the first villain

Chapter 826 Genius Woman

Chapter 826 Genius Woman
What a decisive Li Xiao...

However, is this Li Xiao still the Li Xiao in my impression?
Chaoyang doesn't know about this now, but what he can be sure of is that Li Xiao contributed more to this battle than anyone else.

In the territory of Xia Kingdom, there is nowhere in the cloud.

A man and a woman were walking in the middle of the mountains, and the woman as beautiful as a fairy was holding the young man's arm.

"Xiao You, how much do you remember about what happened 12 years ago?" Qing Xuan asked Xu You.

Xu You shook his head, he did have a memory that was a little fuzzy.

Twelve years ago, Xu You was only eight years old, and Qingxuan was 12 years old.

That year was also the year when Xu You and Qingxuan suffered accidents.

Regarding that vague memory, it was not Xu You's own selective amnesia, but was later sealed by Qingxuan.

Qingxuan slowly rotated the air machine, slightly touching the center of Xu You's eyebrows.

Xu You suddenly felt a splitting headache, and then the vague memory gradually became clear.

That year, in order to rescue Xu You from the Qing Clan, Qingxuan risked her life, and did not hesitate to make an enemy of the ancient Qing Clan she was born into.

Qingxuan fought with the Qing people for nearly a night, and finally rescued Xu You from the hands of the Qing people.

And that year the Qingxuan Realm fell into the Hollow Hypocrisy Realm.

Qingxuan is the most talented martial artist in the history of the Qing Clan.

Qingxuan, who only entered the Xiaocheng realm at the age of five, is actually not considered a genius among the children of the ancient clan, and can only be regarded as quite satisfactory.

Qingxuan reached consummation at the age of eight, and only then did she begin to show her talent.

However, the eight-year-old Qingxuan is at best the leader of the younger generation, not a genius that has never appeared in the history of the Qing Clan.There are many members of the Qing clan who entered Xiaoyuan earlier than Qingxuan.

And Qingxuan will be just like hanging out, entering the Dzogchen at the age of nine, becoming a half-step master at the age of ten, becoming a master at the age of 11, and entering Tongxuan at the age of 12.

Qingxuan, who is only 15 years old, has already stepped into the realm of the void!

Not to mention the Qing Clan, there has never been a genius in the entire Ancient Clan who was able to enter the Void Cave at the age of 15.

The talents of the Qing clan see hope in Qingxuan, and they even feel that with Qingxuan's talent, it is not impossible to cross the cave and enter the realm of crossing the catastrophe.

The reason why the ancient clan has always had a special status, apart from the inheritance of the major ancient clans, is naturally inseparable from the fact that every ancient clan has a peak powerhouse in the void state.

It's just that no one knows if there is any ancient clan with a strong background in the tribulation realm currently sitting in the town.

In the mundane world, if one can enter the Tongxuan Realm, one is already a master who can walk sideways.

Where there are experts in the Tongxuan Realm sitting in town, it is either a sect or a powerful family.

There is only Jiang Tong who is a master at the Xuantong Realm in the Chess and Sword Pavilion, but he is able to break away from the control of various departments and become the leader of the top ten mystery cabinets.

The Tiance Mansion has the simplicity of the Profound Realm, so it can stop the downward trend of the Tiance Mansion.

The masters of the Tongxuan realm in the outside world, except Jiang Tong, a master of swordsmanship, are actually very difficult to fight against the masters of the Tongxuan realm of the ancient clan.

Their inheritance is much deeper than that of the powerful families in the outside world.

Back then, Qingxuan and Xu You were originally a child marriage made by two ancient clans.

Qingxuan was not from the direct line of the Qing clan, so no matter how talented and powerful Qingxuan was, he would be suppressed by a series of people at the center of the Qing clan.

And Qingxuan also grew up step by step in this kind of intrigue.

Originally, Qingxuan was quite disdainful of his marriage with Xu You, because Qingxuan wanted to control the power of the Qing clan by himself, and did not want to marry outside.

What's more, Xu You is the descendant of the ancient Chenyun clan, the grandson of the leader of the ancient Chenyun clan of this generation.

But Xu You is a well-known trash, until he was eight years old, Xu You hadn't shown any signs of becoming a small success.

Qingxuan, who has an unprecedented talent, has long been honed by the Qing clan and has become scheming, so how can he fall in love with a waste?
It's just that Xu You had just been born when they got engaged, and almost all the descendants of the Chenyun Ancient Clan were talented and intelligent.

No one could have imagined that such a trash like Xu You would be the only one.

But Xu You, a silly boy, has been naive since he was a child. Apart from his normal IQ, he is almost the same as Jian Fan's predecessor.

Xu You was instilled in the concept by his family since he was a child, and he has regarded Qingxuan as his future wife since he was sensible.

Eight-year-old Xu You, how can he understand love?He often went to Qingxuan, but Qingxuan often told him that they were definitely not suitable, and she Qingxuan didn't like little men.

At that time, Qingxuan was naturally not joking. She wanted to stand up and let her own branch control the power of the Qing clan. How could she marry outside?
Besides, if you marry into the Chenyun ancient clan, your husband is a fool, wouldn't you be ridiculed by people from all the ancient clans?

At that time, Qingxuan's mind had already matured, and she almost never thought about being able to marry in her life.

The turning point of the matter came when Qingxuan closed the door and broke through the void realm.

On that day, Xu You went to the Qing Clan to look for Qing Xuan, and when he learned that Qing Xuan was in the Qing Clan tower, he went to guard outside the door.

The rest of the Qing Clan didn't want to watch Qingxuan break through from Tongxuan Realm to Cave Void Realm at the age of 15, so someone came to break into the door, wanting to take the opportunity to break Qingxuan's closed-door breakthrough.

At that time, Xu You was still a waste, but he knew what retreat meant, so he stood in front of the tower, and was humiliated and suppressed by the three young men of the Qing clan, and he would never give up half a step.

But Xu You was no match for the geniuses of the Qing clan. He was beaten into the tower with the door.

If the three of them want to attack Qingxuan and make her fail to break through the realm, her realm will definitely drop sharply, and it will also affect her future in martial arts.

Xu You was knocked down again and again, but he was able to stand up all the time, and stood firmly in front of Qingxuan.

The three youths of the Qing clan didn't actually take Xu You seriously.At that time, those three people humiliated and suppressed Xu You for a full 10 minutes.

In the end, Xu You was finally beaten out by himself, and when Qingxuan was about to encounter the murderous hands of the direct descendants of the Qing clan, Xu You broke out.

With just one punch, Xu You killed a youth from the Qing clan who was defenseless against him.

Seeing this, the other two fled out in a panic.

Qingxuan forcibly broke away from the retreat, and at this time Qingxuan still failed to break through to the void realm, but he did not fall into the realm.

During this incident, the Qing Clan and the Chenyun Ancient Clan started a negotiation.

The final result was to hand over Xu You to the Qing Clan and let the Qing Clan deal with him.

For a waste, the Chenyun Ancient Clan didn't feel any distress.

(End of this chapter)

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