the first villain

Chapter 362 Tsk tsk tsk... 1

Chapter 362 Tsk tsk tsk... 1
Li Xiao looked down at the position of his heart, and his fingers were stained with blood.

If it was in the past, a little pain was enough to make Li Xiao fly into a rage, and this level of injury was enough to make Li Xiao cry for his father and mother.

But I don't know since when, Li Xiao seems not to be afraid of pain, at least this level of pain is hard to make Li Xiao frown.

"The owner of the Jing Mi Pavilion is nothing more than that." Li Xiao imitated Wen Su's tone and said with extreme disdain.

When Li Xiao said it, he seemed much more vulnerable than Wen Su.

Wen Su couldn't break free from the shackles, the surprise in her eyes was even worse, as if she had thought of something.

There are not many people in this world who can create such an exquisite mechanism. It is not an ordinary mechanism trap that can easily trap Wen Su without seeing the root cause.

Wen Su still felt that Li Xiao should not dare to go too far, and she did not regard Li Xiao as a threat at this time, but was very interested in the builder of the basement.

"The handwriting is not small. To be able to create such an exquisite and mysterious mechanism, one must be at least at the level of a famous craftsman. Tell me, which big guy did you invite to come out of the mountain to make this?" Wen Su asked. .

"When is it, and you still have a relationship? Who built this mechanism? But since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you mercifully, that person named this set of shackles the shackles of hell." Li Xiao said .

Li Xiao clearly answered the wrong question, and of course he was not interested in telling Wen Su who made it. What if Wen Su finds trouble with others in the future?

In the past, Li Xiao regarded that person as a fool, but now he regards him as a benefactor.Li Xiao would never do such a thing as betraying a benefactor.

Wen Su didn't think about these things, and now she looked at Li Xiao with admiration.

The people who can build this level of institutions are definitely those who are not motivated by money.

And this Li Xiao, in Wen Su's eyes, is a vulgar and dandy atmosphere.It is really not easy to invite one of those few experts.

Even for the construction of Tranquility Pavilion, Wen Su did not invite a master-level figure.

Li Xiao stretched out a finger and pointed at Wen Su's body.

Seeing Li Xiao's action, Wen Su was shocked: "What do you want?"

"I'll give you a chance and promise to be my woman, and I'll let you go. Otherwise, I'll come and force you. Your subordinate is completely convinced by me now, and he can't leave me at all." Li Xiao's fingers eased Walk slowly.

"Bullshit!" Hearing this, Wen Xuan howled at the top of his lungs.

"You at least take back your hand, otherwise..."

Otherwise, after finishing speaking, Li Xiao's smile gradually became crazy, and he stood in front of him without any scruples.

Then, the whole palm became restless at all.

Then, it was natural to use both hands.

Li Xiao was almost leaning against Wen Su, just like he did with Wen Xuan before, his hands were not outside, but inside!
Courage is really big!

If Ye Linqin and the others saw Li Xiao's actions at this time, Ye Linqin and the others' jaws would definitely drop!

It's fine for you to bully other people's subordinates, but you dare to touch Wen Su!

In the entire Xia Kingdom, there are not many people who really dare to be dishonest to Wen Su, but almost none!

And Li Xiao was the first person to touch Wen Su!
"What the hell! So the view inside is better!" Li Xiao leaned on Wen Su and whispered in Wen Su's ear.

What surprised Li Xiao was that Wen Su was similar to Wen Xuan, with a stiff body.

This woman who doesn't eat fireworks at all is not the same person as that Wenxuan.

Of course, Li Xiao is not an ordinary person.

It's not that Li Xiao doesn't have this idea that Wen Su is really going to run.However, it is really not possible to force it now.

Wen Su was speechless at this time, and her breathing was abnormally short, probably she was thinking that Li Xiao must be tendered to death.

"Hey, no one told you, are you in good shape?" Li Xiao asked softly.

Wen Su still didn't answer.

After about ten minutes, Li Xiao finally took his hand back.

Li Xiao took a few steps back, and looked up and down this woman who was as tall as him.

Wen Su's face turned red, and she glared at Li Xiao, as if she was gathering strength.

It's just that this mysterious mechanism is really not an ordinary mechanism. Wen Su not only couldn't break free, but even the movement of the air mechanism was slowed down by many times.

Otherwise, she would have taken advantage of Li Xiao's closeness to her, and directly released her anger, knocking Li Xiao into the air.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Li Xiao slammed his mouth, then raised his hand, waved his fingers in the air, and Wen Su was lifted in the air, forming a big character, slowly parallel, with his feet facing Li Xiao.

"Fuck? Heisi..."

(End of this chapter)

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