Suddenly, a sigh seemed to come from the bottom of the ancient city, knocking on Tang Fang's heart, and Tang Fang thought: "Who?"

"It's me." An old voice sounded from Tang Fang's heart, and Tang Fang sneered in his heart: "It's you, the immortal old man in the ancient city? You are from Longhu Mountain, are you just watching your disciples and grandchildren being blessed?" captured by someone?"

"Oh," said the voice, "It's not that I don't want to save, it's that I can't do anything."

"You can't do anything. You are also a senior in Longhushan. Could it be that you can't even beat Zhu You's juniors?"

"I'm not human……"

"Not human?" When Tang Fang came, Zi Lingding had already been caught by Wu Xie, so she didn't hear Zi Lingding's previous conversation with Wu Xie. "then who are you?"

"I am just a dream, a dream left in this ancient city, not even a ghost."

"Dream?" Tang Fang was taken aback, and said, "I don't understand."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, and you don't need to understand. Dreams and dreams are just illusory reality. Maybe you are here, which is much more real than in reality."

"Stop playing charades for me, take all these nasty bugs off my body, so that I can save your disciples and grandchildren."

"If I had the ability, I would have made a move just now. But this thing can only trap you for a while, depending on your ability, you will be able to escape naturally later." The voice said bitterly, "You know why you came back here .”

"It's okay to be idle and bored, come here for a stroll."

The voice smiled and said: "Young man, you are dishonest. You came here to know your life experience, right? You have a lot of doubts in your heart, right?"

"You guessed it right."

"So, what guides you here is not yourself, but your heart."

"Just say what you know, don't play charades for me, I'm very annoying."

"Okay, first let me guess what you are wondering about, okay?"

"Tell me."

"You already feel it, you won't live long."

Tang Fang was startled, and blurted out: "How do you know!"

Tang Fang felt that the biggest secret in his heart was suddenly revealed by the old man.How could Tang Fang not be surprised.

"You find that you are not only becoming more and more like a corpse physically, but also slowly approaching a corpse in terms of thinking. You even have a preference for devouring corpses. It's just that you are kind-hearted and keep suppressing your heart. This desire, but recently, this desire has become stronger and stronger, am I right?"

Tang Fang was silent: "Not bad."

"Every advantage must have a disadvantage. This phenomenon does not only appear on you, it also happened to those people before."

"Those people from the past?" Tang Fang was startled suddenly, and said, "You mean, those successors from the previous Yinggou bloodline!"

"Yes, in fact, you have already had this question in your heart. You are neither the first nor the last one in the reincarnation of the Yinggou bloodline. According to legend, the Yinggou bloodline has a zombie body. Since it is a zombie body, it is immortal. Mie, why are you the only successor of Yinggou's bloodline in the world, isn't...isn't this contradictory?"


"There was once a person who had the same question as you. He also found something wrong with his body. Just like you, he frantically searched for the secret of Yinggou's bloodline, but in the end, he failed. There is only a little bit of truth, but in the end it still failed.”

"who's that person?"

"It can be said that he is the most remarkable figure in the reincarnation of Yinggou's bloodline for generations. Even without the inheritance of Yinggou's bloodline, his mind can completely allow him to play with all the Taoism at that time. Now, his Few people may remember the name, just remember that he is a monk." There was a hint of embarrassment in that voice, "but the smarter a person is, the less he can pass a love word, it's a pity, it's a pity .”

"Do you know why Yinggou wants to reincarnate into the world with his own blood?"

Tang Fang thought of everything in the dream, his heart moved, and he said coldly: "This kid is bored, how do I know?"

"You really are a very dishonest guy." The old man smiled, "In that dream, you actually already knew the answer."


"Don't forget, you are in my dream, and I know everything in your heart, so if you are honest with me, maybe I will tell you something you want to understand."

Tang Fang thought for a while and said, "Could it be that this matter has something to do with Chi You, one of the Four Great Gods of Zombies."

"The blood of the zombies is all passed down from Chi You, and Chi You is the supreme God of the zombies. Although Ying Gou, Yu Xi, and Hou Qing are called together with them, in fact, they are just Chi You's three major servants. The true ancestor of zombies."

"So, Ying was unwilling to be reconciled to the conspiracy, and had a rebellious heart, so he entered the world in reincarnation?"

"That's right, Chi You is the supreme God of zombies, immortal, but he rose up in the world, if you want to find Chi You's flaws, you still need to start from the human world, win the reincarnation of the world, just to find a way to deal with Chi You. From this point of view From the looks of it, he did the right thing, but he is not a human being, and he doesn’t understand the human heart at all, let alone how strong human desires are.”

"Human desire?"

The voice sighed: "How can a ruthless zombie understand the love in the world. From this point of view, it is a mistake to win."

Tang Fang fell silent, and suddenly the voice said, "Tell me, what is your greatest desire now?"

"I..." Tang Fang thought for a while, "If possible, I would rather never meet Wang Yunguang. Although he gave me the ability to surpass ordinary people, I just want to be an ordinary person, a person who can live, grow old, get sick and die. Ordinary people."

"Some things are already doomed, and you can't change them."

"Why?" Tang Fang said shyly, "I just want to be the same as before, can't it work?"

"You are the successor of Yinggou's bloodline chosen by the Wang family. From that moment on, your fate does not belong to you. In this world, the fate of people is often not in your hands."

"Chosen by the Wang family?" Tang Fang was taken aback for a moment, and said, "What do you mean?"

"I have been away from this world for more than 500 years. I don't know what happened in the past 500 years. When the land of Jija was destroyed, my soul was gone, and now I just stay here in a dream. But I never What you smell on your body is not only the smell of Yinggou, but also the smell of Zhuyou Wang's family."

"What do you mean?"

"Back then, the heir of Yinggou's bloodline went to the corpse ghost village... There was also a member of Zhuyou Wang's family who went with him..."

"and then?"

"Then Zhuyou declined inexplicably, and never recovered. It took more than 100 years to gradually recover. At that time, it was said that the people of the Wang family vowed to create a new 'Win Hook'."

"A new winning hook?" Tang Fang became more and more confused, "Could it be that there are new and old winning hooks, real or fake?"

"It's ridiculous to create a god, but the Wang family is not without support. It is said that the ancestors of the Wang family brought something from the ghost village at that time, and this thing gave the Wang family the possibility to create a god."


That voice said word by word: "Chi You's heart!"

Tang Fang's thoughts suddenly returned to the years spent in the ancient tomb of the royal family. He remembered that once in that coffin, the zombie who suddenly cheated his body once gouged out his heart!

And it was because of a heart that he was reborn!

Could that heart be Chi You's heart?

A series of things appeared alternately in Tang Fang's mind. Tang Fang was short of a clue to connect all these things. The truth was still separated by a layer of veil, so he still couldn't see through it.

"What else do you want to know?"

Tang Fangdao: "I want to know what happened to that monk? Is he the one Zi Lingding and I saw attacking your place?"

"He." It seemed that as soon as this person was mentioned, the old man couldn't help sighing, "Yes."

"So, what we saw is true, that person who looks exactly like me destroyed this poor place of yours?"


"Why did he do this? Is it because of that green fairy? What does he have to do with Ghost Village?" Tang Fang asked.

"As I said, the world is unpredictable, and there is only one word. Now you don't understand, maybe one day when you fall in love and cannot extricate yourself, you will understand."

"Then who is Xiao Zi? Why is she exactly the same as the so-called Qing Fairy in your mouth? Also, who is Qing Fairy? Is she still alive now? Is she still in here? If I find this Qing Fairy , can she undo the blood of Yinggou in me?" Tang Fang spoke out all his doubts with a single brain.

The old man was silent, and then said: "Many things are not in my dream, so I don't understand all of them."

"Fuck!" Tang Fang couldn't stop cursing, and said, "I don't know, what's the use of keeping it?"

"Yeah?" The old man seemed to be lost in thought, "What's the use of me staying here? What's the use of..."

Suddenly the old man asked: "Do you like the girl who came in with you just now?"

"Zi Lingding?" Tang Fang shook his head.

"Go save her, and treat her well." The old man said suddenly.

"It's natural to save me."

"You owe him these things. You know, treat her well."

"What do I owe her? Didn't she let me go at that time? After I went to Zhu You to save her, I have settled my grievances with her." Tang Fang said, "She knows the mystery of my wife's life and death, and I will definitely not Let her be buried in Wu Xi's hands."

"Your wife?" the old man asked, "Are you married?"

"En." Tang Fang thought of Tang Mengya and nodded.

The old man said, "Go and save that little girl. You owe her too much. Even if you repay it in the tenth life, you will not be able to pay off your sinful debt back then. Go and save her. Go."

The old man's voice never appeared again, no matter how Tang Fang shouted, the ancient city fell into deathly silence again.

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