the first villain

Chapter 408 Talking about cross talk

Chapter 408 Talking about cross talk

At this time, it was Wen Su's turn to be worried.

Looking at Ning Wenxuan's posture, it might be difficult for Wen Su to get Ning Wenxuan to hand over the antidote.

So what happened to Li Xiao today?Is it that brainless?You know the food is poisonous, but you still want to eat it?

Isn't this asking for trouble?

Less than 2 minutes later, Li Xiao finally had a reaction. He felt the qi and blood in his body chaotically, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Li Xiao had suffered various degrees of internal injuries before, so to Li Xiao, such a little pain was almost like scratching an itch.

"You have a nosebleed." Wen Su reminded.

Li Xiao immediately picked up a napkin and wiped it, and said it was all right.

"Jie Jie~" Li Xiao suddenly let out an ugly laugh.

After stopping the laughter, Li Xiao moved his chopsticks and let out two more weird "Jie Jie" laughter.

As long as Li Xiao moves a little, the blood in the body will flow faster, and then Li Xiao can't help but let out a strange laugh.

Then, the corner of Li Xiao's mouth was also covered with blood, coupled with Li Xiao's smile, it looked even weirder.

Ning Wenxuan lowered her head, raised her gaze, and stared at Li Xiao.

"Kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe I can hand over the last antidote." Ning Wenxuan said.

"Didn't you say that there is no antidote? Sure enough, a woman's mouth is a deceiving ghost~hehehe~"

"Do you think it's still useful to be talkative now? I advise you to kneel down and beg for mercy?" Ning Wenxuan said.

"Impossible, thief hahaha!"

Wen Su looked at Li Xiao's expression that didn't look like smiling or crying. She really didn't know what Li Xiao was thinking now.

However, when Wen Su glanced at Ning Wenxuan from the corner of her eye, she was so frightened that she almost jumped up.

Ning Wenxuan's entire face was swollen now, and it was obvious that Ning Wenxuan's original face could no longer be seen.

what 's wrong?
Wen Su stared at Ning Wenxuan carefully, how did she find that Ning Wenxuan's face looked a bit like a pig's face?
And Ning Wenxuan's face is still changing rapidly!

Getting closer and closer to a pig's face!

At this time, Ning Wenxuan was still eating, but she didn't seem to notice any changes in herself.

As far as Ning Wenxuan's eating posture is concerned, it is not much different from a pig eating.

"Senior Sister, why are you staring at me? The food is so delicious, don't you want to eat it?" Ning Wenxuan asked.

Wen Su raised her hand, pointed at Ning Wenxuan in a daze, and said in a low voice, "You, take a look first, look at yourself?"

"What's wrong with me?"

Ning Wenxuan put down the chopsticks, raised her hand to touch her face, then picked up the chopsticks again, muttering "Is there nothing wrong?"

In the next moment, Ning Wenxuan realized something was wrong.

His face seems to be bigger?
Ning Wenxuan quickly put down the bowls and chopsticks, touched her face, and finally picked up a mirror to take a look.

"Ah~~~~~" A scream came out of the room, echoed in the night sky of the community, and it took a long time to dissipate.

This is clearly a pig face!

"What's wrong with me? Sister, what's wrong with me? Why did my face become like this?" Ning Wenxuan was startled.

And now Ning Wenxuan's mouth still has leftovers of food hanging, which looks exactly like a pig.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie~" Li Xiao moved his hands and laughed.

"You think you're the only one who knows how to poison? When you meet me, you've met your nemesis, thief hahaha." Li Xiao laughed again.

Of course, Li Xiao couldn't stop the laughter.

Ning Wenxuan quickly took a peek at her own situation, and there was indeed an inexplicable toxin in her body!

She has been playing with drugs since she was a child, and she can immediately tell that the reason why she has become a pig is completely affected by this toxin.

Ning Wenxuan immediately looked for a way to detoxify, but she had never seen this kind of poison before, how to detoxify it?
If Ning Wenxuan can poison Li Xiao, can't Li Xiao poison Ning Wenxuan in turn?

You Ning Wenxuan has a talent for playing drugs, but I, Li, are different. I don't rely on talent, I rely on cheating.

The poison Li Xiao gave Ning Wenxuan was also not fatal.

But it's much more fun than the poison Ning Wenxuan administered, as can be seen from Ning Wenxuan's current facial changes.

"My poison is called Wei Xing Xing Xing San. Starting today, every 24 hours, your face will undergo earth-shaking changes."

"For example, if you become a pig's head today, you will become a horse's face tomorrow."

"And no matter whether you eat or drink in the future, you will have the same face as the animal you turned into. It's like you are eating like a pig now... er, it's just a pig eating."

"Jie jie jie jie jie..."

After laughing, Li Xiao went on to say, "My poison is the most extraordinary poison in the world. No one can prepare the antidote except myself."

Ning Wenxuan thought that Li Xiao was bluffing her, and if she was given enough time, she felt that she could try out the antidote even if she tried.

But when Li Xiao said that his poison was the most strange poison in the world, Ning Wenxuan was not convinced.

"The poison I gave you is called Hanxiao half-step madness. As long as you move a little, you will immediately let out a strange laugh."

"As long as you don't stop your activities, your laughter will continue. No matter where you go in the future, people will think you are an idiot."

"My half-step insanity with a smile on my face is the strange poison that is unparalleled in the world. What is your strange appearance?"

Ning Wenxuan said in a cold voice.


"Qi Xing Wei Xing San is made from 49 kinds of poisonous insects and weeds, which are boiled for [-] days for seven to seven days. The process is complicated and the technique is so exquisite that it is unparalleled in the world."

"Hee hee hee~"

Li Xiao said in a strange tone.

"My half-step madness with a smile is based on 250 six kinds of extraterrestrial poisons, which can be obtained after ninety-nine and eighty-one days of preparation and one hundred and eight days of purification."

"The purity of the toxin of the smiling half-step madman has exceeded [-]%. As for the techniques and procedures, your strange shapes and scattered, there is no way to compare with my poison."

"My half-step madness with a smile is the necessary medicine for traveling at home, killing people and stealing goods."

Ning Wenxuan said.

"I am in a strange shape..."

Li Xiao started chattering while laughing.

Wen Su listened to the conversation between the two with black lines all over her face.

Both of you have successfully poisoned each other, one laughs and the other becomes a pig's head.

Why are you still interested in asking me verbally here?
Why don't you two talk about cross talk?
This scene is clearly a duel between two poison masters, why does it look like a cross talk scene to Wen Su?
This is definitely the most ridiculous confrontation scene that Wen Su has ever seen.

(End of this chapter)

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