Chapter 462

"Stop her, don't let her come over, stop her for me."

The captain pointed at Yan Qing and shouted loudly.

The captain of the security guards spoke in a strange tone, and couldn't help but look back at him, and was dumbfounded. Five clear palm prints appeared on the captain's fat face, and it was only when he opened his mouth that he found two big gold teeth on the waist and eyes. gone.

Besides the big golden tooth, there are several places where the teeth used to have turned into black holes. Everyone couldn't believe that Yan Qing's slap was so strong, but they couldn't find anything other than this. new possibilities.

At this time, the group of security guards surrounded Chao Yanqing with solemn faces.

Yan Qing snorted coldly, they didn't even have time to react, they only heard a series of clear noises, every security guard covered his face, and his voice became a little awkward.

Yan Qing walked up, grabbed the captain's collar, and lifted the captain's body, which weighed nearly two hundred catties, like a chicken. The captain's face turned pale, and he said tremblingly.

"Don't hit us, we're just on patrol."

"If you don't want to be beaten, hurry up and take us to see Mr. Li."

Seeing that the other party was so cowardly, Yan Qing lost the interest to beat him up, she said in a somewhat dull tone.

"Okay...okay, I'll take you there right now."

The security captain nodded and walked ahead, a typical leader. Chen Yi found a security guard sneaking away halfway. He had already guessed what the security guard would do, but he didn't take it to heart.

The captain took them to a place full of metasequoia, where the jungle was relatively dense, and it was not easy to find out what happened outside. Then he rolled over, and his fat body jumped to the dense forest very flexibly.

Although his agility has soared to the limit, it seemed to be in slow motion in front of Chen Yi. As soon as he jumped up, he was pulled back by a strong force, and finally fell to Chen Yi's feet with a plop.

When the captain got up in a hurry, he met Chen Yi's eyes, and was immediately embarrassed.

And at this moment, Chen Yi saw a few men in black coming out of the jungle. These people seemed to have been trained, and their level was equivalent to those first-class private bodyguards outside.

"Who are you, and what is the purpose of breaking into Li's Manor?"

The leader is a medium-sized crew-cut guy who looks like an expert in boxing. His eyes look very peaceful, but standing beside him is a tall man with a hooked nose, and there is a chilling look in his eyes. Seriously.

Chen Yi felt very speechless, he was invited by Li Yuan, but ended up fighting against Li Yuan's people for no reason, Yan Qing's face was full of excitement, it was obvious that she had met a few people who could fight well.

Chen Yi knew that Yan Qing loved to play, but because she had a lot of things to do, asking Yan Qing to babysit for her all the time would put her in a lot of constraints.

So he originally planned to explain this misunderstanding, but now he simply took a step back and let Yan Qing do it himself.

Yan Qing knew what Chen Yi meant when he saw Chen Yi's actions. Although she was not a combative person, when she was walking in the rivers and lakes, she often acted chivalrously and beat up some bullies.

Now because she wants to show Chen Yi the baby, she hasn't fought with anyone for a long time. The most important thing is that he doesn't think these people are very good people. They are arrogant, especially the hooked nose. Looking at her, you may know how many bad things you have done before.

"What do you mean, no one can come here?" Yan Qing said with a look of disdain.

"Don't you know that you are breaking into a private house?"

He said in a calm tone.

"Hmph, have you ever seen such a big private house, and why does he build something here, so that this place becomes his, and no one else can pass by?"

"You woman, are you reasonable? This is Mr. Li's dead property. Is it reasonable for you to infringe on other people's private property?"

The eagle-hooked nose said in a cold tone, and at the same time moved his wrist, as if he was going to fight if there was a disagreement.

Of course, Chen Yi was not worried that Yan Qing would not be able to beat them, but once the hooked nose retorted, Yan Qing's aura weakened, after all, it seemed that it was not reasonable.

Chen Yi actually understood what Yan Qing meant, but she didn't understand the truth. After he possessed superpowers, his cognition and pattern naturally improved a lot.

He waved his hand suddenly, creating a cool breeze around him, and then he said coldly.

"The surroundings are all the air I arranged, and they are also my private property, and none of you are allowed to touch them."

"Brother, are you just so hard to find fault? How can this air be yours?"

The flat-headed man couldn't help but laugh, feeling like he had met two lunatics.

Chen Yi said solemnly: "Why not, the air just now changed its position because of me, look at the stones and bricks that make up the house, isn't it because someone changed their position, and then this place changed Who have you become?"

When Yan Qing heard this, he immediately looked at Chen Yi with admiration. He didn't expect that Chen Yi was not only good at martial arts, but also first-rate in reasoning.

"Brother Dacheng, why are you talking so much nonsense with him? Just arrest him and interrogate him. Isn't everything clear?"

The hooked nose said impatiently.

The leader is Zhang Dacheng, the person in charge of the Li Family Manor.When encountering such a situation before, he always cleans up the person first, and then asks the identity of the other party.

But Li Yuan found out about this method later, so he reprimanded him. In Li Yuan's words, the poor have a natural resistance to the rich. If the rich are still unkind to the rich, they will encounter disaster sooner or later.

So later, Zhang Dacheng became much softer. Every time he started, he always had a very good reason. Because of this, he specially invited the champion of the third national debate competition to be his assistant.

Seeing what Chen Yi said now, in his opinion, Chen Yi was playing tricks, he waved behind him, and a young man with deep glasses walked over slowly.

"Sir, what you just said is wrong. Public resources cannot become private property."

"Who ordered it?"

"China's law."

"Is the law necessarily correct? In the past, we have experienced a long era where the land is on the edge of the land. Do you think this is reasonable?"

"Of course it's unreasonable, otherwise it wouldn't have been replaced."

"Since this is the case, do you think it is reasonable for one person to own such a large manor? If all Chinese people do this, I am afraid that ten earths will not be enough."

The glasses froze for a moment, it seemed that he had underestimated the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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