Mountain Village Xiao Shennong

Chapter 283 The Ancient Well

Chapter 283 The Ancient Well
He Changzai drove back to the village committee and found that all the people in the courtyard had dispersed.

Walking into the office of the village committee, I saw Ma Fanghua and Wang Fugui sitting there.

Looking at Ma Fanghua, he asked, "How is the matter going!"

Ma Fanghua said with a smile on his face: "The matter is going well. I just checked the list with Village Chief Wang. Except for a few elderly people who have no place to live, and Tian Qi who is unwilling to push the house, everyone else has basically signed. !"

He Changzai asked Wang Fugui: "Uncle Fugui, which Tian Qi is it?"

Wang Fugui smiled and said: "Which other Tian Qi can it be, the former landlord of our village, Tian Qi of the Tian family!"

He Changzai asked: "Other people, I can arrange accommodation for them. The key is why Tian Qi won't let them be demolished!"

Wang Fugui said: "He didn't come at all, and I don't know why!"

He Changzai originally thought that those unruly people in the village would stand up one by one and refuse to demolish the house.

I didn't expect that there were only a few people who refused to demolish the house. I thought it seemed that everyone had a clear understanding of justice and could distinguish between the serious and the serious.

He was very pleased about this.

After being dazed for a while, He Changzai took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, took a puff, and said to Ma Fanghua:
"Would you like to go to Tian Qi's house together!"

Ma Fanghua smiled and said, "Brother asked me out, of course I'm going!"

"Uncle Fugui, Ma Fanghua and I are leaving!"

After He Chang said hello to Wang Fugui, he took Ma Fanghua into the car and drove towards Tian Qi's house.

In the car, Ma Fanghua said, "Brother, before you came, I told Mr. Fei about the specific situation, and he said that the construction team could be transferred tomorrow, but he had to pay an advance payment of [-] million for the project. It has already been printed in the village committee, I think it would be better for us to sign this contract earlier!"

He Changzai said calmly: "Let's sign after Tian Qi's matter is settled, don't worry about it!"


Ma Fanghua nodded and responded.

Not long after, He Chang drove Ma Fanghua to the gate of the dilapidated and dilapidated farm house.

The two got out of the car and walked in through the half-open door.

Looking at the dilapidated scene inside, Ma Fanghua sighed: "This is the former landlord's house. It seems that the glory is no longer the same!"

He Chang looked at the green and well-manicured vegetable fields in the courtyard, and said:
"There are still people living here, so it won't be said to be defeated!"

Ma Fanghua pursed her lips, her eyes rolled around, thinking that the little brother is amazing, just saying a word casually, it is so philosophical.

"Let's go, take a look at the ancestral hall behind, I heard the sound of the song, Tian Qi should be there!"

He Changzai said something, and walked quickly towards the ancestral hall behind the hall.

Brother's hearing is good, I can't hear anything.

Ma Fanghua cursed inwardly, and followed He Changzai's footsteps.

After He Chang walked in, beside a jujube tree in front of the ancestral hall, he saw a man in ordinary clothes, carrying a cage with a parrot in it, and on a stone table beside him, there was an opera singing on his mobile phone, with a delicate face young men.

Ma Fanghua looked at the young man sitting on a huanghuali stool in front of him, and sighed: "People in the world are busy, but this man is so leisurely!"

Tian Qi looked at He Changzai, with a playful smile on his face, and said, "Why is Boss He coming to me when he has time?"

He Changzai smiled and said, "Don't you ask this question knowingly? The whole village wants to push houses and prepare for the tourist village, but you turn a deaf ear to this matter. Of course I'm coming!"

Tian Qi turned off the music on his mobile phone, and laughed loudly, "Those people demolished the house because their house was broken, because they were poor ghosts, and I am an empress landlord, this place is my ancestral old house, how could I let people It's been demolished here!"

Ma Fanghua said: "After a while, other people's small buildings will be built, and you will feel that your old house looks simple and shabby compared to other people's houses!"

Tian Qi whistled, teased the parrot in the cage, turned to look at Ma Fanghua and said:
"I've lived here since I was born, so how can I feel that this place is not good!"

He Changzai said with a straight face: "Tian Qi, we are all from the same village, don't you want our place to become more and more beautiful, people more and more prosperous, and life better and better?"

Tian Qi sneered, "You can build the village however you want, that's your business, I'm happy with mine, as for other people's lives, it has nothing to do with me!"

He Changzai took a look at this old house and said in a deep voice:
"This old house of yours has an old-fashioned feel... It's a pity to demolish it. Let me see this. I'll give you 200 million. You can transfer this house to me and let me make it into a scenic spot. Bar!"

Tian Qi said in a cold voice: "It's a joke, my ancestors were considered landlords anyway, but yours is just a pariah... Besides, I am not short of money. A few days ago, I exchanged a bunch of copper coins left by my ancestors for Tens of thousands of dollars, I went to the shampoo room in the county town to be cool!"

He Chang was pinching his fingers, pointing to an ancient well in the courtyard that was emitting a thick white gas, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said:

"Tian Qi, you don't want to demolish the house, I'm afraid it's because of the secret hidden in that well!"

Tian Qi listened to He Changzai pointing out his thoughts in one sentence, his face was shocked, his lips trembled and said:

"You... how do you know about this well!"

Ma Fanghua was by He Chang's side, but when he clearly saw the scene of his calculations, his lips parted and his eyes widened.

I thought to myself that the little brother is actually a fortune teller, he is really too unpredictable and mysterious.

He Chang was staring at Tian Qi, and said seriously:

"If I can help you fish out the things in the well, can you transfer this house to me?"

Tian Qi's eyes froze, and he said in a strict voice: "He Changzai, according to my father, when my great-grandfather, there used to be a pretty maid who stole a box of jewelry from him. After being found out, I had no choice but to Holding this box of jewels and jumping into the well, after that, the well has been shrouded in white mist... This well is very evil, if you go down, you are looking for your own death!"

"This story is actually not the way you told it. I jumped down and found something for you, and everything suddenly became clear!"

He Changzai said something, walked to the side of the ancient well shrouded in white mist and was a bit cold, took a deep breath, jumped, and jumped down.

After seeing this scene, Ma Fanghua couldn't help but twitched his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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