the first villain

Chapter 340 Trial Result

Chapter 340 Trial Result
Hearing Jun Tianlin say that Feng Ziqi was dead, Zhuang Mu felt a little relieved.

That grandmaster that even he couldn't see through, that frenzied Feng Ziqi, deserved to die.

If Feng Ziqi hadn't died, so many people would have died in vain.

But so what if Feng Ziqi died?Didn't he pull so many people to be buried with him?
"Old Scorpion, you know, he is more powerful than me by more than 01:30. His son must also be the best. If you accept your fate now, it's fine." Jun Tianlin continued.

"Jun Tianlin, I will take the place of all the Donglong team members, and thank you here. I, Zhuang Mu, owe you a huge favor. If you ever want my life, just take it. I, Zhuang Mu, will never give up. Nothing else." Zhuang Mu said.

Jun Tianlin got up, nodded, and then turned around.

"I hope my efforts are not in vain. Xia Guo may not need me, Jun Tianlin, but I will definitely need you, Zhuang Mu."

After finishing speaking, Jun Tianlin nodded towards Li Xiao, then turned and left.

After Li Xiao greeted Chu Menxuan, he also left with Jun Tianlin.

A group of people came to Jiangnan Wei one after another, and met with Ye Linqin in the small conference room.

The situation of the battle has been reported, and now everyone is waiting for the verdict from the Central Plains.

At this time, everyone was very nervous.

According to the reported battle situation, Zhuang Mu led Donglong and wiped out the Dragon Temple.

As for why the people from the Dragon Temple appeared in Jiangnan Road, the reason for the report was that Jun Tianlin "died" in Jiangcheng before, and the Dragon Temple secretly assembled to attack Jiangnan Wei and avenge Jun Tianlin.

And Zhuang Mu has grasped the movements of the Dragon Temple, so he secretly went to the south of the Yangtze River with 6 winter dragons, and fought a decisive battle with the [-] people of the Dragon Temple in the northwest suburb of Jiangcheng.

At this time, Jiang Nanwei was not involved, so Jiang Nanwei did not participate in this battle.

Although the news was reported in this way, no one can be sure how the Central Plains will make a decision.

If Zhuang Mu was too conceited and abrupt, and such a major action was not reported, it is not impossible for Zhuang Mu to apologize with death.

As for Zhuang Mu, he had always been prepared to die.If he could use his own life to exchange so many lives, it would be no loss.

Without Donglong, Zhuang Mu would no longer be the Dragon King.And without Zhuang Mu, Donglong can launch the next Dragon King.

The number Donglong cannot be lost no matter what.

So when reporting the news, Zhuang Mu put all the responsibility on one person, and of course he had no other choice.

However, the Dragon God Temple came to Jiangnan Road with great fanfare, but none of the Jiangnan Captains noticed the other party's movements, so Ye Linqin could be charged with dereliction of duty.

A group of people waited until late at night, and then waited for the judgment result from the Central Plains.

Zhuang Mu was eager for quick success, advocated without authorization, and took such a large-scale action without reporting it in advance, resulting in the death of tens of thousands of elites in Donglong, a capital crime.

However, there was a reason for Zhuang Mu's incident, and it was a great achievement to destroy the Dragon Temple in one fell swoop.

Zhuang Mu's demerits outweigh his merits, capital crimes can be avoided, living crimes cannot escape, cut off all positions on Zhuang Mu, deprive Zhuang Mu of all titles and merits, and demote Zhuang Mu to the third class of Donglong.

Zhuang Mu should reflect on his mistakes. If he still wants to continue serving in the army, he should start from the bottom.

Then came Chu Menxuan's decision.

Chu Menxuan, as the commander-in-chief of Northwest Lieutenant, Zhuang Mu took such a large-scale action without knowing the situation in advance, which can be regarded as dereliction of duty.

Chu Menxuan was demoted to three levels, and he was punished with a serious demerit. It is hoped that Chu Menxuan will supervise Donglong in the future.If this happened to the Northwest Captain again, Chu Menxuan would be deprived of all his powers.

Then there is the judgment report from Jiangnan Lieutenant Ye Linqin.

Ye Linqin was not relegated, but gave Ye Linqin a support that was not timely, which indirectly caused Donglong a huge loss.

In fact, this crime is not a small one, but the Central Plains only gave Ye Linqin a demerit penalty, saying that there will be another time, and he will definitely be punished severely.

Zong Shao was not implicated in this matter.

As for why the Central Plains did not punish Yelinqin, why did not demote Yelinqin's position, it is actually very easy to understand.

The entire Jiangnan Captain, before Ye Linqin came, could be said to have no sense of existence, and was a very weak existence among several captains' residences.

It wasn't until Ye Linqin took office in the past few years that Captain Jiangnan had a voice.If Ye Linqin's position is demoted, Ye Linqin's temper would really dare to go to the Central Plains to scold leaders higher than him.

Moreover, people in the Central Plains want to mention Yelinqin before his term expires.

So the current Yelinqin cannot be downgraded.

As for Chu Menxuan, even if he was demoted, he would be placed in the Northwest Captain, so Chu Menxuan had the final say in the Northwest Captain.

However, Chu Menxuan may not be able to go to the central plains center in this life.

Fortunately, Zhongyuan's ruling did not affect the current layout of the Northwest Captain.

"Ye Linqin, dog day, you are really the son of the Central Plains." Chu Menxuan said angrily.

"You owe me Jiang Nanwei a huge favor, how dare you scold me?" Ye Linqin said coldly.

The relationship between Chu Menxuan and Ye Linqin is actually better than that between Zhuang Mu and Zong Shao.But these two fell in love with each other.

Both Zong Shao and Zhuang Mu will admit that the other is better than themselves.

And these two people will never admit that the other party is stronger than themselves.

Chu Menxuan snorted coldly, did not continue talking to Ye Linqin, and said to Jun Tianlin: "I, Chu Menxuan, owe you a huge favor."

Jun Tianlin immediately pointed to Li Xiao, and said, "This favor should belong to my brother-in-law, not mine."

Chu Menxuan glared at Li Xiao angrily, this treacherous and cunning boy actually made him very uncomfortable.

But Jun Tianlin spoke, Chu Menxuan could only thank Li Xiao.

Li Xiao also heaved a long sigh of relief after hearing the result.

(End of this chapter)

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