little village doctor

Chapter 90 My Hard-earned Money

Chapter 90 My Hard-earned Money
Chen Chunlan thought that Chen Yi really spent all the money on these useless things.

There was a bit of anger on her delicate little face, and she was so angry that she cried for a while, and sobbed softly.

Chen Yi watched his sister cry in the next second, got up quickly, took out a few pieces of paper, and handed them to her.

"Sister, it's fine, why are you crying?"

"How can I not cry, you are not sensible at all!"

Chen Chunlan took out the paper and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Chen Yi knew that his sister had always been diligent and thrifty in managing the family, so this was a one-off spending of so much money, so he couldn't accept it, what if he couldn't think about it anymore.

"I have money in my hand, and I didn't spend it all at once." He softened his tone and quickly explained, which also made my sister feel better.

When Chen Chunlan heard that he had money in his hand, her tearful eyes lit up slightly, she got up quickly, and grabbed his wrist.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

Chen Yi was suddenly grabbed by the wrist and staggered.

Chen Chunlan took a deep breath, calmed down her emotions, and held his arm tightly: "You just said that you have money, so let's go to the village chief's house to give the money right now."

"Oh, sister, why are you doing this again!"

As soon as Chen Yi heard Chen Chunlan's words, he shook her off angrily and took a step back.

"Is there anything wrong with that? Besides, the village chief is right. When my father left, everyone helped us a lot. You can't be ungrateful."

Chen Chunlan's expression changed slightly as he recalled the events of the year.

Seeing that his sister was about to cry again, Chen Yi took her arm and pushed her down on the chair.

"I know that it was not easy for us after my father left, but you have to understand that although they helped us for a purpose, we borrowed money from them with additional interest. They helped us plant the land, and we also helped them plant it."

When I mentioned the events of that year, my heart became angry.

If I remember correctly, the family only had a few acres of land back then, but a group of people suddenly came and said they were helping them with work, but they still made a mess.

Not only that, they then asked their siblings to help with the work, but they had no choice but to work for them from house to house.

The family has more than ten acres of land, and many people helped them in name, and the two of them worked hard for a long time before repaying the favor.

Just because of this little thing, I have suffered a lot, let alone all aspects of life.

Chen Yi had already recognized the so-called village head.

"This is my hard-earned money, my hard-earned money. I go out every day to take care of the patients, move bricks in the afternoon, and deliver medicinal materials in the evening. Why do I work so hard? Of course, I want to make our family better. .”

In order to let his sister know the hard work, he deliberately described how busy he was.

Chen Chunlan heard what his younger brother said, and knew what his younger brother had done during this period of time, but he didn't expect him to work so hard, and his eyes were a little red.

Chen Yi looked at his sister's red eyes, sighed, and looked at her sadly.

"All I do is to let my sister live a good life. Why do I give them the money for no reason?"

Since they can take advantage of their sister's affection, why not him?
"I'm sorry brother, I didn't know you worked so hard these days..."

Tears welled up in Chen Chunlan's eyes, she looked at him with a choked tone, and said with self-blame.

Thinking of her brother working so hard every day, she didn't know it.

"Sister, it's okay. I won't tell you. I just don't want you to worry about me. After all, I made an oath to let you live a good life. Isn't this changing little by little?"

Chen Yi watched his sister gradually compromise, with a smile on his face, he patted his chest to assure him.

Chen Chunlan nodded slightly, looking at the furnishings and air conditioners bought in the house.

The younger brother didn't have an air conditioner in his house, but he installed it for her first, and his heart was full of emotion.

But she didn't know it, and misunderstood her brother.

"This is all my sister's fault." Chen Chunlan apologized without remorse.

"Sister, I know that you also want to make the people in the village rich, but this cannot be changed overnight. You see, I have just graduated, and I am the only one in the family. I work three jobs a day, and I am now. life, why can’t they? They want us to give them money.”

In order to prevent his sister from being soft-heartedly agreed by them, Chen Yi deliberately asked her back.

Chen Chunlan frowned slightly upon hearing his words.

What my brother said was not unreasonable. The town was not far from the village, so I couldn't find any kind of work.

But everyone had time to chat and discuss on weekdays, but no one went to the town to find a job.

"you're right."

Chen Chunlan nodded in agreement, and paused for a while: "This is your hard-earned money, but you must keep it well and don't spend it recklessly."

"Don't worry, I won't spend money randomly."

"That's good." Chen Chunlan reluctantly agreed.

"Let's not talk about this, the fruit I just cut for you hasn't been cut yet, you should sit down and rest first."

Chen Yi heaved a sigh of relief when his sister agreed, and walked out of the main room with a smile.

Chen Chunlan looked helpless and remorseful as she watched her brother's tall figure disappear from sight.

The two rejected the village head's proposal and angered him. I'm afraid the village head will deliberately make things difficult for them in the future.

But now that his younger brother is promising, he can refuse in a measured manner, so naturally he has his reasons.


And the other side.

Wu Zhen learned that the village head had gone to his house, and he was happily lying on the bed dreaming sweet dreams.

"I asked you to weed the field, why are you still lying down?" Yao Yi just came back from the field, sweating all over, and as soon as she got back to the bedroom, she looked at him with a smirk, and asked impatiently.

Wu Zhen sat up when he heard his wife came back.

"What's the hurry, I'm waiting at home, and someone will come to deliver the money in a while."

"Send money... who will send the money? What kind of money?"

Yao Yi wiped the sweat off her forehead with a towel, and looked at him in a daze.

Wu Zhen then told Yao Yi in detail about his going to the village chief's house to sue Chen Yi.

"Is everything you said true? Then you said he can give money?"

As soon as Yao Yi heard that the free money didn't require their efforts, she felt very happy thinking about it.

Wu Zhen sneered at this and snorted coldly: "If you can't pay, the village chief has been dispatched, not to mention that their family has money to buy air conditioners, but can't they give us money?"

"That's right, the village chief said it all, how dare he refuse to give it." Yao Yi nodded in agreement.

In this village, the village chief has the final say, whoever dares to disobey will have trouble with the entire village.

Now, the village head has agreed to go to Chen Yi's house to ask for money, so he has to obediently take out the money.

As soon as the couple discussed the total, they waited at home for Chen Yi to send money from door to door.

But what they didn't know was that Chen Yi not only didn't give the money, but also refuted the village chief, who left in a fit of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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