the first villain

Chapter 402 This Is Cowardly

Chapter 402 This Is Cowardly
Li Xiao looked at the time, it was already 03:30.

After waiting quietly for half an hour, Jin Hai immediately looked at Li Xiao.

Li Xiao nodded, indicating that he could do it now.

Jin Hai picked up the headset and said, "Do it."

I saw that those tower cranes were hoisted up by the guys, and they moved to the Louwang Villa in Nanfengyuan.

Over the villa, there are hundreds of huge iron lumps hanging.

In the next moment, hundreds of iron lumps fell from the sky almost instantly and smashed into the villa.

In just two or three seconds, there was a violent muffled sound from the center of Nanfeng Garden, as if a powerful bomb had exploded.

The entire Nanfeng Garden, including the surrounding area, shook violently, as if an earthquake had occurred.

All the surrounding vehicles sounded their sirens because of the impact.

The birds and insects perched on the trees suddenly soared into the sky, covering the sky and covering the earth.

One can imagine the power of those iron lumps falling to the center of Nanfengyuan.

The ground shook for about ten seconds before it stopped. In the entire Nanfeng Garden, all the villas inhabited by people were lit up, and they all poked their heads out to see what happened.

In the very center of Nanfeng Garden, there was a cloud of dust sweeping in all directions, like the waves of a tsunami.

The villa that was relatively close to the Louwang villa was instantly covered with a thick layer of dust.

The villas a little farther away also failed to escape the fate of patina.

It was dusty for about ten minutes before it slowly dissipated.

At this time, those people who were closer to Louwang's villa finally knew what happened.

They originally thought that there was a big explosion in Nanfeng Garden.

But now, if you take a closer look, my good fellow, I saw that the Louwang Villa was covered by hundreds of huge square iron lumps.

As for the villa, it was directly collapsed by these iron lumps, and the original appearance of the building could not be seen at all.

Everyone is in shock.

What the hell is going on here?
"Look, there are many tower cranes above!" Someone raised his finger and shouted.

Then someone looked up, and as expected, those tower cranes were still running slowly.

It turned out that so many tower cranes hoisted up the iron lump and smashed it into the Louwang villa in Nanfengyuan together.

It's just that no one knows who is the one who wants to smash Louwang's villa.Or in other words, what kind of person did the owner of that villa offend.

In fact, the old residents of Nanfengyuan have never met the head of Louwang Building, and they don't even know who bought this villa.

And now this scene doesn't look like it's being demolished.

Besides, there is no need to demolish such a good villa.

Thinking about it this way, someone should be taking revenge on the head of the Louwang villa.

At this time, Li Xiao had already entered Nanfeng Garden.

At this time, all the properties of Nanfengyuan have been rushed to the courtyard of Louwang Villa.

Looking forward now, in the entire yard, only the garage on one side and the utility room at the back are complete.

As for the villa, it was covered with a huge layer of iron lumps.

If all the iron lumps were removed, the villa would be sunken by at least two or three meters.

Li Xiao walked to the front of the Louwang Villa, looked at the hundreds of pieces of iron lumps, half of which had fallen into the ground, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Apply for World Heritage, you must apply!" Li Xiao patted his thigh, gritted his teeth in satisfaction and said.

Last time, Jiang Liao razed Li Xiao's villa to the ground with bulldozers and road rollers.

But now Li Xiao is retaliating even more severely, directly smashing the villa in Nanfengyuan out in an instant.

Li Xiao, who likes to use his own way to treat his own body, how can he not be relieved when he sees this scene?
A fool like Jiang Liao would never have thought that Li Xiao's revenge would come so fast, and so swiftly.

If Jiang Liao was in the villa now, wouldn't he have been smashed to the ground by Tie Tuo?Or were all limbs broken?Or did you mean that everyone was smashed to death?

Li Xiao felt like he was going to die.

However, Li Xiao reckoned that such a No. [-] protagonist with double the protagonist's aura is equivalent to having double the protagonist's luck, so he would definitely not be smashed to death so easily.

Otherwise, wouldn't the tenth-level protagonist be too funny?
"No, what's going on here?"

"Nanfengyuan shouldn't be so dangerous, right? What if there are so many iron lumps falling down when we sleep one day, wouldn't we not know how we died?"

"Stop talking, Mr. Wang, I'm scared when you say that."


Everyone's attention was on Louwang's villa, and no one seemed to notice that Li Xiao had already stood in front.

Li Xiao made a sound.

"What are you afraid of? I did this, and they offended me first. Do you have the guts to raze my Qingfeng Garden to the ground?" Li Xiao said.

Someone heard Li Xiao speak, and the voice was quite familiar, especially in the villa of Qingfeng Xiaoyuan.

"Oh, it turned out to be Young Master Li!"

"Young Master Li, why did you come in person? Are you here to watch the excitement?"

"Are you stupid, Mr. Yang, Li Shao just said that he offended Li Shao first, and then Li Shao came to take revenge."

"Li Shao, Li Shao, our company has just reached a cooperation with Shengshi, Li Shao, come to my house for a cup of tea?"


When Li Xiao made such a sound, almost everyone felt relieved.

Of course, everyone wanted to understand what was going on.

The fact that Qingfeng Xiaoyuan was razed to the ground two days ago was well known to everyone in Jiangcheng.

And Li Xiao, who used to be very high-profile on the Internet, this time even his family was bulldozed, but unexpectedly he didn't make a sound.

Everyone thought that Li Xiao was giving up.

Now that Li Xiao appeared in Nanfengyuan, he smashed the Louwang villa in Nanfengyuan into a big pit. Doesn't it mean that the person who bulldozed Qingfeng Xiaoyuan was the head of the Louwang villa?
Then it's normal for Li Xiao, who is known for his revengeful character, to come to settle accounts with others.

So they don't have to worry about any danger to themselves.

After all, no one dared to provoke Li Xiao.

What's more, a good part of the boss's business is linked to Shengshi Group, which is growing stronger and stronger.

There is even a part that directly refers to the boss of Shengshi Group for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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