little village doctor

Chapter 411 The Evidence Delivered to Your Door

Chapter 411 The Evidence Delivered to Your Door
Several security guards rushed towards Hao Jia. Meng Bo immediately rushed over to stop them, but was slapped by one of the security guards and staggered. Obviously, Meng Bo was no match for those big and three thick security guards.

"You try to move her?"

Chen Yi stared straight at the security guard, and said in a cold tone.

Feeling the powerful aura from Chen Yi, the security guard immediately hesitated, and subconsciously stepped back.

"Li Tiezhu, you don't want this job anymore, do you not hear me?"

Yang Yun roared angrily behind him.

The security guard hesitated for a moment, remembering the expensive salary, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and stretch out his hands.

Before his hand touched Hao Jia's body, his own body flew up, flew over the crowd of onlookers, and landed on the ground with a thud, grinning for a long time, unable to get up.

When the other security guards saw that their captain was easily dealt with, they were even more afraid to step forward. They adopted the method of talking but not using hands.

"Chen Yi, you actually hit someone with your own hands, call the police immediately and let the people at the police station handle it."

Chen Yi stared at Yang Yun, and said every word.

"Curator Yang, do you dare to call the police?"

Curator Yang was guilty of being a thief, so naturally he didn't want to make this kind of thing public, so he slapped the security guard who said he wanted to call the police.

"Call the police for such a small matter, what are you doing to feed, and I will take care of this matter immediately."

The security guard who was beaten by Yang Yun had no choice but to cautiously approach Hao Jia, while looking at Chen Yi with pitiful eyes and said.

"Doctor Chen, how could you snatch Director Yang's patient? You just came here and don't know the rules. As long as you return her to Director Yang, Director Yang will definitely not hold her accountable."

Hearing what the security guard said, Yang Yun's face turned green with anger, and he kicked that guy's ass.

The security guard groaned, and simply lay on the ground and couldn't get up.

"You bastard, what is my patient? As long as the patient can be cured, anyone can do it. It's just that her disease is weird. I have been treating it for a long time, but I haven't found an effective way. Change the doctor and change the treatment plan. Worries will be detrimental to her condition."

Yang Yun quickly explained to the surrounding patients that what the security guard said had already caused an uproar among the patients, and the doctors of the Chen Family Medical Center fought for the patients. Once the news spread, the Chen Family Medical Center would not That reputation for optimism is sure to add insult to injury.

Hearing Yang Yun's explanation, the patients immediately felt relieved, thinking that Yang Yun was the kindness of the person in charge, and blamed Chen Yi for his lack of medical ethics.

Even if you want to see a doctor for this patient, you must at least consult the treatment plan of the previous doctor.

Although Yang Yun won the support of the onlookers, he had no way to get Hao Jia away from Chen Yi. These few security guards were no match for Chen Yi at all.

Moreover, it seems that Chen Yi has already found out the real reason. Although laymen don't understand it, if Chen Yi insists on letting the authority judge, Yang Yun's trick will be exposed.

Therefore, Yang Yun absolutely couldn't leave the evidence of Hao Jia in Chen Yi's hands. He thought twice and called Hao Jia directly.The security is not good, and the police cannot be called. It is the wisest choice to let the patient's family members come forward.

When Tang Jifeng heard that Yang Yun was going to call his uncle, he was so frightened that he hurriedly told Meng Bo.

"Meng Bo, hurry up and tell him to let my cousin go. When my uncle comes over, there will be no way to end it."

"Jifeng, didn't you see that this Yang Yun is obviously guilty, otherwise why would he be so scared? Look, the sweat is dripping from his forehead."

"But if my uncle comes, he will have to overturn this place, and..."

"Jifeng, is your sister so unimportant to you? This is a great opportunity to save your sister. Why are you so afraid of this?"

"I... I'm worried that he's unreliable. If I can really save my sister, I'll go all out. Isn't it just a beating? I'm not bad."

When Yang Yun went to call Uncle Tang Jifeng, Chen Yi brought a small bowl and handed it to Meng Bo.

"Go, feed this to her, she will wake up soon."

Tang Jifeng glanced at it, and immediately asked loudly: "Hey, what do you want to give her to drink?"


Chen Yi returned unhurriedly.

"She can't drink syrup, Dr. Yang said, she can't drink syrup."

Then Tang Jifeng rushed towards Meng Bo quickly, Chen Yi just waved his hand lightly, and Tang Jifeng sat down on the ground.

"If something goes wrong, I'm responsible."

Chen Yi said in a cold tone, and Meng Bo immediately fed Hao Jia with a spoon.

"You are responsible, you are a poor doctor, can you take responsibility?"

Tang Jifeng struggled to stop Meng Bo, but when Chen Yi stopped him, he couldn't get close at all.

The surrounding patients became even more angry. It was the first time they saw a doctor forcibly treating a patient regardless of the opinions of the patient's family. They all accused Chen Yi and told him to get out of the Chen Family Clinic.

When Yang Yun came back from the phone call, he heard that Chen Yi forcibly fed the patient syrup. His head turned black and his face turned pale. He wanted to stop Meng Bo like crazy, but Chen Yi seemed to know him. Like this move, like a door god, seal the passage tightly.

When Yang Yun and Chen Yi's bodies were entangled, Yang Yun clung to Chen Yi's ear and said in a vicious voice.

"Chen Yi, do you know that what you do is tantamount to committing suicide."

"Aren't you already planning to hire someone to kill me? Wouldn't I save you trouble by committing suicide?"

Chen Yi replied with a cold tone.

Yang Yun was stunned for a moment, wondering if Chen Yi really knew about it, or if he guessed it himself.

"Are you going to give us a little way to survive?"

When Yang Yun said this, it looked like a threat, but it actually contained a request.

"He is such a healthy girl, you turned her into a tuberculosis ghost, did you give her a way out?"

Chen Yi asked aggressively.

"I don't understand what you are talking about. She is not related to you. Why do you treat her like this? You are so energetic, why don't you take care of your daughter more."

Yang Yun's words were obvious enough, if Chen Yi did this again, he would attack Chen Yi's daughter.

Chen Yi's anger was instantly ignited. His daughter had endured such a catastrophe when she first arrived in this world, and now she was threatened by this bastard. His eyes were spitting fire, wishing he could slap the bastard in front of him to death.

"Why, do you know that you are afraid? As long as you don't fight against me, I will let you go smoothly in the Chen Family Medical Center and become the signature doctor here."

(End of this chapter)

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