Chapter 368
Seeing the backs of Zhao Haiyan and Wang Jia leaving gracefully, Shen Yuan stomped his feet angrily, but his martial arts were not as high as these two women at all, so he could only knock down his teeth and swallow them in his stomach.

Having already invested so much, it is already impossible to let Shen Yuan let go now. Now defending means that all the previous investment is in vain. He is a businessman and will never do this kind of business that loses all his money.

Fortunately, he is not completely useless, he still has things.

Although Dong Zixi lost an arm by Chen Yi, he didn't really run away. After Chen Yi left, he went back to find Shen Yuan.

Currently he is hiding in an apartment that Shen Yuan rented for him.

After losing his arm, he became darker and began to practice the forbidden technique that was forbidden by the patriarch. He vowed to find Chen Yi to avenge the broken arm.

Shen Yuan found Dong Zixi, sighed and told how badly he was cheated by these two women.

More than half of the money that Shen Yuan used to buy the medicine field was spent on those two women, now even if Chen Yi agreed to sell the medicine field, he would not be able to spend so much money.

If he can't get the medicine field within half a year, his company will face bankruptcy, and he will also go to jail because of debts.

After cooperating for so long, Shen Yuan took Dong Zixi as a friend for granted, and poured out to him the problems he encountered without any precautions, hoping to wait for some comfort from Dong Zixi.

But Dong Zixi's expression became more and more serious. He originally thought that Shen Yuan was his stable source of income. As long as he followed him, he would not have to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation, and he could devote himself to the cultivation of spells.

But he didn't expect Shen Yuan's situation to be so bad, and if he followed him, he might have to sleep on the street.

Seeing Shen Yuan talking endlessly about how difficult it was for him, Dong Zi stood up from the chair with a jerk, and then said in a cold tone.

"I have some things recently and I need to leave for a while. You don't need to look for me during this time."

When Shen Yuan heard it, it was like a bolt from the blue, Dong Zixi was his last hope, if Dong Zixi let go, he would be completely finished.

"Big...Master, don't leave, you haven't done what you promised me!"

Shen Yuan quickly grabbed Dong Zixi's hand and said in a pleading voice.

"The reason why I can't do it is not my problem, but your plan. Didn't Zhao Haiyan and Wang Jia fail to do it? They can leave, why can't I leave."

Dong Zixi said with a sneer.

" can't go, I'm completely finished if you go."

Shen Yuan said in a crying voice.

"Does your death have anything to do with me?"

Dong Zixi said very heartlessly.

Shen Yuan was stunned for a moment, indeed, he wanted to finish himself off, and he couldn't threaten Dong Zixi at all, suddenly he turned his heart and said viciously.

"Master, I have spent so much money on you, if you want to leave, I will fight you hard."

After hearing this, Dong Zixi couldn't help laughing, and then said in a mocking tone.

"Desperate, what do you use to fight me desperately, I just need to send you to see Lord Hades as soon as I get the rune."

Shen Yuan knew that Dong Zixi's words were not bragging, but he couldn't let go of the last straw anyway.


Shen Yuan knelt directly in front of Dong Zixi, and said in tears.

"Master, please, please take pity on me, as long as you help me for the last time, you can ask me to do anything."

Regarding Shen Yuan's despair, Dong Zixi was indifferent, but Shen Yuan's last words made his heart skip a beat.

He is currently practicing a kind of forbidden technique to shorten lifespan, if Shen Yuan's Yangshou is used to sign a blood contract with Pluto, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone.

"I can help you one last time."

Dong Zixi said in a calm tone.

When Shen Yuan heard it, his heart burst into ecstasy. He hugged Dong Zixi's thigh, kowtowed and said.

"Master, you are truly a bodhisattva. If you help me complete this matter, I will definitely compensate you even more after it is completed."

Dong Zixi snorted coldly, and then said.

"You don't need to give me these empty promises, what I need is something real."

Shen Yuan was stunned for a moment, because he couldn't give anything from him now.

"Don't worry, you must have this thing, and that is your Yangshou."

"Yangshou, how can I give you this?"

Shen Yuan was stunned for a moment, and asked with a puzzled expression.

"You don't have to worry about this. Of course I have a solution. You can come with me. Of course, if you don't want to, you can go back on your word at any time."

"How many years of Yangshou?"

Shen Yuan asked in a low voice, if it was too long, even if he successfully bought the medicine field and quickly reached the pinnacle of his life, but ended up belching, it would be meaningless.

"ten years."

Shen Yuan calculated in his mind, at his current age, it shouldn't be a big problem to live another 40 years, and if he can live ten years less, there are still 30 years left. If he can enjoy 30 years of life, he thinks it is worth it.

"Okay, I am willing."

"At twelve o'clock tonight, you come to me on time."

At twelve o'clock in the half moon, the full moon is in the sky, and there is not a trace of cloud.

Everything was silent, and two figures suddenly appeared in the mass graves in the wild suburbs of the West Mountain.

Dong Zixi wore a loose Taoist robe, and he did as the Romans did. Originally, he was wearing a mage's costume. After staying in China for a long time, he also fell in love with Taoist robes.

Shen Yuan followed Dong Zixi step by step, even in the daytime, he was unwilling to come to Luan Grave Mound, coming to such a place at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, he was naturally a little apprehensive.

Suddenly a gust of cold wind blew by, and he felt a chill down his back, so he quickly trotted a few steps to keep within reach of Dong Zixi.

"Master, why do you have to go to this kind of place, can't you change it?"

"Mr. Shen, it seems that you have done too many bad things. If you are so guilty, if you can do it in other places, I won't be so troublesome. Only here is a door to the underworld."

When Shen Yuan heard it, he trembled in fright, and asked in a trembling voice.

"Master, we don't want to go to the underworld, do we?"

"Don't worry, you can't go even if you want to. You have a living breath on your body, so you can't enter the underworld."

Dongzi looked around at the moon in the sky, then found a grave and sat down cross-legged.

After sitting down, he pointed to a grave not far away and said.

"Go and sit over there."

Shen Yuan's legs were trembling, but he had reached this point, and he had no way out.

When he was doing it, he suddenly stood up.

He opened his mouth to scream, but Dong Zixi sealed his mouth with a rune, and he could only whimper in his throat.

Dong Zixi looked down, and there were two white skulls where Shen Yuan was sitting.

"What is it called? If Pluto is alarmed, both of us will be finished."

(End of this chapter)

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