Mountain Village Xiao Shennong

Chapter 209 Yu Zhenren

Chapter 209 Yu Zhenren

In the early morning of the next day, He Changzai took Murong up to Nanshan Mountain with more than 100 red goldfish bought from the group leader Xu Xing, and a handful of shovels.

It is planned to lead the mountain spring to the front of the bamboo house and make a pond to raise fish.

On the way, Murong looked at the red goldfish that He Chang was carrying in his hand, his eyes flickered, and he said:

"Brother Chang Zai, can you let me carry the fish?"

He Changzai glanced at the large plastic bag of goldfish in his hand, then at Murong, who was not very tall, and said with a smile:

"You can't carry these things. I'll put them in a wooden barrel when I reach the mountain. You can take a good look at them!"


Murong nodded thoughtfully, with an obedient look on his face.

After that, the two walked to the bamboo house in the mountains.

He Changzai poured the goldfish in the plastic bag into the barrel.

Let Han Shuang, who woke up early and danced in front of the bamboo house with a bamboo sword, looked at Murong.

Start digging a pond in front of the bamboo house.

"Hey, damn it, there are unexpected rewards!"

He Changzai has heard that ginseng can run away before. Before digging ginseng, ginseng diggers usually tie a red string on it to prevent ginseng from escaping.

He didn't believe this statement before, thinking it was nonsense.

Now I personally dug out a ginseng queen about [-] centimeters from the ground, the thickness of the radish, and the long roots.

Feeling a little funny, he threw it to Han Shuang and said loudly:
"Look at how skinny you are, I'll give you a piece of ginseng, and make some soup when you have time!"

Han Shuang picked up the ginseng from the ground, looked at it, and suddenly said:
"I look at the medicinal materials for you every day. I found a lot of ginseng missing. At that time, I was very puzzled and couldn't find the reason. I didn't expect this thing to run away by itself!"

"Does everything have a spirit!"

He Changzai said something and continued to dig the pond.

After the pond was dug, he dug a ditch with a pickaxe to bring in the clear spring water from the mountain.

Pour it into the pond, dig a canal downstream to the spring, block it with big stones to prevent the goldfish from escaping, and make a pond with continuous flowing water.

After all this was done, two or three hours had passed.

A combination of work and rest, anyway, there is still a lot of time in a day.

He Changzai was not in a hurry, he sat beside the pond, lit a cigarette, and started smoking.

At this moment, a helicopter flew over from a distance and stopped near He Chang again.

Zhao Sheng and an old man wearing old clothes with a cold face and carrying a black cloth covered with an iron cage got off the helicopter and walked towards him slowly.

"Reverend Yu, it's this kid who refuted my face. Don't worry, I will give you everything you want after it's done!"

Master Yu looked He Changzai up and down, showing pride, grinning, revealing a mouthful of big yellow teeth, and said disdainfully:

"It's just this kid. It's a waste of emotion to let me run so far. I don't need to release the little baby to kill him!"

He Changzai glanced at Master Yu, feeling that there was something evil about this person, his complexion changed slightly, and he said to Han Shuang:

"I'll deal with this person, you can carry Murong back to the house!"

"Okay, then be careful!"

Han Shuang took a look at Master Yu, with a look of fear on his face, and after admonishing He Chang, he carried Murong back to the bamboo house.

Zhao Sheng looked at He Changzai and let out a hearty laugh.

"Originally, I planned to only want one piece of porcelain from you, but you just wanted to break ground on Tai Sui's head and provoked me. Today I will not only let Master Yu beat you, but also take all your porcelain, so that you know that you have offended me. What will happen to Zhao Sheng!"

"Stop talking nonsense, you didn't even fight, it's too early for you to be proud now!"

He Changzai took a drag on his cigarette, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, and took the lead in attacking Master Yu.

There was a lot of genuine energy in every gesture, and there was a combo of moves that meant to kill him in seconds.

After taking a few tricks, Master Yu and He Chang were so suppressed that they couldn't breathe. They were secretly startled, thinking that this time they had been underestimated.

" is this kid so strong!"

Seeing this scene, Zhao Sheng was shocked, his heart was boiling with [-] alpacas, his whole body was stiff, and he stood there in a daze, as if he couldn't believe what happened before him was real.

Damn, if you continue to fight this kid like this, your old life will have to be paid for!
Master Yu sighed secretly, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of poisonous mist at He Changzai.

In an instant, He Changzai felt that his eyes were blurred and he couldn't see anything clearly.

Zhao Sheng couldn't help laughing wildly after seeing He Chang's trick, gave Daoist Yu a thumbs up, and said in admiration:

"Reverend Yu, as the saying goes, a man is one foot tall and a demon is one foot tall. You are really tall!"

"Come out and run around the rivers and lakes. I don't have any housekeeping skills. I don't know how many times I have died!"

Immediately, Master Yu lifted the black cloth covering the iron cage, and released a big mouse with scarlet eyes from it. With a smile on his face, he urged:
"Little baby, come on, kill him!"

The big mouse was very intelligent, as if he could understand what Daoist Yu said, he quickly ran towards He Changzai.

At this moment, a yellow talisman shot out from the bamboo house, hit the big mouse, and burst into flames.

However, the big mouse was fine, jumped up, jumped onto He Changzai, and bit his arm.

He Changzai grabbed the mouse and threw it to the ground, killing it directly.

Immediately afterwards, he began to chant a mantra:
"Yuqing is young, the true talisman tells the alliance, pushes the second qi, and mixes it into reality. Five thunders and five thunders, rushing to Huang Ning, changing from dense to dense, roaring to lightning, arriving as soon as you hear it, and making a positive sound quickly... "

In an instant, the sky suddenly lit up, and five thunder lights converged into an electric dragon and flashed across the sky.

The next moment, he fell directly on Yu Zhenren who was still heartbroken over the death of his mouse. He fell on his back, exhaled a puff of black smoke, and lost all life.

"Brother, let me live. My family has a lot of money. I will ask my father to give you as much as you want!"

Seeing that Master Yu had died, Zhao Sheng knelt down in front of He Changzai with a plop, kowtowed like pounding garlic, and begged bitterly.

He Changzai's eyes are confused now, he can't see anything clearly, his arm was bitten by a mouse, he feels poisoned, and the pain is severe.

Naturally, he refused to let Zhao Sheng go, and his ghostly body flashed in front of him.

When it came up, it was a big mouthful, and it was beaten into a pig's head stew.

Immediately, he walked to the pond, washed his eyes with spring water, took out golden needles for acupuncture, forced out the poisonous blood, and then he saw something dimly.

After that, a few needles were pricked in the arm to force out the poison inside.

He Changzai poured the goldfish in the barrel into the pond, took out some lotus seeds bought from Xu Xing from his pocket, and sprinkled them into the pond.

In the immediately clear water, the lotus seeds grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, green lotus leaves grew, and pink lotus blossoms bloomed.

Tails of red goldfish swim in the clear water and play among the lotus leaves, making the scene extremely beautiful.

While He Chang was admiring the fish, his cell phone rang suddenly, he took it out and saw that the call was from Liu Yanran.

(End of this chapter)

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