Chapter 109
He Chang went to Liu Yongchun's place to spend the night, and the two of them stayed together for a while.

In the early morning of the next day, he bought seven sets of work clothes, some pots and pans, kitchen knives and chopsticks, meat and vegetables, and ordered things like home appliances, and drove to the gate of the farmhouse.

The greeting has already arrived. After the seven people waiting in the yard moved their things into the kitchen, they distributed their work clothes to a group of people and said:

"Go and change your clothes, I will teach you how to cook the signature dish of the two-course farmhouse in a while!"

The other six people took their clothes and left one after another. Only Chen Yanjiao stood there alone.

She had a charming appearance, eyes like spring water looked at He Changzai, and said in a low voice:
"Chang Zai, this farmyard is close to Nanshan Mountain, there is no one there at night, and there are desolate cries of partridges in the mountain, I am a little scared, can you stay with me tonight!"

"Chen Yanjiao, stop wishful thinking, we will never go back to the past!"

He Changzai spoke in a cold tone, turned around and went up the mountain to catch Xueling Chicken.

After going up the mountain, he found that the tabby dog ​​that his aunt gave him was full of blood, and was chasing a small Xueling chicken, very ferociously.

He picked up the dog's head and picked up a few snow feather chickens, and went down the mountain.

I went down the river to catch some fish, went back to the farmhouse, and threw the dog in the yard.

Let a group of seven people, who can be said to be the most beautiful in the village, change into work clothes, follow into the kitchen and stand in a row behind them.

He began to show his knife skills, chopping vegetables and cooking, and after a while, the tempting aroma diffused from the kitchen.

Looking at He Changzai's superb knife skills, skillful movements, and superb cooking skills, the group were all amazed. Smelling the smell of meat in the air, they couldn't help but increase their appetite.

Not long after, He Changzai took a pot of stewed chicken off the fire, put it on a plate, and said to the people behind him, "Come and have a taste!"

Several people moved their eyes, leaned forward and picked up chopsticks to taste, all of them were full of praise.

"This chicken is really delicious, it's so soft and tender, it's simply delicious in the world!"

"Don't grab me, this drumstick is mine!"

"If you don't want to eat chicken heads and butts, leave them to me!"

Within a minute, a plate of chicken was wiped out by seven people.

Immediately afterwards, He Changzai stewed another pot of kun fish soup, and the group was swept away again.

He said to a group of seven people: "The two dishes of Emperor Xueling Chicken and Supreme Kunyu are signature dishes. Everyone of you must know how to cook and do it well...Okay, the rest of the ingredients will be handed over to you. Practice here...I'll go out to get some fresh air and smoke a cigarette!"

After He Chang said something, he left the room.

At this time, a burly, handsome man with a leopard head and eyes around walked into the farmyard.

Seeing that the other party was in good spirits, he asked, "Brother, what kind of food do you want to eat? The shop is newly opened, and all dishes are [-]% off!"

The burly man stared at He Changzai, with a gleam in his eyes, and said in a deep voice:
"I didn't come here to eat, but to look for immortals. If I look good, sir is the immortal who makes wooden kites and flies in the air!"

He Changzai denied it flatly, "What kind of fairy, you have found the wrong person, I am just a farmer!"

The burly man said: "Sir, you are too humble. Flying a wooden kite into the sky is a trick of the fairy family. If you say you are not a fairy, who will believe it!"

He Changzai was a little impatient, and said, "Hey, what the hell, you are an imposing seven-foot man anyway, why are you so wordy!"

The burly man smiled honestly, "As long as the immortal is willing to teach me Tan Hu some methods of the immortal family, I will leave immediately and never stay!"

He Changzai said calmly: "Compete with you outside!"

"Thanks, Immortal!"

Tan Hu said something, and walked out of the yard quickly.

He Changzai followed and walked out, with one hand behind his back, the other hooked Tan Hu, and said:

"Whatever ability you have, use it!"

Tan Hu has practiced martial arts hard since he was a child. He used iron sand to polish his cheeks and hit a tree with his body. At the age of more than 40 years, he became a master of dark energy. Even many martial arts masters are hard to beat!
He waved his fist, punched a few times, and struck out with a dark force, making a sound of piercing through the air, roaring loudly, kicking, kicking, and rushed towards He Changzai quickly.

With his hands behind his back, He Changzai strolled in the courtyard, avoiding Tan Hu's fierce and violent attack, his whole face was calm and relaxed.

Tan Hu has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and he has also met some sword celestials who wave his sleeves and have sword qi, and light kung fu masters who have no trace of treading snow, boxers with vicious boxing techniques and deadly moves!

Although he had suffered losses in fights with the opponent before, he had never lost so thoroughly as today, without even touching the corner of the opponent's clothes.

He Changzai stepped back lightly, stepped on the water with one foot, stood still, looked at Tan Hu, and said:

"I feel that practicing martial arts alone is not for the sake of fighting for power, but for strengthening the body... In fact, sometimes, the weakest is the strongest, and the weakest is the strongest!"

Seeing that He Changzai was able to stand above the water, Tan Hu was horrified when he had no chance of getting close to the other party.

Thinking over his words over and over again, he realized something in his heart, and with a happy expression on his face, he opened his mouth and said:

"Immortal, you mean to say that when you practice martial arts, you cultivate your heart, not your strength, right?"

He Changzai didn't answer Tan Hu's words, stepped on the water and walked to the shore, his eyes were calm, he turned and walked to the door, ready to go in.

At this moment, Li Dazhuang, who was drunk and reeking of alcohol, drove over on a motorcycle. He turned over and got off the motorcycle, grabbed He Changzai's clothes by the back, and said coldly:

"He Chang is here, it's all because of you, my house in the city is gone, and now all the pigs in the pig farm are dead, and you snatched Yanjiao away from me... Now I have nothing, I'm fighting with you! "

While speaking, Li Dazhuang waved his thick and strong arms, and punched He Changzai on the head.

"Fight with me, do you have the strength!"

He Chang turned slightly to one side, dodged Li Dazhuang's punch, turned around and kicked him flying.

"Immortal, you don't need to do this kind of bastard yourself, I'll take care of him!"

Tan Hu rushed to Li Dazhuang's side with a stride, and slapped his chest with a palm. He spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes widened, his head tilted, and his soul returned to the dust!

He Chang turned his head and saw the scene where Tan Hu slapped Li Dazhuang to death with his palm, his eyes shrank slightly, and he couldn't help but think of that sentence.

Guoshu is not a show, but a killing technique!

Said to him: "You deal with this person well, let's go, I'm just a farmer, I don't want to get involved in too many disputes!"

"Understood, I'm leaving now!"

Tan Hu leaned down, slapped out with a palm, and with a dark energy, after cleaning up the blood, he turned and left with Li Dazhuang's body on his shoulders!
(End of this chapter)

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