little village doctor

Chapter 441 1 Order 3 People

Chapter 441

"That little girl is also pretty good, regardless of her young age, she is very strict and has a famous style. If she guessed correctly, she should have grown up in a medical family since she was a child."

Lian Hai pointed to another young female doctor and said, hearing what he said, Qi Feng narrowed his happy eyes.

"Lian Lao has good eyesight. She is my youngest niece. Although she is only 21 years old this year, she is already a medical doctor who graduated from Imperial College of Technology. She also has a pure heart. She gave up her high salary abroad and decided to return to China."

"Yeah, young people who are capable, thoughtful, and sentimental like this are really rare now, so we need to focus on cultivating them."

With Lian Lao's status, Qi Feng knew what it meant to say such words, he quickly stood up and said very respectfully.

"Thank you, Mr. Lian, for your love. On behalf of Qi Yue'er, I would like to express my gratitude to you."

"Haha, thank you for being such a bad old man. I have to thank her for her own strength. As long as she can enter the top ten this time, I will hire her to be an honorary professor in my school and give him a special laboratory. and assistant team, you can enjoy world-class resources.”

In fact, Lian Lao said this because he saw Qi Yueer's lack of experience, and there was still a lot of room for improvement. In name, he was going to let her teach, but in fact, he was giving her a chance to improve herself.

In Qi Feng's view, to be able to teach at Beijing Medical College, and to be an honorary professor, is already the greatest honor for a doctor. His dream when he was young was to study at Beijing Medical College, but his dream was rejected. Qi Yue'er surpassed easily.

There is a very serious chain of contempt in the medical field. Western medicine looks down on Chinese medicine, and the elderly look down on the young. Those who came to participate in this competition, they already have the title of experts in their respective fields, but now they want to compete with Qi Yueer, Chen For young people like Yi to compete in the same arena, they all felt that they were demeaning.

At the beginning of the competition, it was to show the teamwork ability of doctors. 36 players were divided into reserved groups, and they took turns to see a doctor for 100 patients, and then wrote down the patient's condition. It took a long time and had low accuracy in three groups. Two people will be eliminated, and the top 30 will proceed to the next round.

This is a typical competition that relies on experience. For those who are often exposed to common diseases, they can clearly explain the symptoms of patients with just a glance. But for Qi Yueer, who is rich in theory but lacks experience, It is indeed a great test.

And the standard for those people to judge that they are very experienced is to look at their age, so they are unwilling to be grouped with Chen Yi and the others. In the end, Qi Yue'er and Chen Yi have to be grouped together, and they are reversely grouped into four groups with them. The doctor had to admit that he was unlucky.

However, they have already made a decision. Once their group ranks among the bottom three, Chen Yi and Qi Yue'er will be eliminated during the internal voting.

Letting Chen Yi be eliminated in the first round was originally the goal set for them by the president of the Medical Association. They looked at Qi Yue'er with sympathy, because Qi Yue'er was just an innocent funeral.

Qi Yueer also knew that if their group was eliminated, she would not be spared, so she entered a tense state from the beginning of the game. Although it was a common disease, it was somewhat unfamiliar to Qi Yueer. After the others had seen the first patient, she seemed particularly anxious.

But when she looked back at Chen Yi, Qi Yue'er's lungs exploded with anger. Chen Yi was drinking tea slowly with his legs crossed, but those patients were urging him to see a doctor quickly.

Seeing Chen Yi like this, the other four couldn't help feeling ecstatic. They were going to make trouble, but now it seems that Chen Yi gave up from the beginning, so they pretended to be very anxious, but the speed of seeing a doctor was much faster than that of the doctor. The other groups are slower.

"Chen Yi, if you want to be eliminated, don't sign up."

Qi Yue'er couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but angrily reprimanded.

Chen Yi took a sip of tea and said slowly.

"When you see a doctor, you must have a calm mind and clear thinking. Look at them, do you think your hard work is useful?"

After Chen Yi finished speaking, he pouted at his other four teammates. Those people were obviously playing soy sauce.

"They made it clear that they want to eliminate the two of us. Are you just accepting your fate like this?"

At this moment, Qi Yue'er understood the plan of those four people, and instantly stood on the same boat as Chen Yi.

"Hmph, just those four wastes want to destroy our two geniuses. Don't go to see a doctor, just write the prescription for me."

"Ah, both of us are too busy. If you don't let me see a doctor, don't you have no chance?"

"Since you know that the two of us are too busy to see a doctor, why don't you try your best, in case it succeeds?"

Qi Yue'er stared at Chen Yi for a while, then said in a desperate tone.

"Okay, it's all like this anyway, I'll do as you said."

Chen Yi stood up and said loudly to the patient: "Please, stand in three rows and walk in front of me. Just walk slowly and don't stop."

Although those patients didn't know what Chen Yi was up to, they still followed suit. The three of them walked up to Chen Yi and reported their names.

"Chen Yi, what the hell are you doing?"

"See a doctor and prescribe medicine."

"Did you read it and prescribe medicine?"

Qi Yue'er asked the voices of most people, have you read it?
At this moment, even the judges were bursting into laughter. From their point of view, this Chen Yi was here to make a joke. Qi Feng shook his head again and again. He didn't expect that Qi Yueer would be in a group with Chen Yi. Qi Yueer had a bright future. Wouldn't it be ruined by this kid?

He really wanted to say something nice to Qi Yue'er, but when he looked at Lian Hai, Lian Hai frowned and fell into deep thought.

"If you question me again, time will run out. Since you have no better way, why don't you choose to believe me?"

Chen Yi said angrily.

Qi Yue'er was so angry that her chest was tight, but she had no choice but to follow what Chen Yi said, what Chen Yi said, and what he wrote.

After each row, Qi Yue'er wrote one house, and Chen Yi wrote two prescriptions. Naturally, the speed was incomparable, but in the eyes of other doctors, Chen Yi was just fooling around, so how could it be accurate to see a doctor like this.

But there was one person in the crowd who believed in Chen Yi. This person was Zhang Shouyi who had competed against Chen Yi. He felt that Chen Yi's prescription would be the biggest surprise of the entire competition.

Soon, the patients originally assigned to Qi Yue'er and Chen Yi finished watching, while the other four in their group were still closing their eyes and recuperating to give others their pulse. The queue for seeing a doctor was still very long.

"Go, you go and call those patients over."

Chen Yi said to Qi Yue'er.

(End of this chapter)

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