Chapter 336
So in the end, Li Xiao, Zhuang Mu and Feng Ziqi fought in dire straits, Zhuang Mu really became a cripple, and Feng Ziqi lost his life. As a result, Li Xiao didn't get any benefits, and Wei Yan took all the benefits.

Moreover, Wei Yan also raised a level by the way, which means that he is even more difficult to deal with.

But that's good too, Li Xiao finally doesn't need three threads to run now, it's enough to deal with Wei Yan wholeheartedly.

The eighth-level Zhuang Mu is actually quite difficult for Li Xiao to deal with.Now that the eighth-level protagonist is replaced by Wei Yan who has just absorbed the halos of two people one after another, will it be more difficult to deal with?
At this time, Li Xiao finally came in front of Wei Yan, and Li Xiao saw Feng Ziqi's head and Wei Yan's bloody right hand.

Since the aura of the boss in Feng Ziqi has all disappeared, then he should be dead.

It's just a pity that Li Xiao couldn't kill Feng Ziqi with his own hands after putting in so much energy.

"Feng Ziqi has been killed, and I only want Chu Ziqi now. As I promised before, I will definitely send you back, not a single hair will be missing."

"In order to avoid any gap between you and your little girlfriend, you don't have to hand it over to me, I just go and get him. When I get it done, I will arrange a heroic rescue for you."

"God knows this matter, you know it, I know it, and it will definitely not cause any trouble to your life in the future. After I kill Chu Menxuan, I will not stay in Xia Kingdom, I will go away."

Wei Yan said softly.

Level [-] vs. Level [-] is still one level lower.

However, Li Xiao only needs to get the protagonist halo of 10 from Wei Yan first, and then he can be promoted to the same level as Wei Yan.

The ten percent halo of the protagonist should not be difficult to obtain, right?

However, you still have to be careful.

"I, Li Xiao, are famous for keeping my word. Since I promised you that I will hand over Chu Ziqi to you after Feng Ziqi's death, then I will hand him over to you." Li Xiao said.

"So what do you do? Did you send the person to me, or did I go get him?" Wei Yan asked.

"I, Li Xiao, have always been the most concerned about face, so I definitely can't be a villain in front of beautiful women. I will let the defense line be withdrawn, and you can go to Qingfeng Xiaoyuan to get Chu Ziqi yourself." Li Xiao said.

Wei Yan nodded, looked at Feng Ziqi's dead head at his feet, and said, "Here's the head for you."

After speaking, Wei Yan's figure flashed and disappeared.

Li Xiao looked at Feng Ziqi's head, then lifted his head up, looking at the pair of lifeless eyes.

"Feng Ziqi, Feng Ziqi, you said that you made such a big commotion because you originally wanted Zhuang Mu and I to fight each other, so that you can reap the benefits."

"Just look at it now, did you get any benefit? Although Zhuang Mu is finished, he is still alive anyway. And you, even your life is gone."

"What do you think you are planning? Boss is not so easy to be..."

Li Xiao said to Feng Ziqi's eyes, if ordinary people saw this scene, they would be so frightened that they would faint on the spot.

Li Xiao suddenly thought of another point, that is, Feng Ziqi, the boss, became the target of his villain, Zhuang Mu and Wei Yan, the two protagonists.

So the priority of the boss seems to be higher than that of the villain.

Well, Feng Ziqi is completely cold now, and it is definitely impossible for Li Xiao to hand over Chu Ziqi to Wei Yan, so Wei Yan should also tear himself apart with Li Xiao.

Then Li Xiao murmured, "It's not easy to be a villain. You have to beware of the boss, and you have to deal with the protagonist. Maybe some weird characters will appear in the future..."

For Li Xiao now, the most urgent task is to upgrade to level eight and become a villain at level eight.

Since he is a villain, he must look like a villain now.

In fact, in the recent period, Li Xiao felt quite aggrieved, and it was too difficult to get a bit of the protagonist's halo.

Li Xiao actually guessed that the appearance of the two protagonists at the same time reduced the presence of the big villain.

To a certain extent, Li Xiao would like to thank Feng Ziqi first, for this wave of Feng Ziqi helped him take away most of the hatred.

If Feng Ziqi didn't jump like this, then Wei Yan and Zhuang Mu's primary target would be Li Xiao.

Because the people they both want are in Li Xiao's hands.

Li Xiao raised his hand to hold down the headset, and said, "Wei Yan's men fought against the Northwest Captain's men at the mouth of Shahe River. Bring people over, and the regiment wiped them out."

This sentence only reached Jun Tianlin's ears, and the others did not hear it.

It's not that Li Xiao doesn't trust Zong Shao, Jun Tianlin may be more comfortable dealing with his colleagues.

And now Wei Yan was transferred by Li Xiao to leave the mountain and go to Qingfeng Xiaoyuan, so all the shadow guards had to be killed before Wei Yan rushed back to support him.

No one can be left alive!

In fact, Li Xiao also felt that he had no bottom line enough, but he was still a little soft-hearted.

After today's blood flowed into rivers, Li Xiao felt that he should be more cruel.

The commotion created by Fengziqi was too great, Li Xiao didn't want Wei Yan to become the next Fengziqi, causing blood to flow like a river in Jiangcheng again.

So those hundreds of shadow guards must die.

On the Weishan Reservoir side, Jun Tianlin did not count the remaining survivors, but directly took more than 200 people to the mouth of Shahe River to support Chu Menxuan.

At this time, Chu Menxuan's subordinates were fighting very hard, showing signs of defeat.

When Chu Menxuan was about to escape from Shahekou, Jun Tianlin arrived with his people.

A group of people remained silent and entered the battlefield.

Li Xiao returned to Qingfeng Xiaoyuan alone.

At this time, Wei Yan had already entered Qingfeng Xiaoyuan, and news kept coming from his headset.

"Boss, the big thing is not good, the other party has come for reinforcements, it seems to be someone from the Dragon Temple!"

"Boss, we've been surrounded, we can't stand it anymore!"

"It's Jun Tianlin, I've found him! Boss, please help!"


"You try to break through!"

Looking at the villa in front of him, Wei Yan was full of anger.

Jun Tianlin suddenly launched an attack on his people, which was obviously ordered by Li Xiao, and Li Xiao backtracked.

At this time, Wei Yan had already entered Qingfeng Xiaoyuan, so he decided to get Chu Ziqi first.

As long as Chu Ziqi is caught, he can use Chu Ziqi as a threat to make Jun Tianlin stop, and at the same time let Chu Menxuan come to die.

"Take people away!" Wei Yan waved his hand, and the twelve shadow guards were about to enter the villa.

(End of this chapter)

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