Suddenly, a person said loudly: "This broken body, old man, what will happen to you!"

Old Ghost Wei held the seal of Dutian Dalei with his hands, stepped on the seven stars, and walked seven steps in a row. Ziwei's sword pointed at the sky suddenly, and he muttered:

"Heavenly thunder is shining brightly, and thunderbolts are criss-crossing. With a burst of divine power, it will kill the evil spirits."

As soon as this curse is closed, in an instant, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly churned, thunder rumbled, and there were lightning flashes on the edge of the black clouds, screaming like a beast!

With the five thunder palms of Tiangang, Old Ghost Wei finally made a move.

Yin Changsheng's eyes flickered, and the astonishment on his face was fleeting. He laughed loudly and said: "Okay, okay, okay! This is good! It's just a pity that you have great ambition and talent, and you only have the form, but not the spirit!"

After finishing speaking, Yin Changsheng clasped his hands together and faced the void. The yellow robe and golden crown suddenly gave off ten thousand rays of light, and a thunderbolt, like the Milky Way pouring down, and like a white dragon entering the number, rolled up layers of dark clouds, and in an instant, it melted away. As a huge lightning that pierced the sky and pierced the sun, it blasted down towards Yin Changsheng!

Yin Changsheng raised his head to the sky and screamed, blocking the sky with his hands, a huge lightning strike fell from the sky, roaring like a mad dragon.Its power is fierce and violent, but it changes in thousands of ways. Wherever it goes, it will be destroyed immediately, bombed and collapsed.

The earth trembled.The deafening, earth-shattering power made several people feel terrified. After the thunder and lightning passed, Yin Changsheng shook his body, stood proudly, and said: "The attack of thunder is only mediocre."

Old Ghost Wei's face was pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. He sighed and said, "It's only because of my limited aptitude. If the former head of my Wei family is still here, how can you be so rampant!"

Yin Changsheng glanced coldly, and said: "If you can't hand over Xuannv, you will surely die today."

The long-sleeve encouraged him, and said: "I wish you the Wei family, use this strange skill to disrupt Gangchang, it should be destroyed long ago!"

With palms together, he slammed down at Old Ghost Wei, Old Ghost Wei bit his teeth, and sacrificed the Soul-Destroying Bell, which magnified in the wind and covered Old Ghost Wei, Old Ghost Wei retreated sharply, with blood like Spray like rain. "In my Wei family's land, how can you allow you to be presumptuous!" Old Ghost Wei's beard was stained red with blood, and his face was pale.Squeeze the big thunder fire seal with both hands again, triggering the five thunder palms of Tiangang!

"Grandpa, don't..." Wei Rou ran towards Old Ghost Wei recklessly. Wang Yunguang was afraid that the Five Thunder Palms of Tiangang would be too powerful and affect him, so he quickly grabbed him.

After finishing the spell, the thunder sounded again, and the mountains trembled.The dark clouds in the sky rolled and rolled, and suddenly parted downwards,

"Boom!" Lei Dian did it again, but at this time, a blue-purple lightning flashed in the clouds, and Old Ghost Wei stood on the spot, trembling all over, and murmured: "Tingwei, Tingwei! Finally, the old man finally I made it. Boss! Boss, after 25 years, I have finally lived up to you, Tiangang Five Thunder Palm, I finally made it!!".

"Just because of you, you also want to refine the five thunder palms of the sky?" A voice sounded from a distance, and Wei Shisan saw the sun in his left eye and the moon in his right eye. Like a god descending into the world, a purple lightning flash appeared in front of his eyes like a substance.

White snow and yellow buds!

Wei Shisan, why is Wei Shisan here? ?

Wasn't he abolished by Wu Yuehe?How come here.And it seems to be more powerful than before? ? ?

It's just that the battle situation is critical at this time, and everyone has no time to think about it. Only Wang Xianqiao, who seems to have been ignored by everyone, shows a weird smile at the corner of his mouth.

Wei Shisan shouted coldly: "Heaven and Earth Thunder God, the leader of Gangchang, use your power to kill the evil spirits!"

Boom, purple lightning fell from the sky, and in the cloud layer, along the trajectory of the lightning, a purple electric light swayed rapidly, rolling towards Yin Changsheng.It is ten times and a hundred times greater than the power just now!

Yin Changsheng said in a loud voice: "Okay! Now it's interesting!" With his hands rolled up, as if all the air around him had been emptied, he sucked in the sky, smashed the clouds and struck the electricity, forming an extremely powerful, but invisible The invisible big knife slashed at Zi Dian who was heading down into the air!

The world seems to be whining, and it seems to be trembling again. The ghosts are easy to disappear, and the situation changes. Everything seems to be eclipsed. What is left is only this fierce and fierce purple electricity, and the power to contend with the purple electricity. Fengdu Great Emperor Yin Changsheng! !

A ray of light that illuminated the sky and the earth like daylight flashed by, and everyone held their breaths and watched in amazement.

The sky and the earth returned to normal, and the moonlight was sparse, shining palely on Yin Changsheng's face.

Ga.A sharp sound passed by.

Yin Changsheng's golden crown was actually cracked, and a faint bloodstain appeared on his forehead, which looked particularly terrifying under the moonlight.

Yin Changsheng's body swayed violently, almost unsteady, and he was about to fall down. Looking at the people below, he said with a wry smile: "It's kind of interesting... but this level of Taoism in the human world is not enough to take my life. Make it hot!"

Indeed!Wei Shisan let out a cold snort, his body was like lightning, with purple lightning wrapped around his hands, and he stabbed towards Yin Changsheng.

"It's my turn!" Tang Fang was extremely depressed in today's battle, so he cast the Heaven-shattering Seal and headed down on Yin Changsheng.

Zi Lingding's subordinates made a decision, and suddenly there was a roar of a tiger, a colorful tiger appeared in the wind, the hand was changed again, a blue dragon appeared, and both dragons and tigers attacked at the same time!

"Senior, you are a person who has achieved righteous results. Why do you have trouble with ordinary people of my generation? Since senior is aggressive, don't blame us for offending Tianwei and fight with you!" The magic weapon was spat out from his mouth, and it became bigger against the wind, and smashed towards Yin Changsheng!

Four masters, shot at the same time!

The thunder continued, and the energy danced wildly. The four of them killed Yin Changsheng in the blink of an eye. Yin Changsheng looked up to the sky and said with a long smile: "It's so happy, how many years, how many years, I haven't had such a good fight!"

With one hand slashing, a strong wave suddenly surged, and Zi Lingding's double escape was easily swung away. The long sword in Zi Lingding's hand whistled continuously, and stabbed straight down at Yin Changsheng.

"Get out!" Yin Changsheng rolled his hands, his strength was like a hurricane, and he attacked Zi Lingding. Zi Lingding immediately struggled, only feeling pain in the face, and staggered back involuntarily.There is no way to continue!

The flashes of lightning flashed in both hands, Wei Shisan killed him, the lightning flashed wildly, and the power of thunder pierced the injured part of Yin Changsheng's face!

"Get out!" Yin Changsheng drank again. The thunder force of Wei Shisan, who was compared with Wei Shisan, ate into his body forcefully without dodging or evading. With a light push, Wei Shisan felt as if he was in the depths of a huge wave, and his figure couldn't stop at all. His clothes were blown apart by the wind, and the pieces flew around.

A huge boulder flew down into the air!

Yin Changsheng shook the sky with both palms, forcibly lifted the fallen stone, and smashed it hard in the direction of Wang Yunguang. Wang Yunguang was shocked, and even pinched the magic weapon, which stopped the falling force of the stone , to avoid disaster!

Tang Fang clenched his fist with one hand, as if all the strength of his body was concentrated on the fist, and punched Yin Changsheng without any tricks.

Since the magic weapon is useless to you, then I will fight hard with force.

All Tang Fang's energy was raised, his whole body was in peak condition, and he punched the most powerful punch since his debut.

Yin Changsheng laughed loudly: "It's too ridiculous for a gnat to shake a tree!"

Step forward and meet Tang Fang!


The two punched each other, and for a moment, light flowed around the two of them, fierce and fierce, like a snow mountain collapsing, like a river rushing down!

Air waves intertwined, stirring up dust and smoke into the sky, forming a huge air wave around the two of them, sweeping away in all directions, thunder roared, and everywhere, all ghosts collided with each other, and the sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves resounded through the air. world!

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