little village doctor

Chapter 405 Prejudice Harms

Chapter 405 Prejudice Harms
"No, neither acupuncture nor traditional Chinese medicine, these are all tricks."

Xiaolei said resolutely, this time even the middle-aged women supported Xiaolei, and said in a very resolute tone.

"Doctor, Xiaolei is right. We definitely don't get needles. It's important not to drink. My father-in-law is just like that. When he died, he and..."

The middle-aged woman took a look at the psychopath, and suddenly stopped talking. Obviously, the age at which her father-in-law died was exactly the same as her husband's current age, so she was particularly taboo.

"How can you be so stubborn? You can't just stumble in a certain place and stay away from that direction for the rest of your life. Besides, brother Yi's medical skills are comparable to that quack doctor before?"

Seeing that the patient's family members were so stubborn, Meng Bo quickly persuaded him in a low voice.

"What are you talking about, boy? What is a somersault? Will a grandpa be killed by a fall in your family?"

Although Meng Bo's words made sense, but because he didn't start from the other party's point of view, Xiaolei heard that he was insensitive, so he picked up the bench and rushed towards Meng Bo, but was grabbed by Chen Yi.

"Apologize to Xiaolei."

Chen Yi's tone was soft but unquestionable.

Meng Bo was originally a bastard, and it was impossible for him to admit his mistake, but after hearing Chen Yi's words, he did not hesitate at all, and immediately apologized sincerely to Xiaolei.

"Okay, since you don't want to have acupuncture and take medicine, I will prescribe two sets of western medicine for you according to your requirements, but because there is no medicine in western medicine that is 100% compatible with this disease, I can only choose the medicine that is as effective as possible. close."

"As long as you don't get needles or take traditional Chinese medicine, you can do anything." The middle-aged woman quickly agreed.

Chen Yi had no choice but to prescribe western medicine for the other party. Originally, it cost tens of dollars and it could be done in a few days. Because of prejudice, they would rather spend thousands of dollars and delay for several months.

Seeing the family leaving with hope, Chen Yi had mixed feelings. There was a pit ahead, but he was unable to stop others from jumping down. He always felt that there was no way to change Xiaolei's prejudice against Chinese medicine. Responsibility.

As soon as the patient's family left, a little nurse walked over quickly, and she yelled at Meng Bo.

"Meng Bo, you don't need to come to the hospital tomorrow."

Meng Bo was startled. Although he wanted to be a fearless hero, when the punishment really came, he was still a little panicked. Although the reputation of the Chen Family Medical Center is not as good as before, it is definitely not the same as other medical institutions. Clinics can compare.

It took him a lot of effort to be able to come to the Chen Family Medical Center for an internship, and all the students in the class were envious of him, especially the girl he had a crush on, because he was qualified to come to the Chen Family Medical Center for an internship , Before leaving, I had a one-time talk with him.

The Chen Family Medical Center used to be the hall of the medical world, but now it is indeed a stepping stone to the palace of the medical world. Being able to enter the Chen Family Medical Hall is a symbol of future and salary, so the girl's change of attitude towards Meng Bo is also reasonable. middle.

At that time, Meng Bo was very arrogant and arrogant, and he was secretly delighted with the success of a villain.If he is expelled from the Chen Family Medical Clinic like this now, I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to gain a foothold in the medical field in his life.

"Isn't the internship period three months as promised? Why are you letting me leave the hospital now?"

Meng Bo said unwillingly, his voice was trembling, and he sounded like he wanted to cry.

"Curator Yang asked me to inform you. He said that you will understand the reason."

Chen Yi didn't expect Yang Yun to be so narrow-minded. As the deputy director of a medical center, he doesn't need to personally take care of such trivial matters as interns. Just because Meng Bo is closer to him, he takes Meng Bo's hand. Bo let out.

Chen Yi knew that he was dragging Meng Bo down. Originally, he thought that if he didn't go to an intern in the hospital, he would just quit. What's the big deal.

But seeing Meng Bo so sad, he knew that this position was very important to him, at least Meng Bo thought so.

"Didn't you want to be my assistant before? Have you changed your mind now?"

Chen Yi said in a flat tone.

"Yes, of course I am, but Director Yang will definitely not let me stay in the hospital."

Meng Bo said with a worried face.

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"This...Brother Yi, don't fall out with Director Yang because of me. After all, he is the deputy director of the hospital, and you still have to work under him."

"Do you think I have a good relationship with him, Meng Bo? Remember, as long as you are capable, your job and position are irrelevant, and you will never humble yourself in front of others."

"Brother Yi, it's not that my level is limited. I just graduated from school. I heard from my seniors that the real learning begins when I graduate. So, I'm still learning."

"Only people who know that they still have a lot of room for improvement can truly have a broad mind. Only people like Yang Yun who think that their own development has reached the limit will always worry about being surpassed by others."

"Brother Yi, don't you think you still have a lot of room for improvement?"

Meng Bo asked with a look of surprise, in his mind, Chen Yi was already like a god, standing at the pinnacle of the medical field, how could there be room for improvement.

"The field of Chinese medicine is broad and profound, and no one can climb to the real peak, even Hua Tuo, Sun Simiao and others dare not do so, so ordinary people like us should maintain a humble heart."

Originally, Chen Yi planned to talk to Chen Li about Meng Bo's affairs, but when it was time to get off work, Chen Li took the initiative to come to him and kindly invited him to have dinner with him.

As soon as she heard the words that were good to eat, all the jokes came out, and Chen Yi hadn't made a statement yet, but she nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice. Under such circumstances, Chen Yi naturally couldn't bear to let her down.

Chen Li was well aware of what happened to Chen Yi in the Chen Family Medical Center, so he sighed softly.

"This Yang Yun still has medical skills, but his character is really lacking."

"Since you think his character is not good, why do you keep him in such an important position in the hospital?" Chen Yi asked suspiciously.

"Well, although I am the curator in name, I can't help myself in many things. The remaining shareholders are all the old man's best friends, and I can't offend any of them. This Yang Yun is Director Yang's nephew. A major mistake, there is really no way to clean him up."

"It gives me the feeling that you can cover the sky with your hands when he is in the hospital, and you are better at speaking in front of those doctors than you."

"Well, before I focused on saving the entire Chinese medicine market, so I neglected the management of the hospital. Later, the Chinese medicine market was not saved, and as a result, I lost the hospital's right to speak, not only in front of doctors, but also in front of shareholders. Words are better than mine."

(End of this chapter)

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