Chapter 8

After harvesting two carts of winter weeds, there were not many winter weeds left in the field. After He Chang returned to the old house, he planted them again, and a field of green winter weeds soon grew out.

Early the next morning, He Changzai was woken up by the beep of his mobile phone.

He took the phone and looked, wow, Wutongshen sent out a red envelope, hurry up and grab it.

I poked hard at the phone screen and grabbed it.

Believe in the talisman, the person who is cast by the talisman is loyal to the caster of the talisman, and obeys his words.

He Changzai was holding a black charm in his hand, thinking that this Wutongshen is too good, even this kind of black technology can be produced, if this charm is used well, it can control a powerful person, Didn't he just become an awesome father, who wants the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain?
He Chang got married last year and borrowed 10,000+ from relatives and friends at home. He wanted to earn the money first, and then buy a small building in the city for his parents who are working outside, or build a villa in the countryside. .

When autumn comes back, give them a surprise.

Thinking of this, after saying hello to Song Meijuan, he drove a tricycle directly to the village head's house, planning to contract the entire Nanshan Mountain, reclaim the land, and expand the cultivation of winter lingonberry.


Not long after, He Chang arrived at the door of the village chief Wang Fugui's house on his motorcycle at high speed. He got off the car and knocked on the door.

There was only dog ​​barking inside, but no one squeaked.

He Changzai wanted to find the village chief to do something, so he kept knocking.

"Knock what knock, knock so urgently, come to search the house, I will open the door for you later!"

A woman's pungent voice came from the village head's house. She must have been disturbed and had a good dream, and she was a little angry.

A stone fell to the ground in He Chang's heart, and he waited quietly.

After coming here for a long time, the door of the village chief’s house opened. He was wearing loose pajamas. He was in his thirties, with well-maintained skin and a pretty face. Guo Jinfeng, the wife of the village chief, opened the door. color, said angrily:
"Who did I think it belonged to? It turned out that He Chang was with you, boy. Your wife has lived with someone else. If you don't take care of it, what is it called to run outside my house? It's really annoying!"

He Changzai said calmly, "I'm here to talk to the village chief about contracting Nanshan!"

Guo Jinfeng looked He Changzai up and down, with a look of contempt flashing in his eyes, "Do you know how much it costs to contract the entire Nanshan Mountain, [-] yuan, can you afford it... My husband is out, You go back!"

"Uncle Fugui, your daughter-in-law stopped me at the door, please open the door!"

He Changzai looked through the crack of the door and saw Wang Fugui, who was getting up in the morning, with his hair combed back, a stocky figure, and a round face, going to the toilet. He looked excited and shouted loudly.

Although Wang Fugui is a well-known strict wife in the village, and his daughter-in-law often pulls his ears and kneels on the washboard to clean up, he is a good village official who is dedicated to the people and does things for the villagers.

Seeing He Changzai coming over, he directly held back his urine, went to the door, let him in, and greeted him: "Chang Zai, what's the matter, sit in the room!"

"Thank you, Uncle Fugui!"

Guo Jinfeng rolled Wang Fugui's eyes, meaning to give you some face now, and deal with you after the servants leave.

He Changzai followed Wang Fugui back to the house, straight to the point: "I want to contract the entire Nanshan Mountain, and plant all the land with winter grass!"

Wang Fugui took a puff of a cigarette and said in a deep voice: "For entrepreneurs, the village responds to the poverty alleviation policy and should give active support. However, it is more troublesome for you to contract Nanshan, except for the 6 yuan a year. Contracting fee, there is another important issue!"

He Changzai looked at Wang Fugui and asked, "What's the problem, Uncle Fugui!"

Wang Fugui said: "Now that the spring has been planted, you still have to compensate the people in the village for their losses, and if you pay for it, others may not be willing to give up the land to you!"

Guo Jinfeng looked at He Changzai and said mockingly: "Let's not talk about the contract fee of [-] yuan a year. The village has an acre of pepper field in Nanshan. Pointing to this Wang Erlai who is making a living, can he let you out? You are too crazy to do this!"

"How will you know if you can do it if you don't give it a try... I know about this, Uncle Fugui, I'll go and get Wang Erlai settled, and then I'll talk to you about contracting Nanshan!"

He Changzai said something, then walked out the door.

Guo Jinfeng looked at He Changzai's back, and said tauntingly: "This boy, his wife is with someone else, and he still wants to farm. I think you will lose everything if you contract Nanshan, and you will go to Wang Erlai. It would be strange not to kick you out!"

He Chang turned his head, stared at Guo Jinfeng, and said, "I'm not afraid of ten thousand in everything, but just in case. If I can lead Wang Erlai into the right path, what should I do!"

Guo Jinfeng thought to himself that the two committees of the village branch, how many people can handle Wang Erlai, a person like Wang Erlai who can't be steamed or cooked, it's useless for He Changzai to appoint him. With a mean expression on his face, he sarcastically said:
"Hey, let's see if you want to go to heaven or something, if you can clean up Wang Erlai, Auntie, I will give up more than an acre of my Nanshan land and plant it for you for free. Why? Sample!"

"It's a deal, Aunt Jinfeng, I will remember this sentence, you can't break your promise.

He Changzai chuckled, smiled knowingly, turned around and walked out the door.

Seeing that He Changzai was about to leave, Wang Fugui hurriedly shouted: "Changzai, wait for Uncle, I'm on my way to deliver rice and oil to him, just on my way!"

He Changzai stopped and helped Wang Fugui put a bag of rice and a pot of oil on the tricycle, and the two rushed to Wang Erlai's house.

Not long after, the two got out of the car and came to Wang Erlai's house.

Wang Fugui pinched his nose, walked into Wang Erlai's room with a sour smell, looked at the wine bottles and cigarette butts all over the floor, frowned involuntarily, lay down on the bed, followed a soft-legged shrimp Seemingly, Wang Erlai, who looked decadent and was still sleeping in the cage, shouted loudly: "Wang Erlai, the sun is going to dry your buttocks, don't get up!"


Wang Erlai woke up with a jolt.

Wang Fugui looked at Wang Erlai who was lying on the bed, and said with a look of resentment: "This guy is like this. The two committees of our village branch have educated him many times, but he still looks lazy and is like mud. If I can’t support the wall, I’m powerless, even if the gods come, I can’t help this kind of person!”

Wang Erlai glanced at Wang Fugui, looked confused, and groaned, "What are you doing, disturbing others' sleep, put the rice and oil aside, you can go out now!"

"Wang Erlai, the state subsidizes poverty for you, and it's useless to raise you, a lazy man who doesn't even want to move. You are really shameful for us surnamed Wang!"

Although Wang Fugui looked like an eggplant beaten by Shuang, wilting in front of his wife, but in front of other people in the village, he was definitely a man with a lot of prestige.

He directly dragged Wang Erlai off the bed, kicked his ass hard, as if hitting his own son.

Wang Erlai squinted his sleepy eyes halfway, and said: "Village chief, what are you doing? It's not that I don't work. Isn't the prickly ash on the acre of land on the mountain not yet ripe? I'll invite someone to pick it up when it's ripe." Go pick it!"

"Chang Zai, I went out first. Seeing such a person who doesn't want to make progress, I feel angry from the bottom of my heart. As for the matter of the land, you can talk to him yourself!"

Wang Fugui took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it with a depressed expression on his face, took a puff, sighed, and walked out of the room.

After Wang Fugui left, He Chang was preparing to talk about it first, and then use the Faith Talisman. After all, this thing is too precious, so try to use it as much as possible.

"Wang Erlai, I want you to transfer your acre of pepper field to me. What do you think, I will pay for your loss!"

"What, I'm just pointing to the pepper field to live, don't even think about it, hurry... get out, you're not welcome here!"

After hearing He Changzai's words, Wang Erlai showed anger and pushed him out.

"Come on Erlai brother, smoke a cigarette, can't business be righteous?"

He Changzai took out a cigarette from his pocket, pushed the door open at once, handed one to Wang Erlai, and pasted the Faith Talisman on his back with his backhand, watched the black charm slowly disappear, and asked again.

"Wang Erlai, how about transferring the land matter to me?"

Wang Erlai shook his head, feeling a little dizzy, in a trance, he felt that He Changzai was the most trustworthy person in his life, and said, "Okay!"

He Chang showed a bright smile on his face and asked: "Then you go with me to open up wasteland and reform through labor, no problem, follow in brother's footsteps, I will never treat you badly!"

"No problem!" Wang Erlai said cheerfully.

Next, He Changzai took Wang Erlai out of the house. He picked up the family's shovel and went to do farm work with him.

Wang Fugui, who was smoking at the side, was stunned immediately after seeing this scene, his eyes widened. He didn't expect that He Changzai would have such a means to clean up the notorious Wang Erlai in the village.

Judging by his posture, he still looks like he is going to work in the field with him.

"Uncle Fugui, don't worry, I will definitely bring Er Lai into the good young people with five beauties and four loves, let's go, go to the village committee to sign the contract!"

He Changzai reached out and patted Wang Fugui on the shoulder, and smiled lightly.

"Chang Zai, amazing, you can handle this old trouble, it's amazing!"

Wang Fugui gave He Changzai a thumbs up, smiling all over his face, and spoke sincerely.

Immediately, a group of three people left the door of Wang Erlai's house, got into the car and rushed to the village committee.

(End of this chapter)

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