Mountain Village Xiao Shennong

Chapter 114 Picking leaves and flying flowers can hurt people!

Chapter 114 Picking leaves and flying flowers can hurt people!
He Changzai walked to the mulberry forest and found that these silkworms bought from the farmer Xu Xing were very strange.

One is that the cocoons formed by these silkworms are two or three times larger than those made by ordinary silkworms. They are very white, and they feel very high in texture, soft and comfortable.

The second is that every time they make cocoons, they don't wait for the cocoons to break out and turn into moths, but they will come out and continue to spin silk and cocoons.

With these two points alone, these one hundred silkworms can be said to be the kings of the silkworm world.

He glanced at the mulberry forest and roughly estimated the number of cocoons.

I think collecting them all is more than enough for a soft double quilt.

Thinking of Liu Yongchun and Liu Yongchun, lying on the soft and comfortable silk quilt, rolling around, I feel irritated.

He Chang collected the silkworm cocoons one by one on the tree, and put them on the grass for fear of getting dirty.

After collecting everything, I squatted in the mulberry forest and lit a cigarette.

Wait until the sun sets, when the setting sun is dim.

Only then did Yang Wei lead a dozen men in city management clothes into the mulberry forest.

Pointing to He Changzai, with a smug expression on his face, he said:

"Boy, did you see? My brothers are all around you. Don't say that my brother didn't give you a chance today. Kneel down and call grandpa, and I'll let you go!"

Next to Yang Wei, a fat man with a stocky figure and a fleshy face said:

"Boy, Brother Yang, you dare to provoke me. I think you are tired of working. Back then, he used an ax to level all the bastards in the city, big and small!"

He Changzai took a puff of smoke, with a calm expression on his face, and said calmly:
"What you said is so awesome, it's still defeated by me, and I brought you a group of small fish here!"

Yang Wei showed anger, and said to a thin man with sharp eyes beside him:

"Han Li, don't you often play with throwing knives? Show off your hands and show this kid some flair!"

Han Li patted his chest and said confidently:

"Okay, Brother Yang, in terms of flying knives, I have never convinced anyone except Li Xunhuan in Mr. Gu Long's novel!"

Seeing Han Li's attack, the surrounding people were all looking forward to it, because they knew how powerful he was.

Back in the winter, their brothers drove a tricycle, went to the street to catch dogs, and prepared to eat hot pot.

Han Li shot one dart at a time, very powerful.

I thought to myself that the kid in front of me was killed today, and I'm afraid he would have to go to the hospital for a few months before he could do it!

The fat man smiled all over his face, and said: "Han Li, be more careful, just bleed this kid, don't hurt his life!"

"Okay, fat brother, I know!"

Han Li responded, pulled out three throwing knives from his trouser waist, and threw them at He Changzai one after another.

Whoosh whoosh!
Accompanied by three piercing sounds, three throwing knives flew towards his left leg, right leg, and left shoulder blade respectively.

"Small skills, dare to show off in front of me!"

He Chang kicked the two throwing knives away with both feet, making them embedded in the mulberry tree.

He reversed his body in the air, and stretched out two fingers to clamp the last throwing knife.

Seeing this scene, Yang Wei and the others were shocked, and they all stood dumbfounded.

After being dazed for a while, the group woke up from the shock.

An unremarkable man with long eyebrows and mouse eyes walked up to a mulberry tree and tried to pull out the throwing knife, but found that no matter what he tried, he couldn't pull it out.

Han Li saw that the opponent was good, so he didn't dare to keep his hand. He drew five throwing knives from his waist and threw them at He Changzai one after another, heading straight for the vital point.

He Chang was sneering, quickly snapped off a thorn branch from the ground, waved it casually a few times, and blocked all the flying knives that came flying.

Then, he plucked a wild chrysanthemum from the mountain and threw it at Han Li.

The next moment, Han Li only felt his scalp cool down. He stretched out his hand to touch his head, and found that the place where the wild chrysanthemum had been brushed had no hair, and there was blood oozing from the scalp on his hand.

Immediately, his eyes widened, and he sat down on the ground in fright.

Picking leaves and flying flowers can hurt people!
After seeing this scene, Yang Wei trembled with fright, knelt down in front of He Changzai with a plop, kowtowed like pounding garlic, his lips trembled, and muttered:

"Brother, I'm sorry, I didn't intend to offend you, please let me go, you can make a condition, as long as I can do it, I will never say anything!"

He Changzai scratched his head, thought for a moment, and said:

"If you want me to let you go, you can... unless you and these brothers stay as security guards and help me guard the land on Nanshan, don't let the tourists who come over touch every plant and tree inside!"

A trace of concern flashed in the fat man's eyes, and with a smile on his face, he said:
"Brother, it's a blessing for us brothers to be able to work with an expert like you... But this person is still alive, so he must eat and drink. In terms of salary, you can see how much you can give!"

He Changzai smiled lightly, "Three meals a day, five thousand a month, but you can't always be like this, you have to get up and run more every day, exercise!"

These urban managers work in the city, earning [-] yuan a month, and they still don't care about food and drink.

Now when they hear such good conditions, everyone is elated, and their faces are full of joy.

The fat man leaned forward and wanted to speak, but was pulled aside by Yang Wei, and he grinned at He Changzai.

"Brother, you have nothing to say about your conditions... I don't know what to do about the housing problem. My brothers, we must not sleep in the wild!"

He Changzai said: "Housing, no problem... I'll stay up all night to build a farmyard for you, and just decorate it the next day!"

"Brother, you see it's getting late, so I'm leaving with my brothers, can you come over tomorrow afternoon?"

Yang Wei greeted his little girlfriend who was hiding in the distance, and then he wanted to take someone away.

He Chang thought for a moment, waved his hand, and said calmly: "Let's go, remember to come!"

"No problem, I, Yang Wei, am also a man of seven feet. I'm a nail if I spit. I will definitely come tomorrow afternoon!"

With a smile on his face and a firm tone, Yang Wei said something before turning around and preparing to leave.

"Yang Wei, wait a minute!"

He Changzai suddenly stopped him as if he remembered something.

"Brother, what else do you want to order!"

Yang Wei leaned in front of He Changzai, bowed his head, said with a smile all over his face.

He Changzai said in a deep voice: "Show the payment code, and I'll transfer you some money... When you come over tomorrow, you can buy uniform security uniforms. As for the rest of the money, you can spend whatever you want, just have fun. Relax, and then come to work officially!"

Yang Wei opened the payment code, stretched it out in front of He Changzai, and said earnestly:

"Brother, you don't need to give too much money. We can get dressed for each of us. Just give one or two thousand!"

"Isn't your car down the mountain... Help me take these silk balls away, remember to wipe your pants before taking them, don't get them dirty!"

After transferring 20 yuan to Yang Wei, He Chang took some silk balls and walked down the mountain.

After Yang Wei saw the 20 account information, he was shocked from ear to ear.

Let the people around look at it, and the group suddenly boiled up, and they all spoke:
"Brother is awesome!"

"It's 20 in one shot, it's amazing my brother!"

"I've decided to follow Big Brother for the rest of my life!"


After a burst of cheers, the crowd gradually calmed down.

Under the leadership of Yang Wei, a group of people wiped their hands vigorously on themselves, took the remaining silk balls, and went down the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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