the first villain

Chapter 327 Wan Donglong Enters Jiangnan

Chapter 327 One Hundred Thousand Winter Dragons Enter Jiangnan

A group of people began to discuss the next layout.

Jiang Nanwei stood still, while Jun Tianlin immediately began to mobilize manpower.

At this time, Northwest Captain Chu Menxuan scolded his mother righteously.

"Zhuang Mu is so fucking crazy! He even sent all his subordinates to Jiangnan! Damn, isn't he afraid that the Central Plains people will kill him directly? Prepare the plane, I'm going to Jiangcheng to find Zhuang Mu!" Chu Menxuan said angrily.

Zhuang Mu's actions are really too big. If something happens in the country, Chu Menxuan really can't handle it.

Zhuang Mu dared to mobilize people to go to the south of the Yangtze River like crazy, but Chu Menxuan didn't have the courage.

After arriving in Jiangcheng, Chu Menxuan first went to find Zhuang Mu, but Zhuang Mu didn't see him behind closed doors, so Chu Menxuan went to Wei's Mansion after healed up.

Li Xiao and the group had been discussing in the Wei Mansion for a whole day, and they were about to find Chu Menxuan, but at this moment Chu Menxuan came by himself.

"Mr. Chu, you need to open a green channel. We have a very large number of people who want to enter the country." Ye Linqin said to Chu Menxuan.

Chu Menxuan seemed to understand something, and asked in a low voice, "You don't really want to fight Zhuang Mu, do you?"

"We can only take precautions. If Zhuang Mu doesn't do it, we won't do it either. If he wants to do it, we can't wait to die." Zong Shao said.

"Are you going to let people from the Dragon God Temple in? This..." Chu Menxuan turned pale with shock.

What's wrong with this world?
Jiang Nanwei's people actually want to "collude" with the third largest organization outside the country, Dragon Temple and Zhuang Mu?
Zhuang Mu must be crazy, and Jiangnan Wei's Ye Linqin and Zong Shao, are they also crazy?

There is a big fight in the hinterland of Xia Kingdom, and the news must not be hidden.

At that time, Jiang Nanwei and others will be accused of colluding with the Dragon Temple. As long as they do something, Jiang Nanwei will lose his head from top to bottom, but anyone who wears a hat.

However, Chu Menxuan seemed to have no other choice.

Chu Menxuan's only lifeline now is that he secretly helped Jun Tianlin before.

And now that Jiang Nanwei wants to be on the same side as Jun Tianlin, and he needs to make a move, can he not make a move?

And that son-of-a-bitch Zhuang Mu, he really has wolf ambitions!Let him come to Jiangcheng to find Wei Yan and protect his daughter, what did he do?
So now Chu Menxuan has no choice but to let people enter the country.

In the middle of the night, Li Xiaojun Tianlin and Wei Yan sat in Li Xiao's villa to discuss this matter.

"What? You want me to bring people into the country to fight against Zhuang Mu? Then I'm courting death? Absolutely not. I don't say anything else, it's okay to be Zhuang Mu. But you let me have no reservations." In the dry wind period, that is absolutely not possible!"

Wei Yan knew the seriousness of the matter, if he summoned all his subordinates to enter the country, it would be better if he won.

If he loses, the not-so-rich family fortune his father left him will be squandered.

And Wei Yan also felt that things were getting more and more outrageous.

"You don't want to fight against Zhuang Mu, Zhuang Mu will definitely fight against you. One hundred thousand winter dragons entered the south of the Yangtze River, and killing you is a higher priority than mine." Li Xiao said.

Wei Yan frowned tightly, unable to make a decision.

Li Xiao continued: "Zhuang Mu came to Jiangcheng for two purposes, the first is to kill you, and the second is to protect Chu Ziqi. Killing you is equivalent to protecting Chu Ziqi. Zhuang Mu asked me to surpass others, But I didn't give it. If I give Chu Ziqi to Zhuang Mu, can you still get someone?"

Jun Tianlin said: "You don't need to appear in the front, I'm in the front. If we can handle Zhuang Mu, you can't show up if you don't."

"If you don't want to cooperate with us, I will quickly hide Chu Ziqi. At that time, you will definitely not find anyone, and our cooperation will come to an end." Li Xiao continued.

Wei Yan gritted his teeth.

The water is really getting muddy!
"Okay, I'll cooperate with you. If you can't deal with Zhuang Mu head-on, I won't show up either." After Wei Yan finished speaking, he got up and left Qingfeng Xiaoyuan.

Li Xiao and Jun Tianlin sat on the balcony, looking at the peaceful night sky.

"Feng Ziqi hasn't been found yet?" Li Xiao asked.

"How can it be so fast? This time he hid very deeply, he has never even seen Zhuang Mouse before." Jun Tianlin replied.

"Hey, I'm afraid that if we fight so hard, Feng Ziqi will come out to make a profit." Li Xiao said with a sigh.

"Don't worry, I will assign some people to watch Feng Ziqi. Besides, Wei Yan is actually a little cautious. If Feng Ziqi shows up at that time, he will definitely take the initiative to attack." Jun Tian Lin said.

Li Xiao nodded and said, "How long will it take for people to get together?"

"It will definitely be in place sooner than Zhuang Mu's people. It will take less than a week for all the people to arrive. I hope that we can settle the grievances with Zhuang Mu outside the western suburbs. Otherwise, this matter will cause too much disturbance, and we all I can't eat enough to walk around." Jun Tianlin said softly.

As long as someone shows his feet, everyone related to Jun Tianlin will lose their heads!
This is equivalent to Ye Linqin and the others are tied to the same rope with Li Xiao.

In Zhuang Mu's stronghold, a group of people stood in front of Zhuang Mu with incomparable dignity, and Zhuang Mu looked at the situation map seriously.

"Can't the last batch of people be transferred over quickly? Why are they so slow?" Zhuang Mu asked.

"Some people are on a mission, so it will take five days at the earliest before all the people can arrive. Boss, we really..." Long Fei still felt that it was really inappropriate to do so.

However, Long Yan turned Long Fei back: "What nonsense are you talking about? Boss is not afraid of you. What are you afraid of? If it weren't for Boss, our entire group would have died so many times. Whatever Boss told us to do, we can do whatever we want." It's over."

"What we have to do, we just have to have a clear conscience. Keeping Jun Tianlin and the others, the hidden danger is really too great. In my Zhuang Mu's eyes, there has never been any upper class in the Central Plains. When I do things, I just want to be worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth."

"Whether it is merit or demerit, why not leave it to future generations to comment? But I will also give you a chance, if you want to withdraw from Donglong, leave your certificates and guns behind."

Zhuang Mu said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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