little village doctor

Chapter 380 Thirst for Talent

Chapter 380 Thirst for Talent
The daughter's body was getting weaker and weaker, but the young man still refused to give Chen Yi the medicine. Chen Yi became a little anxious, and he grabbed the young man's collar and said loudly.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? If I tell you to arrest you, you will be arrested. It's not that I won't give you money. What does it have to do with you if something goes wrong."

"It doesn't matter, it's still the same sentence, I don't care if you die or not, the golden signboard of our prescription cannot be smashed."

"Do you want to catch it or not?"

Chen Yi lifted the young man's body up.

In the eyes of the onlookers, the young people kindly gave advice to Chen Yi, and Chen Yi not only didn't appreciate it, but even beat him up. Seeing this situation, he immediately stabbed and surrounded him.

"Who is making noise here?"

An old man with silver hair came out of the back room of the pharmacy muttering. When everyone saw this, they immediately shouted as if they saw a savior.

"One of you said that there is something wrong with the prescription, and the other said that there is no problem, it's simple, let Divine Doctor Xue take a look, don't you understand everything?"

An old lady said loudly that she had nowhere to seek medical treatment for her previous illness, and in the end it was cured by Divine Doctor Xue, so in her opinion, Divine Doctor Xue's words were golden and good words.

The young man is relatively confident in his medical skills, so of course he couldn't ask for more. He waited for Miracle Doctor Xue to speak to see how this stubborn guy stepped down.

The young man hurriedly handed the prescription to Miracle Doctor Xue with both hands, and at the same time, he turned his head and gave Chen Yi a mocking look, before speaking clearly.

"Boy, hurry up and find a crack in the ground and sneak in. What is it that actually questioned my understanding of medicine?"

Miracle doctor Xue wore reading glasses unhurriedly, and after prescribing a few medicines, his brows frowned, the more he looked down, his complexion became more serious, and he even shook his head.

The young man was so proud that he only had to dance on the spot to celebrate, and he gave Chen Yi a haughty thumb.

"Young man, you really thank this little brother. If he didn't insist on not grabbing the medicine for you, if you caught it in a daze, it would be a real disaster."

Seeing Miracle Doctor Xue shaking his head, the old men and women onlookers thought they already had the answer, not to mention that the answer was consistent with what they thought in their hearts, so they were not surprised at all.

The old lady praised the young man fiercely, saying that he was young, promising and responsible. If such a good young man had a granddaughter, he would definitely marry him.

When Chen Yi saw Miracle Doctor Xue like this, his brows were also furrowed. If this old Chinese doctor didn't agree with his prescription, it would prove that his level is not enough.

In such a huge Qianlong City, the doctors of the famous pharmacies are at this level. Chen Yi believes that if it is Feng Hong, he will definitely be able to understand the mystery of his prescription.

"Wonderful, really wonderful, these few medicines seem to be superfluous, but they have resolved all the previous conflicts. It is said that the medicine is three-point poisonous, but this prescription breaks this rule, and the toxicity is not even half. Young man, this prescription is Who opened it for you, I want to meet this expert."

Doctor Xue took the prescription, walked quickly to Chen Yi, and said excitedly.

The young man hadn't woken up from his sense of accomplishment yet, when he suddenly saw Miracle Doctor Xue like this, he was stunned.

The old men and women who were watching were obviously not used to flipping so quickly. They opened their mouths, not knowing who to speak for.

"Old man, did you miss it? There is obviously something wrong with this prescription. How did it become a strange prescription?"

The young man asked blankly, although Divine Doctor Xue thought that his talent was too low and refused to accept him as an apprentice, he often consulted with Divine Doctor Xue on weekdays. Most of his current medical skills were learned from Divine Doctor Xue. Didn't this prescription make several common-sense mistakes?
"Hey, that's why I don't accept you as an apprentice. Yin-yang and five elements are in a dynamic balance. You can't judge the quality of a prescription purely based on mutual generation and restraint. Forget it, you won't understand if I tell you this, just learn it." .”

The young man's face was flushed with the ruthless words of Doctor Xue, and he would act as a little doctor in front of the old men and women on weekdays, boasting the superficial knowledge about health preservation that he learned from Doctor Xue.

For this reason, he has several elderly fans, especially the old men and women with granddaughters, and the young people are very attentive.

Now that Doctor Xue had said this, his aura of a little genius doctor disappeared immediately, and those old men and women who admired him very much showed expressions of contempt.

"This prescription was prescribed by me, and it's actually not a magic prescription. Although it has extremely low side effects and has certain curative effects on most diseases, it doesn't have much effect on my daughter's illness. It's just to save my life. .”

"Ah, what's wrong with your love, let me see!"

Those doctors who love medical skills hope to get in touch with some weird diseases. Once a disease that has never been seen before is conquered, the sense of accomplishment cannot be bought by money.

Chen Yi handed his daughter to Miracle Doctor Xue, and Miracle Doctor Xue quickly twisted his daughter's small arm with two fingers to feel her weak pulse.

Divine doctor Xue frowned, and after a long while, he spoke softly.

"Your love must be bewitched."

Chen Yi was overjoyed. Doctor Xue could see the cause of his daughter's disease, and maybe there would be a cure, so he asked urgently.

"Genius doctor, do you have a solution?"

Divine doctor Xue smiled wryly and shook his head.

"If it's an ordinary bewitch, I know there is a way to treat it, but the evil in Ling'ai is so weird that I'm afraid there's nothing I can do."

The little hope Chen Yi had just had was shattered immediately, but he had long been mentally prepared. After all, with his superpowers, he couldn't save his own women, let alone those ordinary people.

"But your prescription really has a very good restraint effect on this evil. Although it can't eradicate it, it can relieve the symptoms."

Doctor Xue said with admiration, after all, if he encountered such a situation, he would definitely not be able to prescribe such an exquisite prescription.

When treating those common diseases, it is difficult to reflect the doctor's brilliance. Only when facing such an unheard of disease, can he prescribe effective prescriptions, which is the test of comprehensive strength.

In Xue's opinion, Chen Yi's ability to prescribe such a prescription is even better than his own.

Many people think that the medical skills of Chinese medicine are related to age, but this is not the case.

What is really related to medical skills is experience. How many diseases you have seen is the key. If you have not experienced a disease, you will encounter it for the first time when you are 30 years old, and the first time you encounter it when you are [-] years old. difference.

(End of this chapter)

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