with his ability, he would not have to bend over to earn money.

Shen Yuan was also confused, and talked to Lin Yang in the tone he would treat an ordinary employee. When he realized that his emotions were wrong, the atmosphere was already stiff. In order to protect his face, of course it was impossible for him to bow his head and admit his mistake to Lin Yang.

"Okay, Mr. Shen, I will submit my resignation report to you right now."

Shen Yuan was stunned for a moment, realizing that the problem was serious, he looked at Mei Yue with a look of asking for help.

"Boss Lin, Shen was always angry just now, don't take it seriously, you can't leave, otherwise, we don't know what to do with this field after we get it."

Meiyue hurriedly smoothed things over for Shen Yuan, what she said was extremely polite and true, Shen Yuan is a good hand in business, but if he were to grow medicinal materials, he would definitely make a mess.

"You can rest assured about this, I guarantee that such a situation will not happen, because I can be sure that you will not be able to get those medicine fields."

Lin Yang said in a mocking tone, and then he walked out of the office quickly, and closed the door with a slam, leaving Shen Yuan and the others looking at each other in the office.

"This white-eyed wolf will definitely help Chen Yi."

Shen Yuan rubbed his chin and said viciously.

"Then let him do it together."

Dong Zixi said decisively.

"The Lin Yang family is quite powerful. If something goes wrong with me, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain it."

"Things are impermanent. Sudden illness and car accidents are all possible. As long as we do enough concealment, they won't be able to find out. We can even blame Chen Yi, killing two birds with one stone. Isn't it beautiful?"

"Master, think of a way, get some medicine, I will make Chen Yi's son stillborn."

Shen Yuan said viciously, there is nothing to make others crueler.

Dong Zixi shook his head lightly.

"She has to be born. The more people a person cares about, the more handles we can catch. Isn't it easier to deal with a newborn child?"

After hearing Dong Zixi's words, Shen Yuan couldn't help giving him a thumbs up.

"That's cruel. In this way, we have another goal to write about Chen Yi. Even if he doesn't care about his wife's life, how can he not care about his son's life?"

After Chen Yi grabbed the antidote, he ran home directly and began to analyze the ingredients of the antidote in the medicine bottle.

Chen Yi knew it already, so he only needed to smell the smell to know the proportion of various medicinal materials.

When the villagers heard that Chen Yi and Shen Yuan had left together, they were very disturbed.

Especially those old people, they have been looking for a life in this land all their lives, and once they don't have land, they will feel particularly uneasy in their hearts.

In the medicine field, the village head and several old people are carefully analyzing the reasons for the sudden withering of these medicinal materials.

They don't even know about poison and spells, so naturally they can't talk about ideas.

At this moment, they saw Dazhu appearing in the distant medicine field with a big sprayer on his back.

"Da Zhu, is this an ordinary pest? Would it be helpful for you to spray those pesticides? Besides, didn't Chen Yi say that in order to ensure the quality of medicinal materials, we can't use any pesticides and fertilizers."

"Hey, mine is not a pesticide, it's a elixir that can make the medicinal materials stand up again."

Dazhu said firmly.

"It's just you, the elixir. If there is one, can you make yourself smarter first?"

"Hmph, you don't have to believe me, this is the potion that brother Chen Yi mixed for me. He said that as long as I spray this scent, it will suddenly return to the previous quality."

Da Zhu patted his chest and said firmly.

Ever since Chen Yi saved his mother, now he completely regards Chen Yi as a living Bodhisattva, and firmly believes in everything he says.

But the village head was obviously much more conservative. While he was still hesitating, he suddenly discovered that the plants that had been sprayed with the potion stood up visibly to the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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