Chapter 122
Tian Meng was the first to come back to his senses, turned his head to look behind him, and said in astonishment: "Miss, didn't you go out to travel and seek fairy arts? Why are you back!"

Han Yunting turned his head and said in surprise, "Shuang'er, when did you come back, have you learned the magic of immortality?"

"Brother, I will tell you about this matter later, and I will talk about it after catching up with the person who just left!"

Han Shuang said something, jumped up, stepped on the trunk, climbed to the top of the tree, and chased after He Changzai.

"Hey, what the hell, there are still masters in this mundane world!"

He Changzai noticed that someone was jumping behind him, chasing after him, turned his head to take a look, and quickened his pace.

"Boy, you run quite fast, let you taste the power of my Jingmingzong Thunder Talisman!"

Han Shuang sneered, took out a blue charm from his bosom, and threw it at He Changzai casually.

The next moment, he felt his back was burning, and he let out a scream, and fell from the top of the tree, shaking many fallen leaves.

Han Shuang floated down from the top of the tree, and stood in front of He Changzai with his arms folded, with a look on his face and a cold voice:
"Boy, you are not very good at running, but keep running!"

He Changzai reached out his hand to touch his back, and found that it was just a little bit of skin scratched by lightning, and it was not a serious problem. Looking at Han Shuang, he said with a serious face:

"You can't be considered a hero if you engage in a sneak attack from behind!"

"You kid, it's interesting... Didn't you realize that I'm a woman, what a hero!"

Han Shuang took out another Thunder Talisman from his arms, walked towards He Changzai with a playful expression on his face.

"This woman can't be a pervert, a sadist!"

He Chang was looking at the Thunder Talisman in Han Shuang's hand, feeling a little scared in his heart, and his body was trembling slightly.

With an idea in my mind, I remembered the spells in Lu Ban's book, and a bright smile appeared on my face.

"This kid, he couldn't be scared stupid by me, he can still laugh at this time!"

Han Shuang felt that he was considered a decent family anyway, and there was no need to bully an enemy who had a nervous breakdown, so he turned around and prepared to leave.

At this moment, He Chang chanted an obscure incantation in his mouth, and cast the body-fixing technique to freeze him in place.

Walking up to Han Shuang, she stretched out her hand to pinch her pretty face, and said with a smug smile:
"Girl, you didn't expect that one day it would fall into my hands, right? There is a saying, people are knives, I am fish... Next, don't blame me for being so hot!"

Han Shuang suddenly found that she couldn't move, with a nervous expression on her face, she angrily said:
"You monster, what kind of magic did you use, why can't I despicable villain, let me go, or my master won't let you go!"

He Chang looked Han Shuang up and down, clicked his tongue and said in amazement: "You are dressed in red, and you are not too hot, and you have two short knives on your back. You really think you are a generation of heroines!"

Han Shuang curled her lips and snorted coldly, "It's up to you to care what I wear!"

"But, you bombed me with a spell just now... I can't just let this matter go, my back is still numb now!"

He Changzai reached into Han Shuang's arms, took out her Thunder Talisman, and put it in his pocket.

Han Shuang's face was ashamed and indignant, so red that it was about to drip, and she cursed.

"You shameless villain, after I get away, I will definitely chop off your salty pig hands!"

He Changzai took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, took a puff, and said slowly:
"Girl, don't be angry, women will grow old when they are angry... I'm going first, I'll let you go tomorrow, you can reflect here tonight!"

After all, he casually walked down the mountain.

"Wait a minute, do you dare to fight with me without using spells? If you win, I can promise you a condition that does not violate the principle!"

When He Changzai heard this, he stopped, turned to look at Han Shuang, and asked, "What you said counts!"

Han Shuang raised her head and said firmly, "Of course it counts!"

"I don't believe it, you swear an oath first!"

"Huh, I swear, I swear... I, Han Shuang, would like to have a fair duel with this shameless person in front of me. The premise is that neither of us uses magic. If I lose, I am willing to agree to one condition. Testify, if I violate this oath, I will never step into the immortal gate for the rest of my life!"

"Just force it, I'll set you free!"

He Chang chanted a mantra in his mouth to make Han Shuang escape, then turned around and ran away.

"You guy, you're just talking about fighting head-on, why are you running like a turtle!"

Seeing that He Chang was running away, Han Shuang was so angry that his teeth were itchy, he took out the two knives from his back, and chased after him.

He Changzai was unarmed, and he didn't know what the other party's cultivation was, so he ran to the top of Nanshan in a hurry.

Opened the Dize 24 formation and got in.

Seeing that He Changzai was standing still, Han Shuang slashed at him with a knife, but was blocked by the white cover formed by the formation.

Keep waving the double knives, but to no avail!
He Chang inadvertently saw a little cinnabar left in the wooden kite, his eyes flickered, and he had an idea, and said to Han Shuang:
"Now I'm going out, do you dare to follow me!"

Han Shuang bit her lip and said bitterly, "Why don't you dare, if you dare to come out, I'll hack you to death immediately!"

He Chang picked up the wooden kite, the pot containing cinnabar, and went out from the Dize 24 formation.

He ran straight towards a mighty dragon in the distance, but the mountain was sparsely covered with almost no grass.

He ran to the vicinity of the cliff, stepped on the cliff, almost flew up into the air, and reached the position of the longan on the mountain.

Dip the cinnabar twice with your finger, and click on it respectively.

Suddenly, two red lights appeared from the longan, and a water dragon circled out of the mountain.

Opening her mouth, she spat out a huge drop of water towards Han Shuang who was going up the mountain, and she was directly thrown down the mountain by the drop of water, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Han Shuang covered her chest with her hands, looked at He Changzai with a look of surprise on her face, and asked, "You can summon a water dragon, who is it?"

"A small farmer, who else can he be? This feng shui pattern is called water dragon spitting beads. Forget it, it's useless to tell you too much... If you promise me one thing, it doesn't count!"

He Chang vacated his body, circling to slow down, jumped down the mountain, walked up to Han Shuang and asked.

Han Shuang said with a straight face: "If you lose, you lose. I've sworn to the patriarch, of course it counts, but I won't do things that violate the principles... Don't try to take advantage of me!"

He Changzai said: "There is a thatched hut on Nanshan Mountain, I want you to go in and guard it for a year, don't let people destroy the things I planted on the mountain, it will not violate your principles!"

"One year is not a long time, I promise you!" Han Shuang thought for a moment and said seriously.

He Changzai stopped talking, glanced at Han Shuang, turned around and went down the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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