little village doctor

Chapter 448 Don't look down on a conceited person

Chapter 448 Don't look down on a conceited person

From the sound of the mage, it seems that Yang Yun is not afraid of this person, but that Yang Yun has no confidence in himself.

"Mr. Yang, although I only accept three missions a year, over the past 30 years, I have performed almost one hundred missions, and your mission is just a small one in my eyes."

"Master, it is a small task in your eyes, but to me, it is a matter of life and death, so I have to make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Since you hired me with money, I should ensure your safety. We have cooperated with Mr. Qiu a lot, and there has never been an accident."

"Master, it never happened. It doesn't mean it will never happen. We don't have much time left. As long as you successfully send me on the plane, even if nothing happens in the middle, I will give you a reward on the basis of remuneration." You add a one percent bonus."

Yang Yun said anxiously, for some reason, the closer he was to the airport, the more dangerous he felt, so he temporarily increased the reward for the other party.

But for the mage, he would directly kill the other party when performing tasks. He hadn't thought about the way of running away in a hurry without even seeing the other party.

He always felt that this method was detrimental to his dignity, so the more Yang Yun was afraid of Chen Yi, the more he wanted to touch Chen Yi.

Seeing that the airport was close at hand, Yang Yun wanted to let the car fly, but at this moment, the car suddenly spun around in place, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"Not good... not good, it must be him, he must be chasing after him."

After the car spun around on the spot for a few turns, it actually turned off. Yang Yun punched and kicked the car, but it didn't respond at all.

"Master, hurry up and find a way to help, if he catches up, we both will be finished."

The mage originally felt that Yang Yun didn't trust his strength, but now hearing him say that, he felt deeply insulted. He put his hand on the steering wheel lightly, and the car started immediately.

Yang Yun couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. It seems that his money was not wasted, at least it saved him at a critical moment.

But soon his face returned to the previous paleness, because although the car had been able to start normally, it was flying in the direction of returning.

"Wrong, wrong direction, hurry to the airport."

Yang Yun turned the steering wheel vigorously with both hands, but the direction of the car was out of his control at all. He felt that the car was going to send him into Chen Yi's hands.

Yang Yun was sweating profusely, but the mage looked relaxed.

"Master, hurry up and help!"

Yang Yun roared angrily.

"Sorry, my skill is used to repair people. As for the car, I can only express my regret."

"Please, just stop the car."

Yang Yun said in a pleading tone.

"Since the car has made such a choice, I must destroy him first. What's the use of you running away now, as long as he exists, you will never be able to sleep and eat. Take people's money to eliminate disasters for others, and I will once and for all Let me help you out of this trouble."

"No, you have to send me to the airport."

Yang Yun grabbed the mage's robe and shouted loudly.

The mage waved his hand lightly, slapped Yang Yun's hand away, and then slowly closed his eyes.

"We have our own standards and guidelines for performing tasks, and there is no need for you to teach me how to do things."

Chen Yi was speeding up, but suddenly found that Yang Yun turned around and walked back. He was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't understand what was going on, he decided to wait for him at a remote intersection.

In such a place with few people, even if you raise your hands, it won't scare ordinary people.Chen Yi could be sure that Yang Yun was accompanied by a mage, but he didn't understand why Yang Yun drove the car back.

Seeing Yang Yun's car appearing from a distance, Chen Yi immediately stood up. At this moment, he saw a black dragon coming out of Yang Yun's car window.

When he first got out of the car window, he was only the size of a snake. As soon as he got out of the car window, his body began to swell rapidly. Big body.

The black dragon flew to the top of Chen Yi's head, opened its mouth suddenly, and spewed out a stream of crimson flames. Chen Yi quickly dodged to avoid it. Where he was originally standing, a red crack appeared on the ground, as if the ground was full of fire. hot magma.

Then the black dragon roared, turned around quickly, and moved the surrounding air with its body, forming a powerful tornado, coming straight towards Chen Yi.

With a roar, Chen Yi directly pointed with his hand, and the three runes went straight to the black dragon.

Suddenly the ground began to tremble violently, and the black dragon was divided into nine parts, turning into nine more flexible black dragons.

They rushed towards Chen Yi with their teeth and claws, and when Chen Yi wanted to escape, he found that there were blazing walls of fire all around him.

Chen Yi instantly realized that this was an illusion created in his mind by the mage on the opposite side. All these dangers were imagined by himself. After understanding this truth, Chen Yi became very calm.

When the claws of those black dragons grabbed his body, he didn't move.

Immediately, he heard the sound of his body being torn apart, and watched helplessly as his body was divided into many pieces by the group of black dragons, and those black dragons cruelly chewed on Chen Yi's body, and Chen Yi could see all this very clearly.

This feeling is particularly mysterious, seeing his body being torn apart with his own eyes, and even feeling the pain of being torn apart, but his consciousness is very clear.

Chen Yi didn't resist. This move was beyond the mage's expectation. He originally wanted to exhaust Chen Yi to death by constantly creating illusions, but in the end, Chen Yi didn't play with him at all.

You can do whatever you want with his body, anyway, he won't really die.

"Coward, are you just accepting your fate like this?"

A mocking voice suddenly came from the air, Chen Yi raised his head and saw a man in black robe riding on the back of a black dragon, pointing at him condescendingly and said.

"Haha, what's the use of creating these fancy illusions, these illusions can't really hurt me."

Chen Yi said very easily.

"Not always!"

After the mage finished speaking, he suddenly took out a bow from behind, bent the bow and set an arrow, and shot directly at Chen Yi. The flashing arrows split into nine in the air, and each one pointed directly at Chen Yi's vital point.

Chen Yi stood with his hands behind his back, completely pretending that those arrows didn't exist, and the arrows shot directly into Chen Yi's body, and two of them were strong, passing through Chen Yi's body directly, bringing out columns of blood.

Chen Yi closed his eyes slowly, the vision made the pain very real, and when he closed his eyes, more than half of the pain disappeared immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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