Chapter 355
When Dong Zixi realized that his all-out attack still couldn't cause any damage to Chen Yi, he immediately turned around and ran away.

At this time, two thin doors appeared in front of him, and they were closing rapidly.

At this moment, he couldn't care so much anymore, and walked sideways through the gate at an extremely fast speed.

But the moment he passed through the gate, the closure suddenly accelerated, and there was a scream, and one of Dong Zixi's arms was cut off directly.

But he didn't dare to stop for a moment, took out two small balls from his pocket, and smashed them to the ground vigorously.

Then there were two loud noises, and two groups of thick fog rose from the ground, and there were vicious sounds from east and west in the thick fog.

"Chen Yi, just wait, I will come back."

Although he didn't kill Dong Zixi, cutting off one of his arms was tantamount to killing him half of his life. As a mage, without an arm, at least half of his spells could not be cast.

Thinking about some weird things happening in the village, Chen Yi didn't chase after Dong Zixi, but hurried back to the village.

Eager to go home, and there was no one outside at night, Chen Yi used the speed movement technique, opened his arms, and his whole body was like a bird. The speed was as fast as lightning, and within ten minutes, he had already arrived at their village. of hills.

At this moment, Chen Yi saw a figure not far away, he quickly switched from brisk walking to normal walking, and through the moonlight, he saw an old man in ragged clothes holding a cane.

He looked like an old beggar, but Chen Yi felt a special aura from him.

When Chen Yi and the old man passed by, the old man suddenly sighed heavily and whispered.

"Young man, I see that your seal is black, and I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble recently."

This is the most common opening remark of charlatans, Chen Yixin said, with the faint moonlight, can you see my seal turn black?
In his opinion, the other party should be a charlatan who knows a little bit of magic. It is better to ignore this kind of person.

Chen Yi ignored the old man, and continued to walk forward quickly, took a few steps, and when he turned his head, the old man followed him, less than three meters away, but Chen Yi couldn't feel his presence.

Chen Yi was shocked, the other party was still an expert.

"Old sir, what do you want to do?"

Chen Yi asked with a wary face. A series of things happened recently, which made him full of vigilance towards the people around him.

"Young man, don't be nervous, I'm not a bad person, but you do have a lot of bad people around you recently, you must be more careful, if you don't pay attention, you will harm your loved ones around you."

"Old sir, I know, I must..."

Just when Chen Yi was about to bow to express his gratitude to the old man, the old man suddenly disappeared. He searched everywhere, but he couldn't see the old man's figure, and he couldn't feel the slightest energy fluctuation around him, as if everything that happened just now was just his illusion Same.

Chen Yi didn't know where the old man came from, but he could feel the obvious kindness from the old man. Since the old man didn't want to show his face, he didn't force him. He bowed to the air, then turned and went home.

Seeing that Chen Yi came back safely, Lin Yang and Liu Yitao left in peace. Jiang Mingyong and Feng Hong rushed back to the county seat in the afternoon because of something wrong with the company.

Originally, Zhao Haiyan and Wang Jia asked to stay and help take care of Jiang Xinyi, but Chen Yi remembered the old man's warning and asked Zhao Haiyan to live in a villager's house under the pretext of asking her to help take care of the patients there.

As for Wang Jia, Chen Yi also placed him in the clinic, because these two people repeatedly asked to worship Chen Yi as a teacher, and Chen Yi sent them away under the pretext of letting them familiarize themselves with the most basic common sense of doctors.

After dismissing the two of them, Chen Yi still felt uneasy. He decided to do the math for himself to see what kind of troubles would happen recently.

But what shocked him was that the hexagrams he played couldn't make a picture at all. This kind of thing has never happened before. No matter good or bad, as long as you ask the hexagrams, there will be results after all. But this time, no matter good or bad , did not give him an answer.

It's like throwing a dice. Under normal circumstances, there will always be a result from one to six. The possibility of a situation where one tip is standing and zero is almost zero.

But the current situation is that every time Chen Yi throws the dice, the result is standing zero, which is definitely abnormal.

Chen Yi then closed his eyes and extended his perception, but there was always a mysterious force around him, he clearly knew its existence, but he couldn't detect its specific location and the magnitude of its power.

"Chen Yi, what's wrong with you, what happened?"

Seeing that Chen Yi came back from the city, he was worried and frowning, Jiang Xinyi asked with a worried face.

"It's okay, I just encountered some strange things, but the problem is not big, you go to bed quickly."

In order not to worry Jiang Xinyi, Chen Yi purposely spoke lightly.

"I don't know why, my eyelids are twitching very much recently, and my heart is not very at ease. Is there anything going to happen?"

Jiang Xinyi said worriedly.

"Haha, what are you thinking? You also believe in this kind of thing. Your eyelids twitched just because you didn't have a good rest. Okay, it's getting late, so hurry up and rest."

Chen Yi gently supported Jiang Xinyi, and said with a relaxed face, but Jiang Xinyi's words made him feel a lump in his heart. Could it be that something bad is going to happen recently.

However, no matter what happened, Chen Yi would guarantee the safety of Jiang Xinyi's mother and daughter. Just now, through Jiang Xinyi's pulse, he knew that Jiang Xinyi was pregnant with a daughter.

From the very beginning, Chen Yi hoped that he could have a daughter as beautiful as Jiang Xinyi. Now that his dream has come true, he must do his best to ensure the safety of the mother and daughter.

Even if his daughter becomes an idiot because of a carelessness, he will let her have a happy life.

"I don't want to believe it either, but I always feel uneasy in my heart."

"Haha, you are typical prenatal depression. Don't worry, what can happen if you have me? Isn't our medicinal material harvested? The good days are coming soon. I promise to send you mother and daughter together." Be pampered into two proud princesses."

Although Chen Yi acted very relaxed in front of Jiang Xinyi, he didn't dare to relax at all. Before going to sleep, he used the excuse of going to the toilet and set up several formations in the bedroom to prevent being attacked while sleeping.

The next morning, Chen Yi woke up from a severe abdominal pain. With his medical skills, he didn't know what caused his abdominal pain.

Jiang Xinyi's head rested on his arm, sleeping very soundly, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, she chuckled softly, and uttered an indistinct raving.

(End of this chapter)

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