the first villain

Chapter 406 No one is allowed to move

Chapter 406 No one is allowed to move

Ning Wenxuan didn't like Xia Guo very much all the time, because he was always tied up in everything he did.While competing with others for strength, you also have to compete with others for scheming.

If we were outside the country, in the southeast rainforest, we wouldn't have so many troubles.

Anyone who offends her, Ning Wenxuan, must become a work of art for her.

Jiang Liao didn't know much about it, Ning Wenxuan didn't expect that Li Xiao would do things like Jiang Liao.

Ning Wenxuan even felt that Li Xiao and Jiang Liao were exactly the same, if they mixed together, they should be able to hook up shoulder to shoulder and call each other brothers.

How did this work?

Maybe this is why one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

Jiang Liao's identity information was dug out, and now the people in Jiangcheng know that this person is really a rich dude from the ancient and modern cities of the Central Plains.

The famous little white dragon Jiang Liao in the waves.

Of course, "Little White Dragon in the Waves" is Jiang Liao's own nickname, and his reputation in the Central Plains is not small.

Also, after Ning Wenxuan showed up today, her identity was also dug out.

Now it has been spread on the Internet that the Narcissus walking sideways in the southeast rainforest also appeared in Jiangcheng.

And because Jiang Liao has a huge number of fans in the Central Plains, the current network is so developed.

Jiang Liao and Li Xiao broke each other's stories about each other's lair, which triggered a cross-regional war between Jiangnan and Central Plains netizens.

After Li Xiao learned of the situation, he immediately issued a scarf, telling us people in Jiangnan not to be as knowledgeable as others.

But it didn't work, and the Internet was still full of scolding.

In fact, this kind of scolding battle can't hurt Li Xiao and Jiang Liao one iota, so Li Xiao doesn't bother to care about it.

Now Li Xiao made preparations to deal with Ning Wenxuan first-hand, that is, went to the herb market and bought some highly poisonous herbs at a high price.

Ning Wenxuan played drugs, and she certainly never thought that Li Xiao would also play drugs.

As for preparing these things, be prepared.

In case Ning Wenxuan suddenly came out to poison herself, Li Xiao could deal with it calmly.

And the herbs Li Xiao prepared will come in handy soon.

When Ning Wenxuan left from the southeast rainforest, she was in a hurry, and she didn't bring too many things with her.

Ning Wenxuan also went to another medicinal material market, also bought a batch of highly poisonous herbs, and then prepared them into poison.

Li Xiao was prepared for the poison, but Ning Wenxuan was really determined to find a chance to attack Li Xiao.

Nearly five o'clock in the afternoon, Ning Wenxuan came to the duplex building in the city center.

"That guy named Li Xiao smashed Jiang Liao's villa into a big hole. Jiang Liao's embarrassing thing was actually stuck under a lump of iron all night." Ning Wenxuan sat down and said.

"I know." Wen Su said.

The Internet is in full swing, so Wen Su can easily know what's going on outside.

"Aren't you going to help Jiang Liao?" Ning Wenxuan asked.

"That kid wants us to take action whenever something happens, when will he be able to take charge of it alone?" Wen Su asked rhetorically.

"It makes sense for you to say that, but if none of us as his mistresses help him, who can help him? Besides, it's all about dealing with a Jiangnan dude." Ning Wenxuan said.

For Ning Wenxuan, it would be much easier to deal with Li Xiao instead of Weifu.

Wen Su shook her head helplessly, Ning Wenxuan was still young, so naturally she was prone to passion.

"What do you want to eat?" Wen Su asked.

"Braised fish, and small tofu." Ning Wenxuan said.

"Okay, I'll do it for you." Wen Su said.

Just when Wen Su was about to get up, both of them heard the sound of the door opening.

Ning Wenxuan immediately became curious, she remembered that there were men's slippers in the room.

Could it be that Wen Su's partner is back?
The person who came was not Li Xiao, who else could it be?

Li Xiao had nowhere to go, and he didn't want to go back to his father.Now Wen Su is in this house, so Li Xiao came naturally.

After Li Xiao changed into his slippers and entered the entrance, he was startled when he saw Ning Wenxuan sitting in the living room.

Ning Wenxuan was also taken aback at the same time.

How did this kid get here?

Then Ning Wenxuan looked at Wen Su again. Could it be that Senior Sister Su has taken a fancy to this dandy from Jiangnan Road?
Although this Li Xiao is indeed good-looking and tall enough for Wen Su, but Wen Su has never been a woman who judges people by their appearance?

Wen Su was not surprised, and she didn't feel that she couldn't face anyone, she just shook her head helplessly.

"Is this your house?" Ning Wenxuan asked Li Xiao.

"Yeah, didn't Susu tell you?" Li Xiao asked back.

Upon hearing Li Xiao's address to Wen Su, Ning Wenxuan was inexplicably angry.

"So intimate? Who do you think you are?" Ning Wenxuan questioned.

"What? It's not Susu, but Wenwen? It's fine." Li Xiao said.

"Disgusting." Ning Wenxuan made a motion of vomiting.

At this time, Ning Wenxuan made a small movement, her fingers moved slightly.

But Wen Su immediately stood in front of Ning Wenxuan, and said in a deep voice: "No one can do anything at home, do you understand?"

Wen Su asked Ning Wenxuan the question.

In fact, Ning Wenxuan wanted Li Xiao to have a taste of her power.

It's not easy to do it in public, but now it's in private, and there is no one else.

Ning Wenxuan still nodded.

Then Wen Su asked Li Xiao, "Do you understand?"

"Understood." Li Xiao replied.

"I'll cook. If you two want to fight, go out and fight. If you want to eat, just sit quietly." After speaking, Wen Su went to the kitchen.

Li Xiao didn't expect that Wen Su's whole body was full of otherworldly temperament, and he could cook.

After Wen Su left, Li Xiao sat down opposite Ning Wenxuan, and the two stared at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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