Mountain Village Xiao Shennong

Chapter 153 Ferocious Scolia

Chapter 153 Ferocious Scolia
A character that even the headmaster of the Medicine God Hall dare not mess with!

Hearing this, Qi Heng immediately felt as if he was struck by lightning, and he stood there in a daze, motionless.

When he came to his senses, he wanted to apologize.

He found that He Changzai was already riding a bicycle, driving Liu Yanran away.

Liu Yanran lived a life of rich clothes and fine food since she was a child. She was spoiled and spoiled. She always used luxury cars for transportation and never rode one.

Now it’s the first time I ride this kind of old-fashioned bicycle, and I feel it’s very fun. With a cheerful expression on my face, I asked:

"He Changzai, where are you taking me?"

He Changzai replied while riding:
"Go to Linshui Village and take you to Nanshan to see what I planted!"

Liu Yanran looked at the rapidly regressing scenery, and suddenly realized that she had grown up so much, she had rarely played so crazy, so she couldn't help but say:

"Okay, I'll go take a look with you!"

He Changzai accelerated his riding speed, laughed loudly, and joked: "Mr. Liu, now that you are on my thief boat, you can't go if you don't go!"

Liu Yanran turned around, quickly hugged He Changzai's waist, and snorted coldly, "He Changzai, you are going to die, riding so fast, I was shocked!"

He Changzai turned his head to look at Liu Yanran, smiled lightly, and continued riding.


Riding all the way, the two soon came to the foot of Nanshan Mountain.

He Changzai took Liu Yanran up the mountain and walked straight towards the prickly pear forest on the mountain.

The air on the mountain is good, and the birdsong is melodious.

Liu Yanran raised her eyes and looked around, her vision was broad and she was in a good mood.

The only downside is that walking is a bit tiring.

When He Changzai and Liu Yanran walked to the prickly pear forest, she was so tired that she sat down on the ground, panting heavily, her chest trembling slightly.

He Changzai reached out and picked a prickly pear, handed it to Liu Yanran, and said:

"Mr. Liu, why don't you try the prickly pears I planted!"

Liu Yanran took the prickly pear, and after resting for a while, took a bite, her body trembled suddenly, with a satisfied expression on her face, she said:

"This prickly pear is sweet and sour, it's really delicious!"

Immediately, He Changzai went to the mulberry forest, picked a mulberry, walked to Liu Yanran, smiled slightly, "Try this mulberry again!"

Liu Yanran took the branch, pinched a mulberry, tasted it in her mouth, and exclaimed:
"It's so sweet, sweeter than honey, it's so sweet that it hits people's hearts!"

He Changzai said:
"I still make mulberry wine at home. When you leave, I'll give you a jar... By the way, I'll take you to see the Dongling grass I planted later. This kind of grass is our local specialty, yes The human body has many miraculous effects, and it can be drunk as health-preserving tea!"

While eating mulberries, Liu Yanran said:
"Okay, but I'm not very interested in your winter grass, I want to grow some leeks like the one on your barbecue stand in the industrial park!"

"No problem, leeks can be grown... I asked you to come and taste the things on my mountain this time, just to prove that I have the ability to grow special fruits and vegetables, so you can rest assured!"

He Changzai nodded and expressed his thoughts.

At this time, Han Shuang came over, pouted and said:

"He Changzai, this mountain is too boring, you have so many security guards, can I go down the mountain?"

He Changzai replied:
"Okay, I asked you to help me look at the things on the mountain, and I didn't want you to paint the ground as a prison... If you want to go down the mountain, just say hello to Yang Wei and others, and you can go down the mountain at any time!"

"Then I'm going down the mountain!"

With a happy expression and a light body, Han Shuang left bouncing away.

Liu Yanran looked at Han Shuang's back, with a look of surprise on her face, and asked:
"He Changzai, who was that girl in red just now?"

He Changzai said calmly: "A friend of mine helped me see things on the mountain!"

"Oh, let's go and see your winter grass and chives!"

Liu Yanran stood up, patted the ashes on her butt, and suggested.

Next, He Changzai took Liu Yanran to the Dongling grass field, picked a piece of Dongling grass, handed it to her and said:

"Try this Donglingcao again!"

Liu Yanran took it, tasted it, and said in surprise with an expression of enjoyment on her face:
"You planted this winter balsam, it actually has a mint flavor, it tastes so refreshing!"

While speaking, she took a few steps forward and accidentally kicked something, but she didn't care.

I picked a relatively large leaf of Dongling grass from the ground and put it in my mouth!

At this moment, a large group of local bees who like to build their nests in the soil flew out of the ground and rushed towards the two of them.

Damn, so many bumble bees!

In the local area, these large, highly poisonous, red body, white abdomen, black stripes, yellow tail, ferocious temperament, but there is a precedent for stinging cattle to death.

He Changzai was afraid that these bees would sting Liu Yanran, so he subconsciously threw her to the ground, and he suffered a wave of stings.

However, since he has already entered the state of attainment, the true energy circulates throughout his body.

These bumble bees couldn't even penetrate their skin, so they flew away one by one.

He Changzai breathed a sigh of relief, turned over from Liu Yanran, looked at her who was still lying on the ground, and asked:

"Mr. Liu, are you okay!"


Liu Yanran was about to say it was fine, but found that her chest was hurting badly, her face turned red, and she was embarrassed to say it.

He Changzai urged with a serious look on his face:
"Mr. Liu, if you are stung by a wasp, you have to tell me, this wasp is extremely poisonous, if you don't treat it in time, something serious will happen!"

Liu Yanran frowned slightly, her expression twitched, and she said in a low voice, "I seem to have been stung in the chest!"

He Changzai showed a hint of embarrassment, and dragged Liu Yanran into the wooden house, a little embarrassed and said:

"Mr. Liu, take off your clothes, I'll give you acupuncture to detoxify!"

Liu Yanran thought that in this deep mountain, there are lonely men and widows, a little bit ashamed and indignant, and said:
"He Changzai, I'm afraid this is not suitable!"

Knowing Liu Yanran's concerns, He Changzai looked around, found a piece of cloth that Han Shuang used to tie her hair from the room, covered her eyes, and said calmly:
"See no evil, you can rest assured this time!"

With He Changzai's skills and kung fu, if he wanted to moleste himself, he would most likely not be able to escape.

After thinking about it for a while, Liu Yanran decided to believe him, bit her lips lightly, and slowly loosened her shirt.

He Chang was listening to Xixi Suso's voice, his mind fluttered for a while, he pinched his thigh, and calmed down.

After a while, Liu Yanran whispered, "It's done!"

He Chang kept his mind quiet, got rid of all distracting thoughts in his mind, took out the gold needle from his pocket, and began to administer the needle methodically.

After about a stick of incense time, Liu Yanran took out a tissue from her bag, wiped off the poisonous blood, put on her clothes slowly, and said softly:

"All right!"

He Changzai took off the cloth strip, took a Piluo plant from the medicinal materials returned by the people of Yaoshentang in the house, and handed it to Liu Yanran, saying:

"Take it back, grind it into powder, rub it on, it can reduce swelling!"

Liu Yanran took Biluo, looked at He Changzai, and said gratefully:
"He Changzai, thank you, if you hadn't protected me today, I wouldn't know what it would be like to be stung!"

"It's okay, I brought you here. This is what I should do. Let's go, let's go down the mountain. I'll go back to the old house and go down to the cellar to get a jar of mulberry wine. I'll let you take it back and taste it!"

He Changzai spoke indifferently, said something, turned around and left the wooden house, and walked down the mountain.

Liu Yanran touched her chest lightly, and found that the pain was not so bad, she glanced forward, and quickly followed He Changzai.

(End of this chapter)

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