The story of a cook

Chapter 27 Zhang Ling

Chapter 27 Zhang Ling
I went out with Zhang Ling and Li Jianhan was very angry. When we returned to the dormitory, he looked at me with hatred in his eyes.I smiled and told him that I had nothing to do with Zhang Ling, that I was not dating, and told him that if he wanted to chase Zhang Ling, the previous method would not work, so he had to change it.His eyes softened, and he asked me how to change it. I said I didn't know, so I should figure it out by myself.

The restaurant business is good and every day is very busy. Zhang Tao wants Brother Feng to increase his salary, and he doesn't plan to do it if it doesn't.

Although he came through me, I can't do anything if he wants to leave. I don't care about the salary.According to my understanding, he should not be in a hurry to raise his salary. It has just opened for more than a month, and the business is very good, which shows that his cooking is delicious. Now asking for a salary increase is a bit of a challenge, which I don't appreciate.

Yang Li at the front desk also asked for a salary increase. Like Zhang Tao, she quit without a salary increase.Sun Mei was not used to her problems, so she directly found a manager to replace her.Now Sun Mei also knows some hotel managers. With her contacts, and her aggressive personality, she is really not something that ordinary people can threaten.

Seeing that Yang Li was directly replaced, Zhang Tao didn't mention what he was quitting, but he also started looking for work outside.

After eating the working meal at noon, I checked that there was nothing to do, and I was going to find a stool in the private room to lie down and have a rest.

When I came to the private room and opened the door, I saw such a scene: standing in front of the window were two people, a man and a woman——Zhang Tao and Zhang Ling.Zhang Tao pushed Zhang Ling by the window and wanted to kiss Zhang Ling.Zhang Ling's shirt had been unbuttoned, revealing the bra inside, and she resisted and pushed Zhang Tao vigorously.When the two were in a stalemate, I opened the door and came in.

I stood at the door, Zhang Tao let go of his hand and looked at me in embarrassment.

Zhang Ling stood up straight, almost exerting all her strength, according to Zhang Tao, she had a big mouth.


The sound is very loud.

A slap made Zhang Tao stupid, and he stood there in a daze.

Zhang Ling pushed open the door and ran out.

Looking at Zhang Tao who was standing there in a daze, he walked out of the private room without saying a word.

To be honest, this is Zhang Tao. If he were replaced by another person, he would be useless today, and he would be beaten all over the place.

When he saw Zhang Tao holding Zhang Ling and preparing to kiss him forcibly, the only good impression he had of him disappeared, and he became worthless.

In the evening, Zhang Tao was not in the mood for dinner, and kept his head cooking without saying a word.After cooking, the stove was not cleaned up, and I told Master Guo that the family had to go back beforehand.Li Jianhan asked me what happened to Brother Zhang today?Something is wrong.I said I didn't know, maybe something happened at home.He still wanted to ask, but I said don't ask, I didn't see that your master's stove hadn't been cleaned yet, so hurry up and clean up your master's stove.

When I was about to get off work, Zhang Ling went to the kitchen to find me, and told me to wait for her when I got off work, and go out for a drink with me.

After Zhang Ling left the kitchen, Li Jianhan asked me, "Why does Zhang Ling want you?"

"Give me a drink." I said.

"Why did she ask you to drink?" he asked.

"I don't know. I'll ask her when I'm drinking, and I'll tell you when I'm done."

Suddenly I feel that he is very pitiful. How would he feel if he knew that Zhang Ling was bullied by Zhang Tao?Zhang Tao is the person he wants to learn as a teacher, and Zhang Tao also knows that he likes Zhang Ling.

It's a bit messy, I don't want to think about it.

When I got off work, I helped the waiter clean up for a while. After cleaning up, I went out with Zhang Ling, found a small restaurant, ordered two dishes and started drinking.

Zhang Ling was a little depressed, and said to me: "Zhang Tao is also a chef? He is also the head chef, he is a hooligan."

"I was in the private room and was going to sleep on the chair. He came in and said that he liked me without saying anything. I said I didn't like you. Before I said a few words, he came up and moved his feet. He even shamelessly asked for a kiss." I."

I said, "No marriage."

"That's when you came in," she said. "You came in at the right time, thank you very much."

"Do I count as a hero saving the beauty?" I asked.

"Forget it, why don't I buy you a drink." She smiled.

"Heroes who save the beauty have a promise of body, you just treat yourself to a drink, it's too cheap." I joked.

She stared at me and said, "What's wrong? You want to be slapped too."

"That's still a drink." I smiled and said, "Don't talk about it, your mouth is quite loud."

"I beat it hard, and my hands were numb after the beating."

"It's still you who are so good that you can numb your own hands when you beat someone."

"That kind of person doesn't have a long memory if he doesn't fight. He wants to bully me when he sees me being honest. I'm not easy to bully."

I didn't want to talk to her about the afternoon, so I picked up the glass and drank with her.

"Sister Zhang, you used to be a kindergarten teacher?" I asked.

She said, "Yes, what's the matter? It doesn't look like it?"

She has a strong sense of protection.

"Like, who said it's not like it." I said, and then asked: "It's good to be a kindergarten teacher, why do you still come out to work?"

"If you don't want to do it, you can come out to work. What's wrong? There are restrictions on part-time work?" She asked back.It seemed that she didn't want to mention the matter of her kindergarten teacher, and the energy in the afternoon hadn't passed yet.

"That's not true." I said, "Calm down, I didn't offend you."

She smiled and said to me: "I'm in a bad mood, hehe, let me vent my anger on you."

"As long as you're in a good mood, whatever."

"It's better for you to talk."

I said: "It's not easy to go out, especially you girls. If you are bullied, no one will take care of you. Unlike at home, you can talk to your parents at home, and you feel better. There is no one here. If you can hold it back, you can use me as a blowout bag today and let it out."

"I didn't expect you to understand people so well," she said.

"I have many advantages, and you just discovered that."

"Really? It seems that I have to communicate with you in the future." She said: "You are a very nice person. In fact, you are willing to help others, but you are a bit fierce. At first, I was a little scared when I looked at you. After a long time, it will be fine." , you are a nice person with a warm heart."

I said: "Our children from poor families don't have those sayings, they just take the truth as the truth, and there are no such falsehoods."

"I see, why don't you use you as a shield." After she finished speaking, she smiled, and then said, "The waiters in front like you very much."

"Really? I just like it, and no one wants to marry me?"

"I said you are fat and you are still panting. I don't know who is going to marry you. You know how to work every day, and you don't even talk about taking the waiter out to dinner. If you want to date someone, you have to use some practical things." .”

Seeing that she is in a better mood, chat with her while eating.Because of drinking, she talked more after drinking a glass of white wine, and she talked about herself while drinking.

Her family is from the city, and the conditions are quite good. She is the only child, and she has never suffered much since she was a child. It is not that she was raised spoiled, but at least she has no worries about food and clothing.

After graduating from a kindergarten teacher, the family found a job. After working for two years, she fell in love with her high school classmate, a sunny and handsome boy.

Her parents were very opposed to her falling in love, especially her father, who firmly opposed it.In her words, she wished she could tear them apart immediately.But there is no way, love is selfish, she likes that boy, loves that boy, and resolutely stays with him regardless of her parents' opposition.

The two rented a house outside and lived together as unmarried.

She said that those days were very happy, and she felt that she was the happiest woman.

After the two were together for two months, the boy went home, and there was no news after returning home.

Three months later, she received news that the boy was going to get married, and the bride was the daughter of the director of the traffic bureau of their county.After knowing the news, she went a little crazy, couldn't bear such a blow, and fell ill.

At that time she was already pregnant.

Her parents took her home and took good care of her.

She said that at that time she collapsed and felt that life would be better than death.It was her mother who stayed with her every day so she didn't die.The child was aborted and she stayed at home for a whole year. She seldom went out this year and felt ashamed.

Her body was already weak, and she looked even more haggard after this blow.

"I stay at home, and my mother stays with me at home, afraid that I won't think about committing suicide. My mother always wipes tears behind my back, and my father doesn't say anything. Before, my father always went out for a walk in the park. Since I killed the child, he I don't go out for a walk anymore, I feel ashamed. I know they always quarrel."

"Old people are like that, but they still love you in their hearts." I said.

"Yes, I know, but I can't get over that hurdle." She said: "After this year's New Year's reflection, I can't stay at home like this all the time. If I can't die, I have to live. I told my mother that I want to work and take a break. Relax."

"At the beginning, my mother didn't agree. Later, my old aunt went to my house. She supported me to come out and told my mother to let the child go out. If I stay at home like this, I can circle the disease. My mother agreed. My dad didn't say anything, and before he left, he gave me 1000 yuan, and if it wasn't enough, he called home and then mailed it to me. After my dad finished speaking, I cried."

With tears in her eyes, she was handed a napkin.

"I just came out like this. After I arrived in the provincial capital, I found a job as a dish washer in a small restaurant. I didn't work for a month at the South Tower. I caught a cold and had a fever. I didn't go to work for several days. I was fired. At that time, I wanted to go home, but then I gritted my teeth and refused to go back. I found a restaurant as a waiter and worked for three months. The owner of the restaurant was a bit of a hooligan. At first, it was okay, nothing happened, but later the truth will be exposed. Sleep with me, I don't even want to leave half a month's salary."

"How did you come to our house?" I asked a little curiously.

"Listen to me. I didn't expect to be able to come to our house. When I was working in the restaurant, I heard people say that Santaizi is so messy, that there are many big brothers in society, and that there is an aircraft factory. I I wanted to see what the aircraft factory was like, so I came here by car. After arriving, I went to the aircraft factory. I stood at the gate and watched. Am I stupid."

I said, "Not stupid, what are you stupid about?"

"Walking back after watching the aircraft factory, I didn't know why I walked to the door of our house. I saw the sign on the door that I was recruiting a waiter and came in. I didn't expect to really use me. No, I just went to work at our house. "

"Very good, otherwise we wouldn't know each other." I said.

"It's good to work here. There are no such things. Sister Sun and Brother Feng are also very good. They don't have boss airs." After finishing speaking, he looked at me, "You Qi also knew your younger brother. You touched me that day, and I felt dizzy." Pick me up and leave, I wanted to cry at that time."

"I rely on you not crying. If you cry, I dare to throw you on the ground."

She smiled, picked up the glass and drank with me.

When I first came out to work, I thought that the migrant workers came out because they were poor and had no way out at home.Now it seems that it is not all, people in the city also work part-time, so what if they are laid off and don’t work part-time?It's not as good as rural people, who have at least a few acres of land.There are quite a few people like Zhang Ling who come out to work not because of poverty, but because of their own reasons.

Everyone is working hard for themselves, because the strongest thing in life is not fate, but life.

(End of this chapter)

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