little village doctor

Chapter 364 Regaining Trust

Chapter 364 Regaining Trust
The reason why the villagers are so stubborn is because they cannot see the abyss. If they can find a way to make the abyss appear in front of them, they may not be so stubborn.

Chen Yi was thinking about how to show these villagers the abyss they chose, when he suddenly heard someone shouting loudly.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Yi followed the sound and saw that a villager fell headfirst on the ground, and the people next to him rushed to help him up, but as soon as he squatted down, he also followed him.

The faces of the people who fell on the ground were black, and there was an evil spirit emanating from them.

"Damn it, once Chen Yi comes back, we're going to be in trouble again."

A villager suddenly cursed bitterly.

His words seemed to remind the villagers in advance, and those people immediately yelled.

"Chen Yi is a disaster star. When he is not in the village, we will be fine. Once he comes back, we will be in trouble immediately."

"Kill this disaster star."

A villager raised a hoe and rushed towards Chen Yi, rushing in front of Chen Yi, Chen Yi looked at him coldly, not angry.

The villagers had no choice but to put down the hoe, but said unconvinced.

"If it weren't for the fact that we have been in the same village for so many years, I would dig you to death with a hoe. Be sensible, and you'd better get out of the village quickly, or don't blame us for being rude."

"Why are you still standing there, hurry up and find the female Bodhisattva to see a doctor."

"Yes, yes, hurry up and invite the female Bodhisattva."

The two young villagers ran outside quickly, and within two steps, they also fell to the ground with a thump, Yintang turned black, and their whole body began to twitch.

"Anyone who can move, go and invite a female Bodhisattva for me."

The village head shouted loudly, and immediately several villagers rushed out. This time, not all fell to the ground, and several rushed out of the yard.

"There are Gu poisons and evil poisons among you, you have to deal with them quickly, or let me take a look for you."

Chen Yi could tell at a glance that this was poisoned by Shen Yuan and the others again, his life was at stake, and he didn't have time to care about their attitude towards him.

"That's enough, Chen Yi, isn't it enough for you to hurt us? You are only happy if you make us unable to survive. Please, take your wife and leave quickly."

When the village chief spoke of his sadness, his voice was choked with tears.

Chen Yi knew that the reason why the villagers behaved like this was not because they were vicious in their hearts, but because of ignorance.

"Putting aside other things first, they will die if they are delayed, let me help them quickly."

As soon as Chen Yi said that, he walked towards those patients. Those who were not sick rushed to Chen Yi in a hurry, blocking him layer by layer, as if Chen Yi was going to end the lives of those patients.

Not long after the stalemate, the villagers who went to invite Zhao Haiyan and Wang Jia stumbled back, he said in a mournful voice.

"It's over, it's over, the female Bodhisattvas are gone, I can't find them anywhere."

Zhao Haiyan and Wang Jiacai were beaten, so of course they didn't dare to come to see Chen Yi. When they heard that Chen Yi was going back to the village, they would have slipped away if they dared to stay in the village.

"Damn it, what do we do now?"

Several women had already begun to howl.

"Folks, please believe me. Think carefully about whether I have done anything to apologize to you other than what you said was the punishment from God."

The villagers thought about it, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.But they thought about it again, isn't God's punishment the most serious mistake, this is absolutely unforgivable.

There were patients all over the place, but no one dared to let Chen Yi see a doctor, because they were worried that if they let Chen Yi see a doctor, God's punishment would fall on their family members.

"Chen Yi, you can see a doctor for me, I believe in you."

At this moment, Da Zhu stood up with difficulty from the ground and said in a low voice.

After finishing speaking, he fell to the ground again with a plop.

He had exhausted his last bit of strength, and immediately fell into a coma after falling to the ground.

Chen Yi grabbed Da Zhuang's wrist, his pulse was extremely disordered.

It was similar to his mother's symptoms before, but much more serious.

This time, besides Gu worms, there is also an evil spirit that makes people lose their minds.

The activity of Gu worms in the body is particularly high, they are migrating to Dazhu's heart in large scale, once they reach the heart, they will treat the heart as food and devour it wantonly.

If the heart is eaten, even the Immortal Da Luo will not be able to save these patients.

Chen Yi had no choice but to use his true energy to forcibly block the path of the Gu worms going to the heart, and then pressed on step by step, letting the Gu worms float out from the seven orifices of Dazhu.

Seeing black smoke with a strange smell coming out of Dazhuang's seven orifices, the villagers all speculated whether Chen Yi was playing some tricks again.

The black smoke gradually faded, and after a while, Da Zhuang opened his eyes, and then, with Chen Yi's encouragement, he stood up tremblingly.

"The Gu worms on your body have not been completely cleared, and some organs have been damaged by the Gu worms. I will prescribe a prescription for you. After taking it, it will fully return to normal in about three days."

"Thank you, it's really..."

Da Zhu originally had a stomach full of grateful words, but when he heard a heavy coughing sound behind him, he had to forcefully swallow them back.

Before they came to Chen Yi's house, everyone had discussed that no one could compromise with Chen Yi in any way. He had already violated the rules by asking Chen Yi to see a doctor. If he still expressed gratitude, he would definitely be retaliated by these people of.

So Da Zhu bowed deeply to Chen Yi, then turned and left.

Da Zhuang, who was the most seriously ill just now, was able to walk like flying in a blink of an eye. Although these villagers didn't want to believe Chen Yi, the fact was right in front of them, and their hearts began to shake.

"Brother Chen Yi, why don't you help my brother take a look."

Li Xiaohong said in a low voice that although she is only a junior high school student, her awareness is much higher than that of these villagers.

When other people opposed Chen Yi, she still worshiped him as before, but because her personal influence was too small, she dared not show her respect to Chen Yi in front of others.

Without further ado, Chen Yi used the method on Da Zhuang to cure Li Xiaohong's elder brother's illness.

Brother Li Xiaohong was originally a vanguard against Chen Yi, but now he was rescued by someone he opposed. When Li Xiaohong asked him to express his gratitude to Chen Yi, he was so embarrassed that he couldn't bear it.

However, Chen Yi didn't take it to heart at all, and just said something lightly.

"The doctor is benevolent, how can I see death and refuse to save him? You don't have to take it to heart. If you should object to me, you can still object as usual."

Li Xiaohong's brother bowed deeply to Chen Yi, then turned and left.

With these two living examples, the other patients were naturally relieved. They all begged Chen Yi to help them see a doctor. Some family members of some patients fought for the priority of seeing a doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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