the first villain

Chapter 338 Your So-Called Evil

Chapter 338 Your So-Called Evil
Winter Dragon suffered a total of 1 casualties, while only more than [-] people remained in the Dragon Temple.

This battlefield, which lasted for more than 30 hours, was a living Shura field.

More than 10 people fought bloody battles in this long and narrow valley, and stopped inexplicably after both sides were seriously injured.

Moreover, the two sides were facing each other not long ago, and now they can sit face to face and wait for the result of the cleanup.

Although Jun Tianlin and Zhuang Mu's subordinates hardly knew why the fighting stopped.

But everyone knows that this is actually a lose-lose battle.No one is the winner of this battle, not Zhuang Mu, nor Jun Tianlin.

Although Zhuang Mu still has 4 people left, he is dying, and he will bear the consequences of this great battle.

Although Jun Tianlin was not injured in this battle, his subordinates were also completely disabled.

The Dragon Temple, which was originally based on the number of people, may not rank among the top ten of the Assassin Organization in the future.

Seeing the scene of blood flowing into rivers, Li Xiao would be lying if he said that he didn't feel sad.

This is the entire family property of Jun Tianlin, and it is also Li Xiao's family property.

Now that almost all of the family property has been wiped out, how can I not feel heartbroken?
Li Xiaojun Tianlin and Zong Shao sat together, discussing the aftermath.

The matter is so big that it must not be concealed.Therefore, this matter will definitely be stabbed up.

Li Xiao could see not far away, sitting against a tree, Zhuang Mu who had regained a little color.At this time, Zhuang Mu's expression was dull, and he didn't seem to know how to deal with this matter.

It's just that after the incident was brought up, Zhuang Mu's consequences were to be beheaded.

"Zhuang Mu is indeed a talent. If he doesn't stop, we will lose." Zong Shao said.

"Actually, Zhuang Mu was controlled by someone. Brother Zong is not an ordinary person. When I say controlled, his body is taken away." Li Xiao said.

Zong Shao was originally a master, although not as good as Zhuang Mu, but he was still a master of outsiders.

Regarding people in martial arts, there are many mysterious and mysterious means, Zong Shao may not have seen it, but he may not have heard of it.

"Who?" Zhuang Mu asked.

"Feng Ziqi, but Feng Ziqi reaped the consequences, he is completely dead now." Li Xiao said.

"When you say that, I really don't want Zhuang Mu to die like this." Zong Shao said.

Zong Shao and Zhuang Mu have been rivals for more than ten years, but they still feel a little sympathetic to each other.

If Zhuang Mu wanted to fight Zong Shao one-on-one, it would be an exaggeration for him to say that he could beat ten Zong Shao, but it would not be a problem to beat five Zong Shao.

However, Zhuang Mu didn't think that Zong Shao was a waste just because Zong Shao couldn't do it alone.

In Zhuang Mu's mind, Zong Shao and him are on the same level.

vice versa.

Although Zong Shao felt that what Li Xiao said was a bit mysterious, he was willing to believe what Li Xiao said.

Li Xiao trusted him, Jun Tianlin was able to hand over all his subordinates to Zong Shao, but Zong Shao did not hand in a satisfactory answer.

Zong Shao even felt a little guilty.

It's just that things have come to this point, no one will be sentimental, and no one will regret it.

Whether it's Li Xiao, Jun Tianlin, or even Zhuang Mu who caused a catastrophe, there is no such word as regret in the dictionary.

Li Xiao thought for a long time, and said: "Actually, I have a way. Since I can let brother-in-law and your remaining subordinates live a peaceful life from now on, I can also keep Zhuang Mu from dying. But, brother-in-law, your Dragon Temple is really cease to exist."

"En?" Jun Tianlin immediately looked at Li Xiao.

Jun Tianlin was actually very sorry that so many people had died.If he could die for so many brothers, he would never hesitate.

And the current Jun Tianlin also knows that the days of peace are precious, and he cannot wish for them.

If the remaining brothers can live in peace from now on, so what if his Dragon Temple no longer exists?

"I'll take care of my remaining 1 brothers first, thank you." Jun Tianlin said solemnly, clasping his fists towards Li Xiao.

"Whether it can be done or not depends on whether Zhuang Mu is a stickler."

Then, Li Xiao walked towards Zhuang Mu and sat cross-legged in front of Zhuang Mu.

Li Xiao raised his chin towards Zhuang Mu, and asked, "Have you thought about how to deal with the aftermath?"

Zhuang Mu frowned and did not answer Li Xiao's question.How could he know what to do next after sitting there for so long, barely saying a word?
Such a big mess, so many people died, so many brothers, but it is quite unfair to say that they died.

Zhuang Mu has been in the army for more than ten years and has never regretted it.But this time, he was full of guilt.

If he didn't underestimate the enemy, if he could reach an agreement with Jiang Nanwei, how could such a thing happen?
What a waste of life!
"Since you haven't thought about it, I'll give you a way out." Li Xiao said.

Hearing Li Xiao's words, Zhuang Mu immediately raised his head.

"You can report to the higher-ups that the Dragon Temple has been destroyed by you. But you must not say that Jun Tianlin is not dead, and you can't control the way of nearly 2 people left in the Dragon Temple." Li Xiao said.

"Falsely reporting the battle situation is a death penalty." Zhuang Mu said weakly.

"Then you should report the truth. It doesn't matter that Chu Menxuan was implicated by you. At worst, the remaining nearly [-] brothers of yours will follow you to be judged. Anyway, as long as you are beheaded, you won't be held responsible."

"When the time comes, you will be blamed, all your brothers will be blamed, Chu Menxuan will be blamed, Jiangnan Lieutenant Ye Linqin and Zong Shao will also be implicated by you, and they will not escape the crime of beheading."

"Of course, I will die too. If they are all dead, your so-called crimes will no longer exist. Are you happy to see this kind of scene?"

Li Xiao said.

(End of this chapter)

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