the first villain

Chapter 415 plus 3 million

Chapter 415

At this time, a neat row of bulldozers drove over from the yard, and the buckets were raised high, making it impossible to see what was inside the buckets.

"It was agreed in advance that whoever takes my money will obediently get out of here today." After Li Xiao finished speaking, she pressed her hand down.

A row of large bulldozers slowly turned the bucket upside down.

A large pile of banknotes was neatly scattered from the bucket of the bulldozer, and more than a dozen piles of money were piled up on the square in front of Shengshi Group.

Qu Zhongyuan is a person who has seen money. There must be at least two or three hundred million in such a large pile of cash!
Qu Zhongyuan was in a trance for a moment, remembering that in the past, he also used money to slap some high-level figures in Jiangnan Province in the face.

But he changed his mind, the purpose of coming here today is to take down Li Xiao, as long as Li Xiao is successfully taken down, how much money do you want in the future?

It's only two or three billion, but he used to be a person with hundreds of billions, and it was cash!

"How? Is the money enough? Is it enough for you to make friends with Ben?" Li Xiao raised his chin and shouted loudly.

Qu Zhongyuan used to slap others in the face with money, but now he is slapped in the face with money.

He was very upset, and his face became even more gloomy.

"Do you really think that a mere two or three hundred million can make me back down? Little thief, I was much richer than you back then!" Qu Zhongyuan's face was gloomy, and he waved his hand.

"Give it to me, arrest this kid first!"

However, no one rushed out from behind Qu Zhongyuan.

"Turn around and have a look first." Li Xiao said with a smile.

As soon as Qu Zhongyuan turned his head, he was immediately dumbfounded.

It's not that Qu Zhongyuan's subordinates went madly grabbing the cash in the square, but that almost all of them had weak legs.

3000 people, at least 800 people, all sat on the ground paralyzed.

They were overwhelmed by the piles of cash not far away!
When Qu Zhongyuan saw this, his lungs were about to explode.

History is always surprisingly similar!Back then, when he took the cash to slap someone in the face, they just sat down on the ground just like that.

As for Qu Zhongyuan's weakness, Li Xiao had already firmly grasped Qu Zhongyuan's weakness.

There is indeed someone in Qu Zhongyuan's hands, but besides working on some construction sites, he has no other livelihood.

Qu Zhongyuan is no longer as rich as he used to be. To support three thousand brothers, he needs a lot of real money every day.

But now the construction site is not like before.In the past, those enterprises did not dare to default on Qu Zhongyuan's project payment.

But now the projects are becoming more and more formalized, and many of the contractors who have the right to contract projects are state-owned enterprises.

And some state-owned enterprises are very slow at making money.Moreover, it is impossible for all the project funds for a project to be in place.

Although Qu Zhongyuan also operates some underground casinos, whether it is those small workshop-style casinos or contracted projects, the money is not as fast as before.

He has many brothers, and his prestige on the road is indeed the same as before.

It's just that because of the large number of people, it has formed a trend that can't be lost.

Raise people, spend money!

He has no shortage of people who spend money lavishly. How many years have these men not seen such a large pile of real money?

In today's society, it is impossible to live without money.

Three thousand people, if each of them can get one hundred and eighty thousand, it will be more than what they earn from working hard for a year.

For those with less income, one hundred and eighty thousand can even cover their income for two or three years!
How can I not be moved?

So now most of the three thousand brothers brought by Qu Zhongyuan have become decorations!

Seeing this, a small leader immediately went mad with anger, went up and punched and kicked those subordinates who couldn't move when they saw money.

"Fuck you, why haven't you seen money? Get up for me! If you don't get up again, I will break your leg!"

"Brother Sun, that's so much money! You don't want it! Stop beating me! My daughter is lying in the hospital now, and she still needs 10 yuan for the surgery!"

"My wife is going to give birth soon, and I still owe the hospital [-] yuan for medical expenses. Brother Sun, stop beating me. Please let me go!"

"Brother Sun..."


"Jin Ye, you did a good job." Li Xiao gave Jin Hai a thumbs up.

Li Xiao just asked Jin Hai to think of a more shocking way to appear on the stage, but he didn't expect Jin Hai's move to achieve such a big effect.

Jin Hai chuckled, and said loudly with a loudspeaker: "Brothers, don't worry, today's money, everyone who sees it will have a share, come with me to get the money!"

Jin Hai took a group of people and went to the square to distribute money to Qu Zhongyuan's men.

What was supposed to be a good siege scene was turned into a disaster relief scene by Li Xiao.

There was no need to fight, and the desired effect was achieved. Jin Hai actually let out a long sigh.

If they really wanted to fight, even if his four or five hundred brothers could fight three or four, they would not be able to fight Qu Zhongyuan's 3000 people.

It seems that following Li Xiao really hugged a thick thigh.

And now Li Xiao has taught Jin Hai more and more that money can turn ghosts around!

"Brother Jiutong, what do you say?" Li Xiao asked with a smile.

Qu Zhongyuan was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Then Li Xiao stepped forward, took out a bank card from his pocket, and said with a smile: "Brother Jiutong, it's better to settle the enemy than to tie it up. How about we just let it go?"

"There are 3000 million in the card, take the money away, and take your brothers away later."

With that said, Li Xiao handed the bank card to Qu Zhongyuan.

Not everyone followed Jin Hai to get the money, there were two or three hundred people who were eyeing Li Xiao covetously.

And these people are all Qu Zhongyuan's confidantes.

"3000 million? Treat me as a beggar?" Qu Zhongyuan had a cold face, and he couldn't help it at all.

Back then, it was because of the man named Li Shize from the Li family that Qu Zhongyuan was in a slump until today.

And that man named Li Shize, just to give Li Xiao a sigh of relief, so he mobilized all his contacts and launched a crazy revenge on Qu Zhongyuan.

Qu Zhongyuan has been looking for an opportunity to avenge this revenge.

Then Li Xiao took out another bank card and took a picture of Qu Zhongyuan's face.

"3000 million, plus another [-] million, will you go?" Li Xiao's face became serious.

"Hmph! Do you think I'm a money-seeking person? I think I was sitting on hundreds of billions of cash back then... Little bastard, let's wait and see!"

After finishing speaking, Qu Zhongyuan bent down, picked up the two bank cards on the ground, turned around and left angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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