Mountain Village Xiao Shennong

Chapter 104 1 Meandering Water

Chapter 104

He Chang woke up early in the morning after going back to the countryside and slept for a night. He took the Qingnongqin on the table beside the bed, rubbed it with his hands, and began to watch it carefully.

Si Xia ran to his room with a face full of excitement, and said excitedly:

"He Changzai, do you know that because of your Mu Yuan, I have become a big V with millions of fans in new media, and I am really going to become a rich woman...!"

He Changzai lit a cigarette, took a puff, and said sincerely, "Congratulations!"

"I love you to death!"

Si Xia ran to He Chang's side, sucked a mouthful on his face, turned his head and ran out of the room as if fleeing.

He Changzai reached out and touched his wet cheek, thinking that money is really a crazy thing.

After lightly plucking the strings a few times, the crisp sound came out!

The qin is a good qin, but the movement he plays is not a tune.

So, I opened up the circle of friends of the luthier Boya, looked at a book of music, and picked a book of running water.

Spend 1000 merit points and buy it.

An ancient music score written in two meaningful handwritings of flowing water came out of his hands.

The next moment, it turned into a ray of light and jumped into his mind, and he immediately mastered the content!

He Chang had read the story of Gaoshan Liushui before, and it was about the sound of Boya playing the piano, which was as high as the spring and snowy.

Only Zhong Ziqi could understand the sound of his piano, and commented on his heart, and the two became close friends.

I often play the piano alone and listen alone!

After Zhong Ziqi died, Boya felt that no one in the world could understand his piano anymore.

So, I dropped the piano, broke the strings, and never played again for the rest of my life.

It can be seen from this that playing the piano is an elegant and well-organized matter. You must play in a suitable environment, with the right person, with a calm mind and not indiscriminately.

Guqin has five do not play!

First: the wind and the rain do not play.

The sound of the wind is dry, and the sound of the rain is clumsy, so I don't play it.What's more, because of the strong wind and heavy rain, people often can't calm down, and there are expressions that hurt the heart of the piano.So in this case, the pianist often does not play the piano.

Second: Yu Chen City does not play.

This is because the dusty city is noisy, noisy, tacky and heavy, which is contrary to the taste of Qin culture.So in this case, the pianist often does not play the piano.

Third: Don't play against vulgar people.

The vulgar people in the market don't understand the elegance, don't know the style, and can't understand the beauty of the piano, so naturally they don't know the music.Therefore, pianists often don't play the piano for common people.

Fourth: Do not sit or play.

This is because playing the piano is the expression of the mind, which naturally requires stability, calmness and calmness, and there should be no restlessness.Therefore, pianists often do not sit or play the piano.

Fifth: Do not dress or play.

Playing the piano is an art of the soul, since it is the embodiment of the soul, it must be solemn, natural, clean and free.In order to achieve such a state of mind, pianists often clean their bodies and minds and wear loose and comfortable clothes when playing the piano.

With the popularity of violins and pianos abroad, there are very few people in China who know and play guqin!

Ordinary people, if they play a violin on the street, people will definitely think that this person is elegant and artistic.

If you play a guqin, most people will not understand it, and think that you are either out of your mind or pretending to be a rioter.

Let people look at you differently, and feel a little uncomfortable in my heart!
He Changzai thinks that for things like playing the piano, it is better to play alone. It is quiet and undisturbed, and you can release your mood to your heart's content.

So, carrying the guqin on my back, I went up to Nanshan alone!


At this time, on Nanshan, three men and two women emerged from the tent one after another.

Wearing a casual attire, wearing a pair of golden eyes, a gentleman named Du Yusheng said with regret:

"Yesterday, we searched for a whole day, but we couldn't find the wooden kite, let alone the person driving it. If there is no result today, I think we should go back!"

Not tall, with a cute face, the woman named Liu Wan said:

"Yesterday, so many people came from various places, but there is no news about Muyuan. I think I can't find it today. Nanshan is also quite high. Why don't we go gliding there? It's a worthwhile trip." !"

The man with a handsome face named Zhang Xiaofan said: "I think it's fine. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful and the scenery is pretty good. Let's take a flight and take a few photos. I can remember it when I go back!"

Tall and slender, with a glamorous face, and a pair of proud chests, the woman named Li Xianjun looked at Du Yusheng and said:

"Du Yusheng, don't you always brag about how good you are at playing the guqin, take it out from the tent, and play a section for us to cheer up... Then we'll have breakfast, how about skydiving!"

A fat man with a watermelon head shaved echoed: "Yu Sheng, hurry up and play the next piece. I have no other advantages, but I am born with a very high understanding of rhythm... Have you found the person you miss, and gradually become serious!"

Li Xianjun looked at the fat man and said, "Wang Lei, did you sing well? Keep singing!"

Wang Lei scratched his head and smiled awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I only know this one!"


Li Xianjun curled his lips and gave Wang Lei a blank look.

Liu Wan looked at Du Yusheng, who had a swaying expression, chuckled lightly, and urged:
"Yusheng, just play one, there are no outsiders here, don't be shy like a big girl, sorry!"

After hesitating for a while, Du Yusheng took a deep breath, got into the tent, and took out a guqin bought from a master piano maker in Zhongnan Mountain for [-] yuan.

Sitting on a rock in the mountains, he said to the people around him, "Then I'll make a fool of myself and play a plum blossom song for everyone!"

Plucking the strings, the crisp sound resounded!

The people around were all smiling when they heard the sound of the piano, and felt that his three plum blossoms played with a bit of taste!

At this moment, He Changzai went up the mountain with his guqin in his arms. Looking at the tents on the mountain, he was a little surprised that someone would come to camp in this remote and closed place.

What surprised him even more was that among the people who came, there was someone who could play Guqin.

After all, the two sides didn't know each other, so they didn't bother them, so they walked away with the piano in their arms, sat in a secluded place, recalled the composition in their minds, and started playing.

All of a sudden, clear and melodious piano sounds echoed from the mountains.

The highest goodness is like water, which benefits all things without competing. Water is something closer to the Tao. If a person is restless, sitting by the water can calm him down.

The beginning of the piano sound appears and disappears from time to time, like water flowing on the top of a high mountain, surrounded by clouds and mist, erratic and uncertain, and then turns into clear overtones, and the rhythm gradually becomes brighter.

The gurgling and clanking, the cold current in the secluded space; the clear and cold, indistinct and far away.

It feels very close, yet difficult to touch and find.

After hearing the sound of the piano, the five people at the foot of the mountain fell into a wonderful mood.

As if you are in the mountains and rivers, standing quietly, looking at a clear spring flowing down from the mountain stream, the sound of the water is clear and bright, a feeling of joy arises spontaneously from the bottom of your heart.

Subconsciously following the sound of the piano, he walked towards the place where He Chang was.

Listening to the sound of the piano echoing in the valley, Du Yusheng couldn't help but feel that the three plum blossoms he played were simply unbearable, and subconsciously felt ashamed.

When the group of people walked not far away from He Chang, and saw him with calm eyes and focused expression on playing the piano.

They all opened their mouths wide and looked shocked, thinking to themselves that there is nowhere to be found, this person is the one driving the wooden kite in the video!
(End of this chapter)

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